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please sum up the now 48 page thread [and counting]on the new BOC release

Guest yikes

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ah yes. you are quite right sir. but we have bred them with extra back fat so that one's orbs are not crushed during a gallop. i suggest you may find it a superior riding experience.

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I'm not the only one that sees "blow job", right?



I just see "bowel job"


ah yes. you are quite right sir. but we have bred them with extra back fat so that one's orbs are not crushed during a gallop. i suggest you may find it a superior riding experience.


very well then


*digs spurs into stepheng*

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I'm not the only one that sees "blow job", right?



I just see "bowel job"


ah yes. you are quite right sir. but we have bred them with extra back fat so that one's orbs are not crushed during a gallop. i suggest you may find it a superior riding experience.


very well then


*digs spurs into stepheng*




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Guest Ron Manager

dunno, but i was thinking about going to Slovenia.


what a fantastic idea - disguise the nice tits / asses thread by putting it in the BOC subforum. why didn't anyone think of this sooner?

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Guest zaphod

hope the numbers are coordinates of an island. all the boc superfans can journey there. fans from around the world. they get to the windswept island and gather in a field, sharing stories of internet sleuthing, holding red moon parties in suburbia. some of them have dreadlocks. they wait for boc to arrive and share the new album. a b-52 flies over and releases a payload of what looks like vinyl records. the moment has arrived. everyone cheers. then the cheers turn to frenzied shouting. as the vinyl fall it becomes clear that they aren't records. they're specially designed glide bombs. people trip over one another to get clear of the field, but it's too late. the island is vaporized. boc film it from offshore on hi-8 cameras. they take the film on a farewell screening tour called "watch the boc foundation burn a million autistic retards". the tour is a success. the plan that began in the mid 90's is finally complete. boc can retire and live in peace with their asian wives.

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