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2014: the year Ellen Page made scores of neckbeards cry out in psychic anguish


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Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!

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Some things shouldn't be decided democratically. Like whether citizens should be treated like shit or not.


by the way, a fallacy again: gay people in france are not at all treated like shit.

now if you consider refusing access to the traditional institution of marriage to gay people as treating them like shit, hell yeah, they're being treated like shit. so unfair. lol

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Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!


No, I'm not gay as if it would be important at all to this conversation. Would you like more personal information about me? What my favorite sexual position is? Or how about my favorite food? Would you like to know my worst memory? Or my deepest regret?


Secondly, you are shifting blame for their bigotry onto me? Somehow it is my fault they are backwards, unreasonable, and incapable of forming coherent thoughts? I don't understand.


How am I cultivating hate for gays by openly defending them as being legitimate and claiming they deserve equal rights?


My problem is bigots. This is quite obvious. Did you read the thread?


Not to mention they are still spewing their nonsense. Same argument. Never acknowledging the substantial claims and questions. They will discredit themselves when they begin to speak openly. This is why they refuse to do so. It's quite obvious. And I don't give a fuck if it pisses them off.

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I don't believe you, saying you now don't know what I mean is a lie. Stop pretending, you're making it even worse. I'm just pointing it out to you, since I don't think that is really your intention. I am now going to sleep.

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I don't believe you, saying you now don't know what I mean is a lie. Stop pretending, you're making it even worse. I'm just pointing it out to you, since I don't think that is really your intention. I am now going to sleep.


I have no idea what you are talking about seriously.

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Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!


Would you like more personal information about me? What my favorite sexual position is?



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Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!


Would you like more personal information about me? What my favorite sexual position is?





Depends on the scenario, but in a 1v1 doggy, 69, or just eating pussy in general.

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a protest is not a democratic majority

of course not, but by googling "manif pour tous", you'll have a glimpse of the situation. btw it's not one protest, there were several ones, and they were crowdy.


what gender theory do they teach in school where you are? I don't necessarily agree with all kinds of gender theory, but lying? you'd have to be more specific about what you think they are lying about

the joke is the minister of education, coupled with the minister of woman rights, are lying about the very existence of this program being teached at school, when all the proofs are there. to deal with ridicule, they're using euphemisms such as "gender studies", to hide the fact that this program is indeed being teached in some schools.


it may not be that they are individually homophobic exactly, but more that their identity depends on homophobic institutions

proove me the homophobic nature of the protesting movement in france.


I'm not saying the movement is homophobic, I'm saying that institutions such as the catholic church, marriage as an institution, and so on, can be homophobic


I'd be interested to know what 'gender studies' is exactly


Like LimpyLoo said, civil rights trump popular opinion and should, so I don't really care how big the protests are

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Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!


Would you like more personal information about me? What my favorite sexual position is?





Depends on the scenario, but in a 1v1 doggy, 69, or just eating pussy in general.


twist ending: you're a girl

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a protest is not a democratic majority

of course not, but by googling "manif pour tous", you'll have a glimpse of the situation. btw it's not one protest, there were several ones, and they were crowdy.


what gender theory do they teach in school where you are? I don't necessarily agree with all kinds of gender theory, but lying? you'd have to be more specific about what you think they are lying about

the joke is the minister of education, coupled with the minister of woman rights, are lying about the very existence of this program being teached at school, when all the proofs are there. to deal with ridicule, they're using euphemisms such as "gender studies", to hide the fact that this program is indeed being teached in some schools.


it may not be that they are individually homophobic exactly, but more that their identity depends on homophobic institutions

proove me the homophobic nature of the protesting movement in france.


I'm not saying the movement is homophobic, I'm saying that institutions such as the catholic church, marriage as an institution, and so on, can be homophobic


I'd be interested to know what 'gender studies' is exactly


Like LimpyLoo said, civil rights trump popular opinion and should, so I don't really care how big the protests are



This is pretty clear proof of my assertions, no? I mean either he doesn't understand the questions due to language barrier or he just ignores all of the important ones to continue to go on and on about democratic process being compromised for the sake of battling bigotry.



Prove me the homophobic nature fucking lol...It is in its very nature homophobic.






Dudes. I don't know exactly who's gay around here, who's black and who's transgender. What I do know is, after reading all of it, I don't really want to converse with gay people, especially if they're like that ErsatzEnui guy or whatever his name is, who left. If you're reading this - do you even realize you're making it worse? Do you do that a lot? Cause, I think you should just shut up about all of it, except if your goal is to help people develop hate towards the gay. And if you're not even gay (maybe I got it wrong, I think you somewhere suggested you weren't)... Then what the fuck is your problem, really?


This is completely insane! Ellen Page!


Would you like more personal information about me? What my favorite sexual position is?





Depends on the scenario, but in a 1v1 doggy, 69, or just eating pussy in general.


twist ending: you're a girl



I wish...

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I'm not saying the movement is homophobic, I'm saying that institutions such as the catholic church, marriage as an institution, and so on, can be homophobic


whoops, i didn't read carefully so i made an irrelevant comment, sorry.

on catholic church, i don't know their view on homosexuality but i guess they're not in favour, are they?. now, is marriage a homophobic institution?

let's step back for a moment. i checked the definition of homophobia in an english dictionary: fear or hate or discrimination against homosexuals.

i never knew about discrimination against homosexuals being part of the meaning to homophobia. throughout my speech, not a single time was i aware of that definition. were you?

my personal definition was fear or hate of homosexuals, not discrimination. i guess that following the official definition, yeah, marriage is a homophobic institution. not in that it's motivated by fear or hate of homosexuals, but in that homosexuals can't have access to it.


i'm quite positive the protesting movement in france is not aware of that meaning to homophobia. what they mean by not being motivated by homophobia is they don't hate homosexuals, they just want to preserve one of the last ancient institutions they're happy with.

now when it comes to discriminating homosexuals, that's an entirely different topic that i don't care about and don't want to go into. homosexuals can already have civil union in france, and they're not being discriminated anymore. pretending so is very dishonest imo. unless you prove me wrong.

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whether or not marriage and civil union are equivalent - well if they are equivalent then why not just call both marriage or both civil union?


could it not be the case that the only way to "preserve the ancient institution of marriage" would be to accept that since gay people can love each other just as deeply and can be just as commited, they should be included. if marriage isn't about love in some universal sense, then it's just a formal contract, and I don't know about you, but I always thought that marriage was meant to have a kind of spiritual or poetic weight to it?


it's not about love in a universal sense if you don't include gay people, it's an exclusive club for straight people, which isn't very loving is it?

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whether or not marriage and civil union are equivalent - well if they are equivalent then why not just call both marriage or both civil union?


could it not be the case that the only way to "preserve the ancient institution of marriage" would be to accept that since gay people can love each other just as deeply and can be just as commited, they should be included. if marriage isn't about love in some universal sense, then it's just a formal contract, and I don't know about you, but I always thought that marriage was meant to have a kind of spiritual or poetic weight to it?


it's not about love in a universal sense if you don't include gay people, it's an exclusive club for straight people, which isn't very loving is it?


but marriage was never meant for other configurations than man + woman, for whatever reason. your point on love in an universal sense is irrelevant imo. i'm not even giving my personal opinion, i'm stating a fact, a social reality.


i'll give you a personal opinion though. it's not related to your point but i want to state this:

the whole homophobia debate is another big intellectual fraud imo, in the case of france. i'm only talking about france, and no other country.

it's an intellectual fraud because the situation is not that of a discriminated community fighting for civil rights, it is that of a lobby claiming to represent that community, paired with the government, that decide together what should be done for the civil rights of that "community", without even asking anybody's opinion.

so the homophobia point has no relevance in this debate because the most concerned people on the matter, the gay "community", were not its instigators. why should we debate something when the most concerned people have the same rights as everybody, and were not the instigators of that debate?

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