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'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math'


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Im fascinated of what's going on in US mostly because USA have always been the "Big Daddy" of the countries that we all need to bow for. 
But they are facing some big issues specially with economic and when shit hits the fan right there then the whole world going to suffer like 2008. 

With climate debate they are probably top 5 in terms of emissions.. 

The consumption is all about helping the big companies that doing business with political leaders so with a little bit of style the can get tax reduces 
and produce more while increasing prices for their shit clothes they are selling and then produce more


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People want to do good for the climate and also more and more people getting poorer and poorer.. 
Why can't just the people ask themself truly: Is it really a good Idea to have kids? 

Kids are a social construction for the middle class to brag about the fact that they can afford to have them. 

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this was on pbs a while ago and they finally put the whole thing up on youtube. it’s about 2 hours long. pretty fascinating exploration of cool places and showing what they were like millions of years ago etc.. fossil records etc.. dude is good at explaining shit. i'll probably cross post it to the fav youtube videos. very much a 'real world science' doc that shows how things are going.. how they were etc.. 


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A truly worst-case climate scenario: Losing control of the carbon cycle


not unrelated ...


Starlink carbon footprint up to 30 times size of land-based internet


Edited by iococoi
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we are so fucked


Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries


The planetary boundaries framework (1, 2) draws upon Earth system science (3). It identifies nine processes that are critical for maintaining the stability and resilience of Earth system as a whole. All are presently heavily perturbed by human activities.


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classic dickhole move


Federal regulators on Thursday approved the expansion of a natural gas pipeline in the Pacific Northwest over the protest of environmental groupsand top officials in West Coast states, who said it goes against the region’s plans to address climate change and could pose a wildfire risk.

The project, known as GTN Xpress, aims to expand the capacity of the Gas Transmission Northwest pipeline, which runs through Idaho, Washington and Oregon, by about 150 million cubic feet (4.2 million cubic meters) of natural gas per day. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave it the green light in a vote on Thursday.

TC Energy plans to modify three compressor stations along the pipeline — in Kootenai County, Idaho; Walla Walla County, Washington; and Sherman County, Oregon. Compressor stations help maintain the pressure and flow of gas over long distances in a pipeline.

In a statement, Audrey Leonard, staff attorney for environmental nonprofit Columbia Riverkeeper, said it represented a “rubber stamp of unnecessary fracked gas in the Northwest” and accused the energy agency of failing to listen to U.S. senators, governors, state attorneys general, tribes and members of the public.

Leonard said potential spills and explosions on the pipeline, which was built in the 1960s, would not only harm the environment but also present a heightened wildfire risk in the arid regions it passes through.

“An explosion of that level in eastern Washington or eastern Oregon would be catastrophic,” she said.

Leonard said Columbia Riverkeeper will appeal the federal regulators’ decision and submit a petition for a rehearing.

Environmentalists and officials opposed to the project have expressed concern about TC Energy’s safety record. Its Columbia Gas Transmission pipeline exploded in Strasburg, Virginia, in July and its existing Keystone pipeline spilled nearly 600,000 gallons of bitumen oil in Kansas last December.

The 1,377-mile (2,216-kilometer) pipeline runs from the Canadian border through a corner of Idaho and into Washington state and Oregon, connecting with a pipeline going into California.

Oregon, along with Washington and California, have passed laws requiring utilities to transition to 100% clean electricity sources by 2040 and 2045, respectively.



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On 9/5/2023 at 9:02 AM, Fade Rhombus said:

Sunspot activity accounts for a lot of what happens in our climate. Sunspots appear in a cycle, just like everything else. Sometimes those cycles phase with each other and you get superclusters. This is another thing we aren't being told.  These parasites use fear to get more of our taxes. These things ebb and flow. It's natural. The earth regulates it's temperature the same way our bodies do. 
For decades they told us we were facing an ice age ( even though we're just emerging from one now ), then it was the ozone layer, then it was BSE, then it was the milennium bug, then it was the mayans and their invisible planet and that propaganda movie "2012" that scared people half to death.

This is nothing but greedy avaricious parasites doing the same thing, all over again. In 10 years, it'll be something else. A decade after that, it'll be something else again. It's just new stratagems for utilizing fear. 

just biked in to say read the rules

On 9/27/2023 at 11:53 AM, cern said:

Kids are a social construct


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On 9/27/2023 at 11:53 AM, cern said:

People want to do good for the climate and also more and more people getting poorer and poorer.. 
Why can't just the people ask themself truly: Is it really a good Idea to have kids? 

Kids are a social construction for the middle class to brag about the fact that they can afford to have them. 

its almost like the extraction of value from the human working population of the world is itself analogous to the extraction of value from the environment itself.  its almost as if the ignoring of the externalities of this extraction from people and the environment are deeply interlinked. 

but in classic reactionary fashion, instead of understanding the linkage between the underlying issues, you pit the two against each other, as if one can be solved without solving the other.  its a good way to get nowhere really fast

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On 9/5/2023 at 9:02 AM, Fade Rhombus said:

For decades they told us we were facing an ice age ( even though we're just emerging from one now ), then it was the ozone layer, then it was BSE, then it was the milennium bug, then it was the mayans and their invisible planet and that propaganda movie "2012" that scared people half to death.


Ozone, acid rain, lead, y2k. You do realize the reason those are no longer crises is because scientists rallied to regulators and regulators did what they needed to do to stop it from getting worse right? We are only asking the same treatment be give to climate change. The evidence is OVERWHELMING, our best scientists have produced models and shown time and time again CO2 and other pollutants are contributing to a greenhouse effect and very quickly raising the temps on earth. The global average temperature has raised consistently over the last few years. This is shit humans are putting the in air that hasn't been there for millions of years, the current iterations of lifeforms here have never had this much carbon to deal with. Do you know how much a TON of carbon weighs? Can you picture that as an object, like a big ass pile of coal or dirt or something? Thats mixed in the sky now, times 40 billion, times every year going forward. To say that is 'natural' when we have been releasing this massive, massive amount of air into the sky every year at an increasing rate, and you expect nothing is being effected by it?


Yes, the libs want your tax money, that must be it, it's not the giant greedy megacorporations that control our oil industry that actually is obligated by it's shareholders to destroy this planet, it's the libs "pretending" to care, great theory dude.

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if you want some lighter climate adjacent news.. this is hilarious and shows how bankers and corporations can fuck plans for cities trying to change things for the better in relation to pedestrians, cyclists, walkable cities, planting trees, mass transit etc..  the details of this deal are amazing and wtf how could they be so stupid and short sighted?? because of course they're stupid and short sighted because america. 


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On 9/5/2023 at 9:02 AM, Fade Rhombus said:

then it was the mayans and their invisible planet and that propaganda movie "2012" that scared people half to death.

lol. people got scared from that stupid movie? it's such a terrible movie full of tropes and easy ways out of any sticky plot complication with the personal lives of the characters. i don't see how anyone could've been scared by that movie. it's practically a hollywood romp. 

this is a pretty quick moving video that connects a lot of dots in regard to "emerging from an ice age" which is called an "ice age termination event". so, the video title isn't necessarily click bait. 

it's not a climate doomer type of video.. more just an explanation of things with more information to back up the idea that this event is happening around 100,000 years too soon. 

it's worth a watch. 


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3 hours ago, iococoi said:



Over the last three years, an interconnected network of political action committees (PACs), largely funded by billionaires who support school privatization, has begun to transform the nature of local school board elections across Texas. They’ve done this with the help of consultants whose efforts have largely gone unnoticed.


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interesting non-doomer chat w/nobel physicist about all kinds of stuff. the first 40 minutes or so is bio info on his life. pretty informal chat.. talks about his journey from physics to his current projects working in energy tech and other stuff. i marked it for that start of the climate stuff


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