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8th MOST IDM Tournament: Brainstorming


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+1 for slime molds and cordyceps







Bad Translator






Original text:


"we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"


...35 translations later, Bing gives us:


"They will gladly help you. The music is smoke free."



Original text:


"i did it for the rush, the adaptation and the general backwardness of the act"


...35 translations later, Bing gives us:


"The right amount of delay."


Original text:


"The only way to be safe from garbage-rummaging ho-bagz, is to ejaculate into fire. You could save the hassle of a bonfire by ejaculating into a frying pan, but there's really something special about ejaculating into a bonfire under a full-moon; wear"


...35 translations later, Bing gives us:


"John Bernard is the only way to save the cost of the fire. Burning in the bowl is full, is really only an issue each month, spray the Skunk silk."

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Did SPISH ever win? And I always had a soft spot for Strandbeest. Sigh.


Put SPISH and Strandbeest back on, for old time's sake

I think squee put strandbeests back in the running but I'll third it.


I'd like to think one of the qualities we all know and love about IDM is the quite often impeccable engineering- every blip, sample, kick is obsessively placed and considered. Have one more or one less and the composition would not function as well.


As I look at past winners, I'm not sure we've had something that entirely captures that quality. Sure black holes and out of orbit planets have the sci-fi loneliness captured, tesla had the nostalgic, aged feel, abandoned skyscrapers attempted at more of a decayed sense of place than a successfully engineered machine. Perhaps only the LHC was an awe-inspiring machine, but it was almost to huge to be conceived of at a human scale.


This is where strandbeests seems perfect. Immaculately produced machines of staggering complexity, and yet still tied to a certain relatable human scale. Sounds like a winner to me, and not just a rehash of previous victors.

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2013 (remember all the music from last year?)


Crying at the end of blade runner.

pretty sure I've actually done this



or how about


crying because you know you'll never have enough money to own a cs80

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prob already been suggested, but just to be safe:

ejaculating into fire


panic attacks


agorophobia (fear of situations where the environment is uncomfortable, ie. crowds, the bus, a social gathering, a wide open field, etc.... basically if you fear being anywhere due to the situations it may lead to, this is your phobia.)

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Artisanal burgers

Craft beer



Oh shit, I'm a hipster

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