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Penryn Space Agency

Penryn Space Agency

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If you pirate the show you're moving it to unlicensed space, where the artists will not be compensated. Both Mixcloud and Source FM are legit platforms that pay licensing fees. There are reasons we chose those platforms above more popular choices like SoundCloud, underground electronic producers often rely on multiple revenue streams and licensed radio plays increase PRS royalties and their territorial equivalents. Nobody's ever going to get rich on PSA plays, but every little helps, the modern world can be pretty unforgiving to musicians. We don't have all the answers, but we figure that if everyone does their bit it might sustain some of our favourite artists just long enough that we get a few more classics out of them before losing them to a job where your work gets compensated properly.



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yeah if you provided both versions, one with the original talking and then one without then i don't think people would record the show. i think that's the only reason we record the original broadcast, that's my reason at least. i would certainly prefer the artist get whatever revenue they can by listening to it on mixcloud, so if you guys uploaded both versions or something i think people would listen to it on mixcloud and not record it.

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yep, the banter, plus at this level of insignificance in the plays, it's more about exposure, not radio play royalties, people on watmm generally spend a larger portion of their house hold budget on music than the average person, and listening to the broadcast is like a menu of things to buy from bandcamp or wherever and so the more ways you can get that music into the ears of listeners, the better, it's called marketing and record companies budget for this, even pay radio stations for plays, position the record in a prominent place in chain stores, banner ad link to singles on youtub, this is a low level version of that. Plus, those artists will not make money from 80 plays, they will however make money if a watmmr likes their stuff and buys their back catalogue on the bandee campee.


nwae, this argument has been going on forever. You know what i mean, i know what you mean, and why. So you save face with your line and i face the world safe bruv with mine.


peez [-;

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yeah true dat, delet. i've certainly picked out new releases to buy from psa, as i'm sure many other people here have. i understand the concern, but i think the artists are certainly getting money brought in from this regardless if the show is being pirated or not.

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>plus at this level of insignificance in the plays, it's more about exposure

> those artists will not make money from 80 plays


This isn't the case at all, read up about how PRS distributions work (especially regarding how points are derived from the census, sample and analogous data) - they're not literal, they're mainly guesses based on the info the PRS has (usually because you gave it to them!). The number of listens from any source isn't usually recorded and doesn't factor into the calculation, only that it was played and the type of outlet. So, a few small radio plays like this can disproportionately affect your share of a distribution (especially when coupled with a gig or two and a release), both formats (radio/Mixcloud) increase the percentage of distribution the artist gets independently of each other; it can be a wildly chaotic system. Most music we play is from the UK, we've known relatively small electronic producers that have had lucky moments with PRS/MCPS and that gave them the time/money to make their album. Might be an interesting interview topic for the right artist.




Regarding the talking, the point of not recording it was firstly because we prefer it music-only, but also so we could say whatever we liked, knowing it's mainly our mates listening. If that's not the case we'll have to tone down the banter drastically, I'll have to stop drinking/smoking and insulting drum and bass label owners, which is OK, but all points to a lot less talking. We'll have to think about it.


> it's called marketing and record companies budget for this


Most of what we play is from individuals, there's no record company or marketing behind them at all.

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Sorry for that guys, respecting your wishes of course, so the download is now gone. Thanks for the explanation though, clarifies a lot. It's indeed the banter and talking why I recorded it :) especially because of the colundi tour report this time around!

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Thanks man, we wouldn't mind so much if you could do it discreetly...so we don't know! Our other issue with Soundcloud is the bots and automated "fuck you's", we can get third parties kicked off their mailing lists just by sticking the show on Soundcloud.


We'll try and think of a way to make us all happy!

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> it's called marketing and record companies budget for this


Most of what we play is from individuals, there's no record company or marketing behind them at all.

I'm pretty aware of this, that was not the point of the point. The point being that marketing good, exposure worth something and that in the mainstream industry it's budgeted for and called marketing.


The main point everyone had though was that the mixcloud should be a rebroadcast of the original session cause we wanted that experience.. If for reasons of embarrassment you don't want that up on the mixxoclud, fair dos dude, but you realise I see, given the demand that people are going to send the file around to each other, even if it's not via her jan's method. But yes, that will end up in that format garnering a lot less exposure, unless it becomes an underground sensation, which won't happen, it'll just be a core of curious chaps with an interest in drunken drum and bass label owner dissing.





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>The point being that marketing good, exposure worth something and that in the mainstream industry it's budgeted for and called marketing.


I don't understand what you're saying here. I think you're saying marketing is a good thing, but that's completely asides the point that reposting subverts the compensation scheme. The point of marketing is to increase awareness in order to sell more product, if you get compensated for all public performance and reproduction, that's literally one of the products! There are many artists in the UK that make a living without releasing music at all - just on licensing; that's the heart of the library music scene.


> But that will on love less exposure, unless it becomes an underground sensation, which won't happen, it'll just be a core of curious chaps with an interest in drunken drums and bass label owner dissing.


Again, don't understand. I think what you're saying is we should stop talking to avoid these problems? Maybe I should just stop drinking and smoking through the shows.

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I explained in the previous post that you are going to make a lot more money when a unique user buys an actual album off bandcamp or wherever than from some compensation scheme, I'm still not home so I haven't looked up your link and can't fire bullets in that direction yet, heheh.


Also, actually if you don't understand what I'm saying on two pretty obvious points, I'll not continue trying to make them, cause seriouslor.


Anyway, I hope that you understand this at least, I only hope for all the best for you guys as I always have since even before you started [-; , and think what you are doing is just amazing, so keep it up homes.

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>I explained in the previous post that you are going to make a lot more money when a unique user buys an actual album off bandcamp or wherever than from some compensation scheme


Sure, but I'm explaining that I sometimes made a lot more money from the licensing longtail than from the momentary release (not jizzing) - sometimes releases never recoup, but you can still claim mechanicals and PRS! Producers often rely on multiple revenue streams - all of the above; I'm not saying it'll outweigh a Bandcamp purchase, but they're not mutually exclusive. PRS distributions are like the national lottery for UK musicians, sometimes they work out well, sometimes they don't, but we should at least attempt to provide artists with more points on their account if we can. I'm sure there's plenty of artists on our show that aren't registered and so wouldn't benefit from it at all, in those circumstances what I think you're getting at is completely valid, but 96% of the artists we play have access to a licensing system that would pay them for plays on Mixcloud, Spotify, Radionomy, etc, whether they sign up or not.


I'm pretty sure I did understand the last line, thanks! I think you were still editing the prior post during and after my last reply, so the text shifted a few times making it harder to understand; if you read what I quoted you'll see what I mean. When I re-read it I think what you were saying in the second part was that there's only a handful of socially inept folk that are interested enough to listen to us bleeting on about toss, I agree about that, like I said, we'll think about a way to make everyone happy. I also got the future/past tense changes in this one and their inferences, are you my Grandfather? :biggrin: Actually, he'd never of been that nice, he always wanted the worst for me and thought everything I did was shit. Also, he never called me "homes" once. :cry: Still, it's all good, we're getting on shitloads better than I ever did with him (or the other for that matter), it's looking up Gramps! :beer: If you're racist to small children we'll have to reconsider, that aside, you'll definitely get a shout out on the next show. If I don't come up with some better inspiration in the next 10 minutes, maybe even a track. :)


...this isn't how the internet works is it? I meant to type 2 incomprehensible sentences really quickly, now I've wound up with all this toss. Speaking of which, we're working on the website a bit at the moment, any feedback gratefully received : http://www.penrynspaceagency.com/showinfo.php. This page hopefully autoplays through the shows now. More Bandcamp?

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well some interesting points have been brought up. i certainly don't want the the banter being recorded at the consequence of it having to be toned down. i think that would just defeat the purpose since we only like the banter because you guys are entertaining, if it wasn't entertaining then we wouldn't even care if there was banter or not.

ultimately what you guys do is awesome and i appreciate it alot. i really like that new feature on the site, it looks great. it will make buying the music much easier(wish there was a buy link for English Electric Vol.2 and the JK track :wink:).

Edited by orangebattery
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well some interesting points have been brought up. i certainly don't want the the banter being recorded at the consequence of it having to be toned down. i think that would just defeat the purpose since we only like the banter because you guys are entertaining, if it wasn't entertaining then we wouldn't even care if there was banter or not.


ultimately what you guys do is awesome and i appreciate it alot. i really like that new feature on the site, it looks great. it will make buying the music much easier(wish there was a buy link for English Electric Vol.2 and the JK track :wink:).


psa is the coolest thing there is and people should do whatever this man says


Big fat +1 to all of this. I do like to say that while I like the banter and everything, I really like the idea that it works as a bonus / 'reward' for people tuning in live. In the end it's the music that counts first and foremost.


I also have to remind myself to listen to the mixcloud stream more a.o.t. ripping them and putting them on phone.


P.S. the website is ace, looks like there's been a lot of work into this, haven't seen something complete like this with any other radioshow, really useful sheet / links!

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Thanks a lot to all for your kind words, we really appreciate the feedback.


The website is now live, there's still a lot of work to do, the majority of data isn't exposed yet. We'll work a bit more on mobile phone accessibility and more adaptive layouts soon. We'll also try and document how to use it and the strange functionality we've added. For example, you can now hit www.penrynspaceagency.com/play and it'll autoplay from the latest show.


PSA Mission 017 is live now at penrynspaceagency.com . Please repost on Mixcloud and hit like if it's your sort of thing!


Cheers me beauties.

Edited by Penryn Space Agency
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