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Yamaha RX-11 wanted


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just figure out what music you want to make and then find some gear that helps you make it


the AFX gear obsession thing is pretty gross


if you truly wanna copy AFX then literally just find any piece of gear and master it

(dunno why so few think to do this)

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This is nothing to do with copying him -the reality is equipment prices can soar if word gets out that artist is using xyz

Look what happened to the MS-20 after the FM interview in 1993 (1992?)

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Guest Chesney

You fucking leech. Why do people have to ruin second hand market sales? Greedy shits.


This drum machine is still the nasty sounding box it always has been. Fuck you if the prices go up beyond what they should be.

I sold/gave away an RX11, RX17 and RX21 over the years because that's where they should be placed in the market.

These things are perfect kids and people on a budget starting out etc but now they will lose out because some cunts want to make money by using an artists name.


Be ashamed.


Oh and if you are wanting it for yourself then you are sad to think that it will make your music better. You could use any drum machine the amount of processing RDJ used to get it to sound like it does.

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kids and people on a budget starting out etc will NOT lose out because some cunts want to make money by using an artist's name. bc it'd be sad to think that a certain drum machine will make your music better. You could use any drum machine!


fixt for reasonableness!

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Guest Chesney

No. People don't realise what a throwaway comment on the internet can do.

When you want a piece of kit, synth, drum machine, whatever... what do you do? Google it. You read reviews and forum opinions etc and that forms your opinion. If somebody says something is shit then you take that as a valid opinion. You don't know who this person is, they might not know what they are talking about but already you're thinking twice about your purchase.

People regularly talking about equipment on the internet are more interested in that than using the damn things (not always the case ha)

Same with price driving. Someone hyping up a piece of gear on a forum is inadvertantly helping driving up the second hand market price. Sometimes deservedly so sometimes it gets out of hand.

Roland drum machines are not all that *audible gasps* It's the artist/genre affiliation that commands the price and the weak consumer artists with no individuality get taken in. An 808/909 should be a 1k (£) max. Juno's should be £500-600 max etc etc.

Sure there are more factors to take into consideration why a price goes up but that's just natural for any second hand item.


By all means, bigup your favourite gear if you're excited about it but please be aware how simple meaningless comments can influence much bigger things.


Of course... i'm going slightly over the top but the premise is solid.

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i get you & couldn't agree more on 909s etc. but i think that's just how markets work. i would never pay $$$ for a pair of beats headphones, iphone etc. as well bc they simply aren't worth it imo. if ppl are so naive to think they need a certain piece of gear bc somebody else has been using it that's a whole different topic. you yourself pointed out that you could just process whatever drum machine you had to sound like afx if you want that. so what's the loss?


plus you could turn the whole thing by 180° - what about ppl who own an rx-11, like piss poor knob twiddlers makin the idmz in their tiny moldy bedroom studios who need money right now to pay their rent or mastering for their latest release? wouldn't they be happy to sell their machine for a more than reasonable price??


(going a bit over the top here myself :wink: )

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Guest Chesney

Well, if the drum machine is worth nothing then selling it will be pointless meaning they get to keep it and happily carry on making music. They will probably have to sell their Iphone, boxed nike dunks/AF1s or flatscreen TV.

People still find money to own these things somehow.

If the said person has really hit the hardtimes then I feel for them and would happily help in another way not by relieving them of a piece of kit unless it's not being used.

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And a 14 year old.

i can arrange that


2000 bucks, and you have a nice orphan on your doorstep delivered in 3 weeks


if you want a blonde one, it will cost your 2000 extra since they're high in demand. south americans are pretty easy to fetch, as are indians and africans.


virgin status will cost you another 1000 extra.


i'll throw in the rx-11 for free if you pay top dollar though :happy:

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thankfully he talks about a shitload of gear and not just one thing like old interviews (ms-20). maybe that will blow a little smoke and keep things confusing.

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I was kind of missing having a cheap drum machine around (actually thought consciously about it the day before this interview dropped) but for my money I'd rather have an RZ-1 with its craptastic onboard sampler. The RX-11 is cute as shit though.


I mean if someone is naive enough to think they can buy an RX-11 and sound like Aphex... he himself said right in that section that he ran the kick through this "resonator" modular mixer module to give it some beef. I can't even find a price for that module online and I'd hazard a guess that you could use that amount of money to buy 5 RX-11s at the current/recent prices. Or just download the sample pack off kb6 or whatever and load it into Renoise.


He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.

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He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.



concerning that, maybe you can help me. What's good software to create a big phat bass? i now use Reason, and a heap shit of samples, but rarely ever make my own phat bass (which really will give me a lot to add to my own music. i remember one of the tracks i dug most of myself was actually based around my own kick)

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He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.



concerning that, maybe you can help me. What's good software to create a big phat bass? i now use Reason, and a heap shit of samples, but rarely ever make my own phat bass (which really will give me a lot to add to my own music. i remember one of the tracks i dug most of myself was actually based around my own kick)


Learn about synthesis.

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What kind of typewriter did Hemingway use?




He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.



concerning that, maybe you can help me. What's good software to create a big phat bass?



What's a good typewriter to create a big phat sentence?

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He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.



concerning that, maybe you can help me. What's good software to create a big phat bass? i now use Reason, and a heap shit of samples, but rarely ever make my own phat bass (which really will give me a lot to add to my own music. i remember one of the tracks i dug most of myself was actually based around my own kick)

not sure about reason but there are a few ways to get a 'fat' bass that should work across all sorts of synths. what sort of sound are we talking here? try 3 oscs, one square and two saws an octave up. detune the saws to +30 and -30 cents and filter the square wave. play around with pitch envelopes and portamento


TAL make some of the best sounding free synths out and they're great for bass. i'm sure reason has more than enough inbuilt tools to set you on the right track too. refx vanguard and of course ni plugins are also very nice sounding vsts


ait, will check em out :happy:


What kind of typewriter did Hemingway use?




He also said that you have to be a little nuts to use hardware and that all you really need is a computer to make tunes. I hope more people take that to heart.



concerning that, maybe you can help me. What's good software to create a big phat bass?



What's a good typewriter to create a big phat sentence?

obviously not the one you are using :wink:

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