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Spoiling a surprise party


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making a thread about it when you didn't even do it is worse



I was going to post the same but i was waiting for someone with more credibility to say it.


This thread is like me making a thread about how i could have prevented 9/11, you know i was alive and was living near new york at the time.

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id say dropping your grinder + weed on a dirty carpet, especially when its the last of your stuff, is worse :/

about to smoke some weed outdoors off the top of a pop can with holes in it

and then you sneeze & the dope flys off the deck

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Guest RadarJammer

how about walking in on someones sex or having your parents walk in on you jerkin or something


i spilled a baked potato fixed with sour cream and grated cheese on my carpet not too long ago

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got my hopes up this would have been a good story.

Sorry all.


I didn't go into more detail because I was so paranoid that I had actually spoiled the party that I was reluctant to post anything more about it on the Internet, in fear that I would re-spoil the party I nearly spoiled.


I seriously fucked up btw.


Yesterday, I was supposed to go to my friend's surprise party that his brother (who was over-seas but stealthily came back into the States as part of the surprise) was throwing him.

A job popped up, so I had to cancel.

My friend (who's birthday it was) and another friend of mine and I just started a band, so we've texted a few times back and forth in grouped messages.

The invite for the surprise party was organized by my friend's brother via Facebook. He invited like a hundred people or something because it was his 30th birthday.

So it was kind of a big deal.

For some strange reason, I had convinced myself that it wasn't my friend's birthday, but his brother's birthday. I have no idea why.

I've been busy the last few days and spaced on checking the Facebook invite to confirm.

So what did I do?

I drafted a text to my band mates ( the birthday boy and my other friend Dave ) to say " Hey. I had a job pop up, so I can't make it to the surprise party tonight. Give the "Surprise!" A little extra gusto for me. Btw, I'm totally down to practice twice a week."

I then checked 3 times to make sure the birthday boy's brother wasn't accidentally included by mistake on the text and then I sent the message.

A few hours passed. I hadn't heard any reply.

I was on Facebook and saw the invite for the party and realized I had STUPIDLY confused the two brothers and sent the text to my friend AND the birthday boy.

I instantly whipped out my phone, panicked and deleted my text, as if that would help.

I then called my other friend and told him what I had just realized, knowing that the birthday boy sometimes leaves home without his phone, hoping that maybe my friend and I could somehow intervene and possibly prevent him from seeing the text, although it was almost certainly too late.


When I told my friend, his reaction was basically "oh no!".

There was silence.

I told him how bad I felt and he told me that I shouldn't beat myself up and that they'd probably have fun anyway. He sounded clearly disappointed in me though.

I actually lied a little to him and said I had sent the text by accident in our grouped text chain, which I hadn't. I didn't have the heart to tell him I sent it to the birthday boy consciously, like the fucking idiot I am.

He checked his phone and said that the message didn't show up in his phone as a grouped message and there may be a chance he didn't get it.

I asked if there was anything I could do to fix what I had done and he told me not to do anything else, in fear that I would make it worse.

I apologized and we ended the call.

I felt really bad and just had the mental image of every person in that whole circle of friends thinking I was a completely useless retard.


Instantly, I had an idea.

I had realized I didn't mention the birthday boy's name in my spoiler text, so I may be able to confuse him into thinking I sent it to him by accident, assuming he was a different person.

The birthday boy's actual birthday was a few days ago, so maybe i had a chance of getting around it with a diversion. I thought I could send a follow-up text, saying:

"Turns out my wife can't make it either :(

She's gotta pick up a friend's shift. Tell Amy we both say "Happy Birthday!"


I called him back, pitched my plan and asked if it was better to do that or do nothing.

He said it was better and worth a shot. Plus, we could see if that message was grouped or not.


I hung up and sent the message.


The birthday boy, Kevin, texted me back:

"Yo! I think you're texting the wrong guy. I don't know an Amy having a birthday."


I replied:

"Shit! Sorry! Totally texted the wrong Kevin."


He replied:

"Haha! No worries!"


I called my other friend back and told him.

It seemed like I fixed it... miraculously.


I then was about to tell you guys everything, but then got paranoid that Kevin was on WATMM by some fluke and I would re-ruin everything.


My wife went to the party and said everything went over great. Apparently Kevin had no clue.

He said it was the first time in his life he'd ever been surprised.


I swear.


I've been feeling really depressed, in general, lately.

If I would have ruined that surprise, I would have felt like complete shit.


Anyway. My apologies for posting a half-baked thread.

I just got REALLY paranoid and choked.

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Thinking back on it, I think I've only seen a successful surprise for a party once. Every other time the person seems to find out about the party beforehand, or someone slips and blows it, and they have to pretend to be surprised

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but then got paranoid that Kevin was on WATMM by some fluke and I would re-ruin everything.





making a delicious dinner and then dumping the plate on the carpet, while having no other food left in the house, and not enough money to order a pizza.


Taking your girlfriend on a trip to Amsterdam for her birthday to see Biosphere and Lustmord play live and realizing you dragged her to a Noise-Festival the moment you see a girl wearing a Merzbow-T-Shirt.

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