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Stephen Colbert Replacing David Letterman on The Late Show


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wow, that was the worst thing ever. watched the first two. the embodiment of the worst culture america has shat upon the world. the fake joyousness in particular is the worst. I feel sorry for colbert in a way, but he's getting paid so I doubt he gives a shit.

100% agree, i couldn't help but feel really awkward for him the whole time. Did you see the Joe Biden episode? oh my god that was one of the craziest trainwrecks i've seen on television in years, unbelievable.


It's like he forgot how to be naturally funny without being in some kind of character, instead of doing the Colbert character he's doing more of a Daily Show fake news pundit standup character that he used to do, and its a way less funny version.


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i thought he was into the swing of things in the second episode, the genghis hat gag thing went for twice as long as it needed to, and i don't bother with interviews but i watched the scarlet johansson thing and it was par for the course for these sort of things. i think his not wanting to stand up to do monologues and feeling more comfortable behind the desk suits him well to me it seemed very colbert report, i don't bother with interviews as a rule though unless it's someone i give a fuck about and even then i have to weight that against me utter disinterest in what they're going to say in that kind of format which is usually very shallow, with fergusson i didn't mind so much though cause he's a good interviewer, not so shallow. That bandleader though, always looks pissed off when he thinks that the cameras aren't on him. He needs to get over himself and probably the fact that he isn't going to get as much air time speaking as his ego and his agent probably told him that he was going to get and just chill out and settle in to a paul sorta role throwing in the occasional 'haaah',

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started watching the biden episode, skimmed past the sports and into the political deskatribe, which was fine, not going to watch biden. I must say though that someone must have said something to ye olde bandleader cause he seems less offensive now. Imagines that it went something like this .... Smile bitch .....

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I watched the first two episodes and I think that's all I'm going to watch. It seemed like every other late show, just with Colbert in it. It really shows you the success of the Colbert Report was a synergy between the excellent writing staff & his delivery. Without that writing quality he's just a decent comedic actor delivering average network television jokes and softballing political interviews/ doing promo for celebrities.


Maybe I'll check it out again in a few months and see if it's drastically improved...




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I've never seen this level of trainwreck/awkwardness out of Kimmel, Meyers or Jimmy Fallon and I personally don't like any of those shows.

I really think Colbert's rise to celebritydom hurt his ability to be a comedic genius on his own, but lets face it. just like Samson, letting Obama cut off his hair in some stupid bit to usher in the 2008 presidency ruined him forever.

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it's his first week, you kids, it has to be better than fallon, everytime i see that guy i want to see him hung for murdering comedy. god what a cunt. kimmel i'm neither here nor there about, he's not naturally funny though. and meyers i've never watched cause the accidental times i've seen his show i get that seat warmer nobody vibe.

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Just watched the first week.


My best theory is that Colbert sincerely is trying to be non-partisan and positive, and bring America together. And no one has the balls to tell him that togetherness and hugs aren't funny, and he should bring back biting satire.


The band sounds great, though. I just wish they played the band segments and cut off the interviews for the broadcast.

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Wow, I like it. I'm surprised it's getting this much backlash.

Plus as Delet... said, he's just starting. He is trying to bring a different vibe to the show than the colbert report, and it's going to take time to hone in on things.

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It's not terrible, it's just a by-the-books network late night show. Obviously going into it with expectations of the same style or quality as The Colbert Report is unrealistic, but I guess I'd hoped it'd be a little funnier than the peer shows (which is seems to just be on par with), considering even the non-political/silly bits of The Colbert Report were fucking hilarious at times.


I'll check it out in a few weeks and see how it's going. I never really watched late night shows anyway, I was just giving this one a look because it was Colbert.

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he's been doing political stuff all week, just like his prior show. With graphics on screen and everything, same format, when he sits down after the monologue to a background with the same colour scheme and similar furnishings to his old show, so they are desperate to keep that link and pick up his old viewers. I think perhaps it's a little hard and fast for the audience maybe, so it's possible they might tone it down, it's a feeling i get. we'll see though, he was on tv for a while so he can command a broad demo (because they aged since they started watching him, as new ones came on board), whilst capturing new young people. And the show has to offer something different, i think that's part of why they chose colbert in the first place. So i hope they keep at least in part the focus on satirical overviews of the days political news. And i will watch those whilst continuing to avoid interviews.

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when he sat down and had the graphics overlay at the desk i just was really confused as to why he was still relying on a bit from what is basically his old show. but i guess do what works, because everything else is definitely not working so far (imo)

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making an hour of entertainment 4 times a week isnt easy. colbert said in some interview that during the beginning of the colbert report, he might have said the first few years, he lived at the studio. he would try to be the first person there in the morning and wouldnt leave until 11 at night. i noticed the quality slipped in the later years, its probably because he couldnt keep doing that, so he just had to go with the best his writing team could do. that interview was comedians in cars drinking coffee, the web series seinfeld is doing btw.


i think colbert is starting out in a way that keeps his options open. he seems to be being himself rather than a character, and he's doing a lot of different kinds of things so far. this is a smart way to start, so they dont box themselves in and can refine it to what they like over time.


also the beginning of a show is always rough, from what i gather.

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