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Heart Attack Grill spokesman dies of heart attack

Rubin Farr

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People's health - when it comes to their diet and personal choices - is their own responsibility IMO.

This logic often pops up when talking about things like predatory lending or tobacco companies or crack dealers.



It's highly-presumptuous and overly-simplistic.

it's not society's duty to regulate matters of personal choice. it is only our duty to educate and provide the means for people to make good decisions.




I didn't say it was.



I was just saying that the restaurant is not an innocent party in this. They make money from selling people highly-addictive poison.


I see. I'm not sure how my statement clears all responsibility away from businesses. I was trying to say that people have the right to do what they want with their own bodies. "Heart Attack Grill" is certainly pretty clear about what can happen when you eat their food, so to me it's not really the same as predatory lending or tobacco industries, which both downplay the risks of their products. As for crack dealers, uh, if someone gets addicted to crack, sure the dealer is not "an innocent party," but it's still the users responsibility (or right, however you want to think about it) to take care of their own body.


Basically I just believe in the right to do what you wish with your own body. I'm against the drug war and prohibition, I'm pro-choice, and I can't sit here and say that people who routinely choose to eat at a place called the Heart Attack Grill should be sympathized with when they croak - as the business told them they would.


Soda companies make highly addictive poison that's detrimental to people's health... as do alcohol manufacturers. I don't want to ban either of those things. It would just be nice if people were consistent with the responsibility we all have to take care of ourselves. I don't even think of this as a political argument - seriously, ultimately, it is up to the individual to take care of their body, no matter if there's a government at all.


I dunno, is that thin privileged of me?

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chjeck out the waitresses god damn what sluts i hate women


Yeah, because sluts don't make the world a better place or anything. Aslo, I'm getting a fucking burger now.

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am I the only one that actually likes the idea of this place?


they are the only honest restaurant in the United States. i can get behind this (though I don't think I'd ever eat there...maybe a single bypass burger..that looks good)

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I am perfectly fine with the concept of gluttony as long as the glutton has a healthy mindset, ie "gotdang I really love me some food, I wish everyone could afford to eat like this", not "OH GOD I HAVE NO CONTROL I HATE MY LIFE, MUST KILL SELF WITH FOOD", or whatever the heck fatman is


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Those burgers actually look legitimately terrible. Fucking grey meat slathered in lard isn't a burger, it's shit.


I'm 100% OK with people who think burgers should be overcooked and greasy and covered in process cheese taking themselves out of the gene pool. Fucking Las Vegas, goddamn culinary rubes, fuck you all.

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I went to this place once and survived a double bypass burger.



how were the fries? fried in pure lard sounds pretty incredible tasting. im more interested in trying the fries than the burgers.

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I am perfectly fine with the concept of gluttony as long as the glutton has a healthy mindset, ie "gotdang I really love me some food, I wish everyone could afford to eat like this", not "OH GOD I HAVE NO CONTROL I HATE MY LIFE, MUST KILL SELF WITH FOOD", or whatever the heck fatman is


fatman speaks volumes

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Mild cheddar?


You're going to kill yourself and you're going to do it with goddamn fucking mild fucking cheddar?


I am fucking done with this universe, you all disgust me.

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I went to this place once and survived a double bypass burger.



how were the fries? fried in pure lard sounds pretty incredible tasting. im more interested in trying the fries than the burgers.


They were greasy as all hell but crispier then normal. When I went I was disappointed to find out that they stopped carrying gravy to put on the fries so I had to use ketchup.


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