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Graffiti Artist Banksy Arrested In London, Identity Revealed


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I don't have an opinion on Israel.


only supporters don't have opinions :emotawesomepm9:

I don't have an opinion on anything political. Politics is a waste of time.



that's easily in the top 10 dumbest things ever said on watmm



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/expects you guys to start railing against calvin and hobbes next, for it's obvious philosophical rants and obviously nice drawing style, gawd how can anyone like that shit, they just be pretentious pusbags one and all. cattablethrowgifwhilstlisteningtoabad80ssongsloweddownto20percentandF5ingthedankmemesthread


ahh shit i said that i'd give it a miss. Also lol at israel thing, turned out better than i expected.

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the journalists are only telling you what's happening in a completely neutral way





well they're supposed to instead of the propaganda part :cat:

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Calvin and Hobbes is several times better than Banksy even though the comparison is pretty stupid to start with



oh did i mess with your childhood, i'm sowwy. heeh. obvious hypocrisy is obvious. Thanks for helping me point that out man, much obliged.

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Calvin and Hobbes is several times better than Banksy even though the comparison is pretty stupid to start with



oh did i mess with your childhood, i'm sowwy. heeh. obvious hypocrisy is obvious. Thanks for helping me point that out man, much obliged.



damn man, you really won this internet argument. I am completely intellectually disarmed right now. Yet another victory for delet

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I don't have an opinion on Israel. Maybe that's why Banksy annoys me so much. I just don't like that he thinks he's more important than the journalists who already risk their lives doing actual stories on the Gaza Strip, when all he did was paint a cat and post it online.


but him and the journalists are doing two different things: the journalists are only telling you what's happening in a completely neutral way, he's reacting to what's happening

But he isn't saying anything beyond "this is happening, now care about it because I told you to." That isn't a message, it's whining.






I don't have an opinion on Israel.


only supporters don't have opinions :emotawesomepm9:

I don't have an opinion on anything political. Politics is a waste of time.



that's easily in the top 10 dumbest things ever said on watmm

I'll try to remember not to pay attention to your opinions in the future.

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i come from a family of bankers. one day i hope to run my own bank, and i dress for the job i want (bank manager/CEO). whenever i take friends out on the town, we go to bars, and after a few drinks, people tell me i have a "banksy" way about me.


that is as long as that relationship lasts, because in addition to being a mortgage expert, i spend a portion of my free time as an art aficionado. having said that, through my carefully refined tastes (over all i consider myself an aesthete), i know very well, as does anyone else with competent tastes, that banksy is a hack.

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i come from a family of bankers. one day i hope to run my own bank, and i dress for the job i want (bank manager/CEO). whenever i take friends out on the town, we go to bars, and after a few drinks, people tell me i have a "banksy" way about me.


that is as long as that relationship lasts, because in addition to being a mortgage expert, i spend a portion of my free time as an art aficionado. having said that, through my carefully refined tastes (over all i consider myself an aesthete), i know very well, as does anyone else with competent tastes, that banksy is a hack.

Best post ITT. Well done.

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@spi shrouds/secular burqas are very "in" rn


i'm going to start a cafe called "Burqa Bar" where I stand in the corner and watch my customers, fully shrouded in khaki linen (full face shroud w/ no eye slits).


fuck banksy

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But he isn't saying anything beyond "this is happening, now care about it because I told you to." That isn't a message, it's whining.


i disagree. i think he wants people to see things in a different way. as an example: the cinderella couch accident with journalists taking pictures might make some feel uncomfortable because cinderella is seen as such a genteel and pure figure- when the same thing happens in real life, people demand the coverage (photos and videos) because we've turned everything into entertainment by sensationalizing it (eg. how much did the pictures of lady di's accident fetch?). oddly, the fairy tale figure becomes the "person" we can relate to easily.


i also don't think he's forcing you to care about it otherwise he'd have included some kind of petition signing or joining some kind of rally/group to discuss the issues further- it's more or less a challenge whether you can see things beyond how they're presented. is he whining? probably. personally i don't see it that way or maybe it doesn't bother me because in some sense, i think we're doing more whining against or for dismaland than he has

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It seems to me that he's trying too hard to make shocking messages about our society, though, rather than expressing true emotions. Banksy's things always seem very superficial and impersonal to me. It's all surface-level art with no subtlety.

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I don't have an opinion on Israel. Maybe that's why Banksy annoys me so much. I just don't like that he thinks he's more important than the journalists who already risk their lives doing actual stories on the Gaza Strip, when all he did was paint a cat and post it online.


but him and the journalists are doing two different things: the journalists are only telling you what's happening in a completely neutral way, he's reacting to what's happening

But he isn't saying anything beyond "this is happening, now care about it because I told you to." That isn't a message, it's whining.




...and yet you think that ''politics is a waste of time''; in the times of ubiquitous prejustice and plague of conformism!

one moment banksy is too/overly literal in another he's just 'finger-pointing'. what would you like him to say really?

maybe his problem is that he finger-points overly literal for our taste? wouldn't that view of him be the ultimative proof of our conformism? but better lets not think about it, it's a waste of time.

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I would like him to make art that isn't trying to be political or make people change things, but instead actually expresses personal feelings that he has as an individual. I like art that feels sincere, as if the artist is speaking directly to the person appreciating the art, but the very fact that Banksy feels the need to mask himself demonstrates that his art is very far from that.

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banksy is corporate, and if you like him, chances are so are you. rebellion is a brand. donald trump and banksy own stock in the same company. any idea what company that is? the one that produces these:





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