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Graffiti Artist Banksy Arrested In London, Identity Revealed


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yes, too in-your-face, obvious, banal, even shallow.


If you take the same in-your-face approach to music, all this IDM bullshit would be just as shallow.


By the way, don't bother listening to punk rock, there's nothing legitimate to see there, either.

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no there is. a bunch of teens/early 20somethings who are really emotional about all the things they were told to believe, get/got really high on lots of drugs, didn't want to actually learn how to play instruments but banged on them and yelled about politics and a world which they havent actually become a responsible part of yet.

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but its also a great example of how the artist's message turned out to be wrong

whats really changed


the symbolism easily gets burned in peoples brains, lights up all these receptors and gives them a tingly feeling about the message but none of that has anything to do with the actual facts or reality of the message. its propaganda

wait, you're not suggesting that electoral sloganeering doesn't actually correspond to the reality of the subsequent administration?


*mind explodes*

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yes, too in-your-face, obvious, banal, even shallow.


If you take the same in-your-face approach to music, all this IDM bullshit would be just as shallow.


and if it's not shallow is cause an artist is trying to avoid that consciously which is also perceivable cause they're usually trying too hard not to be seen as banal or cheesy and at the end leaving nothing in the music


ae would be one of rare artists balancing the right amounts of everything, but this is strongly IMO, cause lots of people see their music as plain noize





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I was being facetious. Punk rock and hardcore is a lot deeper than it may appear on the surface, and even though it's a very "in-your-face" approach to expressing something, it's still valid. Some do it better than others, but that shouldn't make you appreciate something that resonates with you any less.

edit: @Mister E

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About personal skill, being BANSKY!!!!!! runs completely counter to making propaganda art or the mundane connotations of painting on the walls. Or art, really - Bansky wants to be known as an irreplaceable poet and in this he is a reactionary. It's not that he does what he does because he is Bansky, just like Stravinsky did what he did because he was Stravinsky - it's that what he does IS Bansky and nobody else can do it.


But actually I wasn't talking about Bansky in particular - grafitti (just like 90% of pop culture and especially hip hop and other forms of "street art") cares too much about the figure of "respect" for "those who have the chops", meaning it's all a tribal competition where development doesn't add up like it does in other art forms (Stravinksy's sheet music is out there for all to learn from) but rather some pretty stupid combination of pre-modern notions of mastering a trade, tribal notions of fighting for respectability; and the baffling concept of calling dibs on technique. veredict: all worthless shit (and electronic music is very affected by this, which i think is its worst aspect by far.)


If you're going to be an irreplaceable figure everyone has "respect" for, don't use stencils, or don't use spray paint, or don't use sequencers, or don't do mass propaganda. You have to be at the service of an ideal, or at least of the development of art and the city art happens in, not at the service of your individuality and your personal experiments.


also the bomba-bombilla thing is a load of bollocks. these are two very common words in the spanish language and nobody makes that connection usually, not least because "bombilla" would be a slightly unusual way of building the diminutive form of "bomba". the lightbulb might have some symbolism but i don't think that's the key at all. since this is a hate thread, i'll say there's a large element of wankitude to picasso anyway, as much as i like some of his stuff.

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but anyway the gernika was painted in the age of surrealists and james joyce and whatnot so that sort of play on words was commonplace back then amongst modernists.


interesting to note how this sort of technique, for example, letting the connotations of words paint a painting or write a poem for you, is essential to a progressive attitude to art - completely opposite to banksy's (graffiti's) half-tribal half-medieval culture of strong figures

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yes, too in-your-face, obvious, banal, even shallow.

gimme an example of the same topic as on the above pics but that has been made better, or can you propose an alternative way?

They can't. Heh and never will, their argument relies on being resourced and furnished by some alternative universe of things that don't actually exist. Oh there was that pointless mess of paint spackles in some bank lobby, heh.



It's very difficult once there's herd consensus on a matter to redirect it, they've made up their mind and no logic or reason knocking down their vapid appeals to magical thinking from fairyland will budge those minds.


Also Picasso was a great marketer of his wears and personality, especially to the rich and influential which then disseminated it to the masses, not an especially a good artist, in many ways he was anti art. I wonder if there was a class of semi intellectuals that despised Picasso back then because of this association with the elite or broad popular appeal whose great grandchildren now sing his praises whilst burning down those that do inhabit similar spaces in their own era.

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Banksy is allright, wtf. sure he's hella overrated, but he caught a lucky break. I think his stuff is pretty amusing and at times poignant. It's not great art, but there is much much worse stuff out there. All the hate is underserved if you ask me, don't blame him for all the idiots throwing their money in his direction.

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