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How Has The WATMM Influenced Your Musical Choices?


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have you been influenced by watmm, or through the filter of watmm? in small ways or big ways? plees share some of the positive or negative ways your musical choices have been effected by watmm or how they have generally changed, throughout the years, inside or outside of the watmm.




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Guest Rulohead32

Obviously, I've discovered so many idm artists, but I also discovered new talents here that make really good music. Moreover, the songs I make also keep getting influenced more and more by idm as time passes.

but i still love Rihanna


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i h8 idm


same here. for some reason i always get the impression that people here listen to their music and think it's super special and totally awesome, it makes me hate it even more.



then do us all a favour and fuck off. simples.


watmm. the place you love to hate.


thankfully I had 15 years of working myself to the bone to get real good music. nowadays its so fucking easy and simple, at the touch of a button.


kiss my fucking arse you twat. I love watmm!



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I liked IDM before I came to watmm, obviously, but watmm helped me discover a lot of artists.


Watmm also introduced me to a lot of hip hop, that I didn't know I liked beforehand. I think one of a best resources on watmm is the discussion of musical inspiration/sample sources for IDM tracks.

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i thought the question was, "how has watmm influenced your musical choices", not "how would you defend your precious idm from someone if they happened not to worship it and live their lives through it like yourself"

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yes friendly foil, because we all know that it's simply not possible to dislike, in any way. we know this is the truth, because anytime anyone mentions that they might not enjoy it, or criticizes it, it isn't simply to express their opinion, they either must be trolling or trying to get attention

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yes friendly foil, because we all know that it's simply not possible to dislike, in any way. we know this is the truth, because anytime anyone mentions that they might not enjoy it, or criticizes it, it isn't simply to express their opinion, they either must be trolling or trying to get attention


oh my god


just admit that you love controversy and drama


and then fuck off

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i h8 idm


same here. for some reason i always get the impression that people here listen to their music and think it's super special and totally awesome, it makes me hate it even more.



Maybe some of us have introvert tendencies and hold the music close to heart. So yeah, maybe it special to us? So what?


Fuck off if you don't like this forum or the music.


This begs the question why the mods haven't initiated a temporary ban on this guy as he is clearly disrupting to the community.

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yes friendly foil, because we all know that it's simply not possible to dislike, in any way. we know this is the truth, because anytime anyone mentions that they might not enjoy it, or criticizes it, it isn't simply to express their opinion, they either must be trolling or trying to get attention

oh my god


just admit that you love controversy and drama


and then fuck off



if thats the way Charles wants it then FUCKING FINE












***slams door***

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Can we have CharlesWatkins banned pls? A lot of people have been banned for a lot less.


Also... To keep posting on a IDM forum, even though you hate the genre, is pretty fucking retarded.


Dare i say, it might even be trolling.



Ban CharlesWatkins pls


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I've found out about VHS Head, Machinedrum, along with a lot of other non-braindance artists. I even think I really started listening to John Fahey through this forum, which is a far cry from electronic music. Fairly diverse recs 'round these parts.

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I'm so just sick of certain member's 2cool4watmm attitudes. Find somewhere else where you are not wasting your (and our) time, if you don't like it here... It's as simple as that.


Yeah same here. It's like someone joining a Coldplay forum and then thinking it's edgy to talk shit about Coldplay and their fans.

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I've found out about VHS Head, Machinedrum, along with a lot of other non-braindance artists. I even think I really started listening to John Fahey through this forum, which is a far cry from electronic music. Fairly diverse recs 'round these parts.

yes i found about vhs head here only recently got the two EPs and they are sweet. think i'll blast them right now.

also the latest ceephax album i prob wouldn't have got except for a thread here, and i think it will always be a fav of mine since it's total class (imo tier 1)

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You clearly haven't been following CharlesWatkins recently then.

then stop following him ya frickin dork! who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks? well, either you do or you don't, but if you hate his posts so much why don't you just ignore them? i think there's even an ignore list.


so sick of this toocoolforcharleswatkins attitude



and by the way, just know this- that even if you got your way and he was banned, he would still be out there. try learning to deal with the fact that people exist who you will not gel with.

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