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Pearls Of Wisdom


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what have u learned about something? just little funny funny things maybe? just for a laugh or it could be more constructive, makes no difference. come on then, share your wisdoms with the watmm.

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One of the hardest lessons in life to learn is figuring out which bridges to cross and which to burn.


Crying doesn't indicate that you're weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you're alive.


Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

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absentmindedly (though thoroughly) attending to a rectal itch followed by a nose itch on account of watching a film or otherwise being mentally engaged in something, may lead to unfortunate results.


Those who relish the scent of "singed dark chocolate" need not be afraid in regard to this predicament.

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Ctrl+Shift+Escape (Windows XP and Seven)


What is important is what you do, so stop talking so much.


Sex is good, you should get a girlfriend (especially if the last one was stolen by The Phex)


Dont buy so much gear, concentrate on composition and mixing/mastering.


Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Cry and I'll give you something to cry about, you little bastard.

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- The subconscious will often attempt to sabotage the plans you construct, it has a separate agenda to your wants and needs.


- Without a concise set of rules to follow, we would probably all have to resort to common sense.


- In order to completely describe everything, you'd need to build a 1:1 scale model and run a simulation with it for the length of history.

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- if a single, wide gauge, ink line is drawn, connecting all the moles on the human body, in exactly the right order; a secret message is then revealed, that only the carrier can decipher


- if u combine the dried runny's from your nose, with a small bit of the wax of your ears, it forms a low-power plastic explosive that u can then swallow to widen clogged arteries and eliminate kidney stones


- contrary to popular belief, there r in fact thousands of monsters in your closet and under your bed, they are just very small


- millions of people throughout the world drink their own urine on a daily basis

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||| If you put your penis in a blender and turn it on (high-power mode)-- shit gets mangled, son.


||| Rent is the biggest money waster, so find a cheap place to live to save money. In that vein, learn to cook, to save money by buying bulk beans, grains, etc.


||| If you meditate daily, you can literally become an IDM ninja.


||| Spread Love, and you're fucking awesome. Spread hate- I take you out in the octagon, son.


||| If you put your penis in a blender and turn it on (high-power mode), you should probably reconsider your life path and whether your actions are backing your envisioned idealistic lifestyle. However, if your vision of an eternal-Spring dream is that of freely living through expression and good-times- with a mangled penis- you may in fact be at the start of the best path possible. If you go past 5 seconds with the blender, though, you may end up with penis soup, depending on your blender quality. If you're not sure, ask customer service how to blend your penis. I would be surprised if they help you with that, but it is exactly that kind of effort that's required for success in life. Because life isn't about being safe and ever-comfortable-- it is about following your heart and taking the actions required to get you to be the person you need to be, to live the life you want to live. When all is said and done, you will thank yourself like a muthafucka.


||| Just watch hundreds of YouTube elite skill vids, and arbitrarily choose a skill (preferably dexterity related to start off with), and just jump into it and master the shit out of it. The benefit of this is using your brain in new ways, which indirectly improves all other related brain-function. The second benefit is that after a few months of 13-hours-a-day practice, you'll be able to spin pencils around your fingers like a sorcerer, and your smoothness with surely help with getting some silky, silky vagiznaz or peniznaz. Your brain starts to get like (whilst looking in the mirror), "I can twirl pencils like a god- fuck, I can bang that hottty outside." Five minutes later: "Ooooh, Federico, I think I'm orgazming!!!" It is then, that you realize someone named Federico might very well be able to out-pencil-twirl you... Is it then, when you choose a life of only-flick-genitals-no-orgasm, to become the best you can be- at prolly another arbitrarily chosen YouTube elite skill.


||| Unplug wi-fi when sleeping, and keep cell phones away from your body, as well.

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