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The "Life" Thread


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Sorry we don't take the 10000th "boo hoo life is hard" thread seriously

You see it so much im starting to believe it



watmm is made up of people starting "life is hard" threads and people who cope with their own depression/unhappiness/lack of fulfillment/lack of control by trolling those threads.


Edit: don't worry Limp, you aren't depressed. It's just the human condition and you are one of the ones who "get" it.

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Also at what point do we stop being a shoulder to cry to and start calling people divas and drama queens.


I would like to know cause its really hard to know what other people are experiencing/thinking, do we doubt everyone? and what happens when you are the one saying "life is shit" to a room full of strangers in an effort to feel better.


I dont know what to feel about this really, i enjoy the trolling but i also dont want to shame people for trying to release some pressure.

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Is it really a 'boo hoo thread'? What, just because he volunteered a mental illness diagnosis?


I think he meant it to be a positive thread about useful life advice/ideas - and his thing about grit is opposed to the drama queen/boo hoo thing, no?


I wanted to make a thread about things that are useful, crucial, or detrimental to being alive...


... how to make life as good as it could possibly get...

...psychological grit is the most effective trait for accomplishing goals...

...cheers, my friends


Positive stuff, seems to me

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The screen goes black... what happened to Tony Soprano? I need more time!


I thought that was a powerful way of showing that unless your health is declining or you're getting really old, your life will end without you knowing it and there will be no answers or neat little summary. It sounds corny, but hey it got through to me.

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Yeah, Limpy's pretty clearly talking about depression from a science POV rather than being 'guys pls help can't get chicken tendies'.


I think fair fucks to him; mental health is idm as balls in that it's one of the last great unexplored frontiers. Much like deep space or the bottom of the ocean, it's fascinating because we know fuck all about it. Limp's depression example illustrates this pretty well; we don't really know anything about a disease that seriously wrecks so many people's lives. It's only recently we've started to get a slight handle on neuroplasticity and the like, so it's interesting to see this stuff unfold and speculate on where it might be by the time we're all auld folks.


Speaking of which, if you're into this sort of thing it's well worth reading Conversations on Consiousness by Susan Blackmore; she basically interviews leading neuroscientists and asks for their views on what consciousness might be. It's really interesting and totally accessible, pretty sure you can find a pdf online somewhere. Plenty of speculation therein on what 'life' might be, and how we perceive it.



I think what was implied was that for some (or many?) people depression could be a symptom of an undiagnosed bowel disease. Also interesting to think of depression as not the problem itself, but as a response to some other (physical and/or psychological) problem. In a way you could frame a depression as a form of resistance to some other problem. Kind of how immune system attacks shit in your body. So a depression might be a symptom of the immune system at work. Or the other way around, the symptom of the immune system screwing up.


Weirdly enough, my uncle died last year from some bizarre rare cancer which ate him up in about 8 or 9 months; apparently before he even knew he was sick he was depressed for the first time in his life which was totally out of character as he'd never had any trouble at all with mental health before, so I suspect there may be some truth in this.










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creating threads to discuss life and all the things that follow therefrom is not a problem per se. discussion and communication are important, and help us all further along on the way to better understanding ourselves and our world.


however, you do reach a tipping point eventually where discussion on its own stops being of value and the necessity of action takes priority. this tipping point is reached much faster than most of us would like to admit. secretly, we all just want to talk our problems away, but this will never be the magic bullet we want it to be. any of you who have been to therapy will know what I'm talking about. it's an unpleasant shock to find out that - oh no - I can't just talk things out and expect everything to improve, my psych can't just wave a magic wand after getting to know me and solve all my problems, I actually have to put in massive effort, blood & sweat & tears, to get anywhere. this is simply a fact of life. concrete action, forward motion, resilience, adaptability to changing circumstances: this trumps all, as far as development and improvement is concerned. it's important to remember that.


now, this is a Limpy thread. knowing Limpy, I know this thread is a waste of time. he's never taken any sort of feedback or criticism or contrary idea on board once, rather he simply seeks approval and consensus. now, coming from me, a person who is known to intensely dislike him (online anyway) for his stance on a number of things, this will be perceived as a personal attack. so be it. but I'm presenting it as objectively as I can. I believe this thread will not result in anyone taking any concrete action in their irl lives to improve anything, least of all the thread-starter, and I don't expect to get any valuable life advice out of it.


finally, all that nonsense about elitism on an idm forum = lol. I don't know what else you expected. here's another rude fact of life: the artistic community, musicians in particular, are no less susceptible to the foibles of man than any other cross-section of human beings. you're not a special flower because you're on an idm forum. there are probably plumbers and carpenters with jobs and families and their own passions out there who have a better handle on their lives than a bunch of artsy types here. the notion that the higher intellectual life belongs to the artists is masturbatory nonsense.


finally finally, underneath the perceived harshness and critical nature of most of WATMM, there is actually not that much real sting, people don't really "hate" you. we're all faceless internet names. until some of us meet each other in real life, which is great because you get to know the real person, regardless of how they might seem online.


edit: by the way, I'm not trying to get this thread shut down. carry on, just don't expect everyone to play along.

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secondary lol @ noticing the "just surround yourself with people who are like you and don't change who you are" idea. yep, you're really gonna be the best person you can be that way.

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Sorry we don't take the 10000th "boo hoo life is hard" thread seriously

Nowhere did i say life was hard

Or bad or short or anything like that

I don't feel that way t all

Y'all are projecting, my friend


The second half of my op

Was gonna be about how great life was

And how i've managed to avoid depression for a couple years now

(Save for a slight relapse when my girlfriend got attacked by a dude who tried to rape her and then put her in the hospital, whereby i became obsessed with finding him and felt like a failure when i couldn't)



I'll finish it when i catch up on sleep

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creating threads to discuss life and all the things that follow therefrom is not a problem per se. discussion and communication are important, and help us all further along on the way to better understanding ourselves and our world.


however, you do reach a tipping point eventually where discussion on its own stops being of value and the necessity of action takes priority. this tipping point is reached much faster than most of us would like to admit. secretly, we all just want to talk our problems away, but this will never be the magic bullet we want it to be. any of you who have been to therapy will know what I'm talking about. it's an unpleasant shock to find out that - oh no - I can't just talk things out and expect everything to improve, my psych can't just wave a magic wand after getting to know me and solve all my problems, I actually have to put in massive effort, blood & sweat & tears, to get anywhere. this is simply a fact of life. concrete action, forward motion, resilience, adaptability to changing circumstances: this trumps all, as far as development and improvement is concerned. it's important to remember that.


now, this is a Limpy thread. knowing Limpy, I know this thread is a waste of time. he's never taken any sort of feedback or criticism or contrary idea on board once, rather he simply seeks approval and consensus. now, coming from me, a person who is known to intensely dislike him (online anyway) for his stance on a number of things, this will be perceived as a personal attack. so be it. but I'm presenting it as objectively as I can. I believe this thread will not result in anyone taking any concrete action in their irl lives to improve anything, least of all the thread-starter, and I don't expect to get any valuable life advice out of it.


finally, all that nonsense about elitism on an idm forum = lol. I don't know what else you expected. here's another rude fact of life: the artistic community, musicians in particular, are no less susceptible to the foibles of man than any other cross-section of human beings. you're not a special flower because you're on an idm forum. there are probably plumbers and carpenters with jobs and families and their own passions out there who have a better handle on their lives than a bunch of artsy types here. the notion that the higher intellectual life belongs to the artists is masturbatory nonsense.


finally finally, underneath the perceived harshness and critical nature of most of WATMM, there is actually not that much real sting, people don't really "hate" you. we're all faceless internet names. until some of us meet each other in real life, which is great because you get to know the real person, regardless of how they might seem online.


edit: by the way, I'm not trying to get this thread shut down. carry on, just don't expect everyone to play along.

I genuinely appreciate you writing this

And you're definitely right on a couple points

(E.g. i have definitely given you good reason to dislike me, as i have been intentionally nasty and inflammatory towards you)


I do think you're mistaken about my being unable to change or accept criticism

I change my mind on this forum all the time

(E.g. watmmers have changed my mind on George Carlin, vaporwave, aspects of religion and politics, of economics and foreign policy and human nature...actually, JE alone has changed my mind on the anthrax attacks, physical modeling synths, and a host of other things)


I think you are making some assumptions about me that are unfounded, a 'confirmation/selection bias' based solely on your dislike of me


But like i said, in other ways you're definitely right

It's unfortunate you think this thread is a waste of time

I wanted to make a 'life think tank' thread that would try and archive our collective experiences and insight


And having not checked the internet in 12 hours

I was pleasantly surprised to see the turn this thread took over 3 pages

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P.S. i don't see how people misinterpreted this as a 'boohoo life is hard' thread


I was in a highly-optimistic mood when i started this thread

I fear that certain people's cynicism has twisted their eyeballs

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Sorry we don't take the 10000th "boo hoo life is hard" thread seriously

You see it so much im starting to believe it

watmm is made up of people starting "life is hard" threads and people who cope with their own depression/unhappiness/lack of fulfillment/lack of control by trolling those threads.


Edit: don't worry Limp, you aren't depressed. It's just the human condition and you are one of the ones who "get" it.

Oops, I didn't mean to give the impression that i was *currently* depressed


I suppose that is actually my bad for not clarifying


I haven't been depressed in a surprisingly long time

I try to keep up on depression research as my big preventative battle (perhaps akin to someone with heart disease in their family)


Thx though, sheatheman, i appreciate the kind words...i'm in the middle of reading your longer post and will reply in a bit


TL;DR = oops, my fault this thread got off to a rocky start...not depressed, in fact just made some really big life plans with my g/f of 6.5 years (which kinda inspired this thread)

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maybe it's your avatar, not the most cheerful looking chappie.

but he's wearing a festive hat.

As a random aside

I just googled "hunchback" to find an alternate version of my avatar

And google said:


"very common

More than 3 million cases per year"


And moreover:


"Usually self-diagnosable"



(Did i ever tell watmm my 'hunchback private eye' joke, which i so proudly wrote myself?)

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