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How Has The WATMM Influenced Your Musical Choices?


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Clearly a CharlesWatkins fanboy over here. Maybe he's your dupe account or something?


The guy spends all his time trolling the shit out of this place, that's the reason I want him banned (ya frickin dork)

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You clearly haven't been following CharlesWatkins recently then.

then stop following him ya frickin dork! who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks? well, either you do or you don't, but if you hate his posts so much why don't you just ignore them? i think there's even an ignore list.


so sick of this toocoolforcharleswatkins attitude



and by the way, just know this- that even if you got your way and he was banned, he would still be out there. try learning to deal with the fact that people exist who you will not gel with.



Good. He can exist out there where he isn't able to antagonize WATMM members. The constant trolling and antagonizing out of that guy is fucking annoying, presumably for more members than just me and ceerial.

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Guest Rulohead32

Basically I discovered those artists while being here:


Oneohtrix Point Never, µ-Ziq, Jon Hopkins, Friendly Foil, Zander One, Arovane, Boards of Canada, Bola, Gescom, The Tuss, Steinvord, Venetian Snares, Dntel, Orbital, David Peck and Nosaj Thing.

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Clearly a CharlesWatkins fanboy over here. Is he your dupe account or something?


The guy spends all his time trolling the shit out of this place, that's the reason I want him banned (you friction dork)

charles watkins taught me that i could love again

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WATMM increased my Drexciya love, introduced me to a few great local artists (I'm looking at you Brian E, Brian Grainger, Fluorescent Grey, Ink Jet, Rotodrone, Gem Atrium), allowed me to speak directly with a few artists I love (hi tiraquon, Johnny Hawk), and got me to listen to way more Vibert aliases than I had ever known existed. This place helped kindle my love of nu-disco, electro, and the much-lamented vaporwave, got me to appreciate acid music a bit more, and keeps me up to date on weird fringe album releases like that new Frog Pocket last year. This site has also influenced a few of the VSTs & pieces of hardware I've bought and come to use regularly, as well. Long live wattm.

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Clearly a CharlesWatkins fanboy over here. Is he your dupe account or something?


The guy spends all his time trolling the shit out of this place, that's the reason I want him banned (ya frickin dork)

charles watkins taught me that i could love again



Good for you.


Now go enter the two way door (whatever the shit that means). And don't give me your cringe worthy life lessons MisterE :emotawesomepm9:

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Clearly a CharlesWatkins fanboy over here. Is he your dupe account or something?


The guy spends all his time trolling the shit out of this place, that's the reason I want him banned (ya frickin dork)

charles watkins taught me that i could love again



Good for you.


Now go enter the two way door (whatever the shit that means). And don't give me your cringe worthy life lessons MisterE :emotawesomepm9:


are you kidding me?

do you take notes on everything everyone says even it it's not aimed at you?

maybe there's your prob?



edit- lemme highlight this- i can't remember a single thing i've ever seen YOU say in here ceerial. and you remember some comment i made months ago to someone else

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Clearly a CharlesWatkins fanboy over here. Is he your dupe account or something?


The guy spends all his time trolling the shit out of this place, that's the reason I want him banned (ya frickin dork)

charles watkins taught me that i could love again



Good for you.


Now go enter the two way door (whatever the shit that means). And don't give me your cringe worthy life lessons MisterE :emotawesomepm9:


are you kidding me?

do you take notes on everything everyone says even it it's not aimed at you?

maybe there's your prob?



edit- lemme highlight this- i can't remember a single thing i've ever seen YOU say in here ceerial. and you remember some comment i made months ago to someone else



Riiiiight, so post #27 in this thread wasn't aimed at me?


Anyways.. This is getting kind of silly, let's bury the hatchet.

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Riiight, so post #27 in this thread wasn't aimed at me?


Anyways.. This is getting kind of silly, let's bury the hatchet.


oh christ man, i was talking about the door comment. and you knew that. i made that months ago to foil and you for some reason held onto it. but whatever dude! it is silly. i just think you are going to be miserable if you allow some guy who acts like an ass online to aggravate you, when you have an ignore list you can add him to, or you can just avoid his threads entirely. i mean he prob is pushing it a bit and possibly will get banned, and honestly i couldn't care less. it doesn't affect me either way. except sometimes i think its fun to post stupid stuff in threads started by people like him where it's just a shit post thread. don't you have any sense of humor?

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To be fair (and I'm a huge fan of being fair and balanced), this wasn't a Watkins thread so it's not like you can just avoid the thread based on that. The only thing dear Mr. Watkins did was to start out the entire thread on a really shitty note. The guy's been on a "idm sux lol"-crusade for weeks now.



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Riiight, so post #27 in this thread wasn't aimed at me?


Anyways.. This is getting kind of silly, let's bury the hatchet.


oh christ man, i was talking about the door comment. and you knew that. i made that months ago to foil and you for some reason held onto it. but whatever dude! it is silly. i just think you are going to be miserable if you allow some guy who acts like an ass online to aggravate you, when you have an ignore list you can add him to, or you can just avoid his threads entirely. i mean he prob is pushing it a bit and possibly will get banned, and honestly i couldn't care less. it doesn't affect me either way. except sometimes i think its fun to post stupid stuff in threads started by people like him where it's just a shit post thread. don't you have any sense of humor?



If "shit posts" are considered to be humor... Then no, I don't have any humor.

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it's made me actually bother to listen to stuff that's part of the modern hype machine, like oneohtrix point never or machinedrum which i probably would have staved off for as long as possible had i not seen people (Codey, xxx specifically) i respect talking about it on this forum.

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OPN (probably at least in part. He seemed to be all over the place in 2010)




ehhh there's probably some others but I think that's it as far as electronic musicians go. I did get into U-Ziq after joining WATMM but that was because someone irl mentioned him in passing & I was like "hey that's that guy"


edit - oh wait, Nobukazu Takemura as well. That guy's the bomb

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My music influences were already pretty well moulded long before I joined this community, but it has helped me stay informed about upcoming releases. It's inspired me to buy R.I.P. by Actress, though I've yet to explore Oneohtrix Point Never - a name that gets dropped here frequently.

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