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David Cameron put his knob in a dead pig's mouth


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don't want to take away from Pigface fucking a pig in the mouth, however its interesting here in the states that the true story of George W Bush masturbating in a coffin that sat near the grave-robbed skull of Geronimo during a Skull & Bones initiation ritual never had legs enough to get headlines.

Yeah, Dubya's antics at the Skull n Bones society makes Cameron look like a boy scout in comparison. Yale's Skull and Bones are as gay as the day is long. Plus they're wannabe satanists and grave robbers. Initiation exercises are getting hard and jacking eachother off onto a Digestive biscuit. Last guy to drop a load eats the goo laden biscuit. No crunch. They also steal bones from the graves of old time legends, then they clear them out an lie in them and beat their bratwursts in full view of the other members. George Bush lay naked in a coffin and beat his little tootsie roll in full view of his gimpy peers, some 40 years later he recreated the scene in the tub and painted a nice picture of it with his free hand.

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Black Mirror. Episode 1, Series 1



Maybe he's the next nostradamus.



What if all of black mirror will come true in one way or another?




brooker's been so on board with projecting propaganda enemies or topics of the week on newswipe, it wouldn't surprise me if he was now part of a predictive programming project.




pretty much.

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The whole "mutually assured destruction" aspect of it really puts the whole thing in perspective. I wonder what Obama did that was so bad...

Obama did a really good job before running for president of clearing the playing field of discovered past mistakes. In his own book 'dreams of my father' he actually talks about almost trying injecting heroin and chickening out at the last second. Politicians 2.0 bro


I guess Mike Huckabee could have said 'do we really want a president who wanted to try heroin?' but nobody has really done that

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