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Cute Pictures Thread

Guest bitroast

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Guest bitroast

Squee should make a squee thread dedicated to cute pictures like that only.


This is a thread for cute pictures.

& please, no funny pictures in the cute pictures thread. leave that shit for the funny pictures thread.



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Can we keep cats out of this thread please? They're attention seeking fuckwits. They're the animal equivalent of that girl at school who is beautiful and graceful and you fall in love with them only to realize they have an abyss of a personality.

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Colbert had an innovative pig farmer on his show last night who cross bred some Russian and Chinese pigs to create the tastiest pork known to man. He brought some piglets with him and they looked like cute little puppies.



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Can we keep cats out of this thread please? They're attention seeking fuckwits. They're the animal equivalent of that girl at school who is beautiful and graceful and you fall in love with them only to realize they have an abyss of a personality.



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oh my god... is that a baby goat? oh my god, that cute little tongue sticking out and its cute little rectangle irises. omg baby goat. this has just affirmed my aspirations to start a goat farm.

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