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How Has The WATMM Influenced Your Musical Choices?


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anyone still into kidnapping, torturing, and plugging fuck out of charles watkins. ive got the tools if anyones got the willpower.

im up for jizzing on his burned, ruined corpse aswell, just get me a decent dutch ball torture mag to get my willy excited.

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anyone still into kidnapping, torturing, and plugging fuck out of charles watkins. ive got the tools if anyones got the willpower.

im up for jizzing on his burned, ruined corpse aswell, just get me a decent dutch ball torture mag to get my willy excited.

Jeezus man, that's fucking sadistic. I think the damage is done already, we don't need to add any more to it.

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anyone still into kidnapping, torturing, and plugging fuck out of charles watkins. ive got the tools if anyones got the willpower.

im up for jizzing on his burned, ruined corpse aswell, just get me a decent dutch ball torture mag to get my willy excited.


Afterwards, we can go on a pleasant nature walk, then get some bubble tea and talk about feelings.


Yeah, WATMM is like a supermarket of music recs. Not just the IDMs. I love it when there's a big discussion about very "non-WATMM" music that gets you to check out some jazz or reggae or hip hop or rock n roll that has never graced your ears.

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Also, as a more serious answer to the question about influence:


musical choices outside of idm: answer = yes. (think of jazz/classical/hiphop/rock and whatnot)

within the idm hemisphere: answer = hardly. i mean, if you read a new boc is going to be released, i wouldn't call it "influenced" if you happen to pre-order it ...etc.

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Basically I discovered those artists while being here:


Oneohtrix Point Never, µ-Ziq, Jon Hopkins, Friendly Foil, Zander One, Arovane, Boards of Canada, Bola, Gescom, The Tuss, Steinvord, Venetian Snares, Dntel, Orbital, David Peck and Nosaj Thing.


oh' my goodness me

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some sad shit wat-kins being dumped


when are we gonna petition bees to get unbanned?


the guy (richiebees) was constantly posting NSFW stuff. I doubt they relax the rules that much to get him unbanned.


He never did anything to me personally but I can see why he was banned. I think he was warned explicitly about posting something in the "funny pictures" thread and then he blatantly disobeyed and posted some NSFW stuff in response...

I don't remember the content or whole story honestly but that's how I remember it.


But Charles twatkins had it coming. All of his posts were fuck watmm this fuck watmmers that, fuck genban,troll troll troll

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i never found him that annoying personally until he posted in the GTAV thread saying he got the game early and then when someone asked how he said 'u mad bro?' it was like the ultimate elementary school passive aggressive bullying technique, the kid who acts like he had the new toy or videogame before anybody else 'i just played mario brothers 3 and it was awesome'. fuck that guy, i'm glad he's dead

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i never found him that annoying personally until he posted in the GTAV thread saying he got the game early and then when someone asked how he said 'u mad bro?' it was like the ultimate elementary school passive aggressive bullying technique, the kid who acts like he had the new toy or videogame before anybody else 'i just played mario brothers 3 and it was awesome'. fuck that guy, i'm glad he's dead


lol yeah I know what you mean

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it was obvious that charlie was influenced by something with far greater magnetism, than the watmm and he has now been pulled from us by it. be it his fierce expression of individuality

and need for us to conform to it, or the sheer power of his bad tastes; the answer, we may never know..




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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just some cunt with a torrented copy of the Aphex discography before this site. Now I stay inside all the time and feel overwhelmed by the amount of music available to me.

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not at all, or if anything negatively. Sometimes I end up actively avoiding anything anyone praises around here because 99.89% of the other times you are all a bunch of bitchcake queerboats that have never danced before. Waaah this is so derivative, what the hell is this played out shit? Drum n' Bass is soooo 95. *greedily inhales fetid pools of 303/analord cum into gaping asshole*

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