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delet... is a good mod. that's what mods do. they mod the place.

you might not like him personally, or his ideas, but only when he starts to mod like a donkey, only then should you consider revoking his modship

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lol @ Deer. stop for a second and join the logical bits and pieces of your last post together before you realise how dumb it is.

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lmao @ needing to be an upstanding citizen to be a forum moderator.


he isn't a member of parliament, he's a moderator on an internet forum. who cares? he deletes the occasional post/thread and locks a couple of topics a year.


a forum needs big personalitys and opinions otherwise it's a snooze-fest. it's no surprise many people say it's not as fun here as it was a few years ago. it's because most of the zany dudes have been banned or jumped ship.


i said the same thing on beak after the great supnmax banning of 2016. take away the oddballs and the against-the-grainers and you have a bunch of boring people circle jerking. yawn.


don't sterilize WATMM further.

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what really needs to be modded tho? a community largely moderates itself. the official moderators are there to make sure people don't post beastiality and to lock duplicate thread and to make sure somebody doesn't spam up the forum. how can you be bad at deleting the occasional post/thread?

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My main problem with this forum as of now is that NSFW/"obscene"/"nasty" content, as in, harmless but potentially offensive/disgusting content is not allowed, when one could argue it is a very IDM trait, yet the endless stream of political and social issues that invariably end in 100 pages tirades of personal attacks and vicious shit flinging that gets the threads locked 99% of the time is apparently OK...


re: delet - apart from his duty as a moderator to be the face of the forum, which one could argue is not one he's fulfilling that well (though that's up to Joyrex to decide), is he that bad a moderator? If he was banning people for engaging him or something like that, or abusing his mod status, I would understand, but as far as I'm aware he's not... I guess what I'm trying to say is being a "bad" user does not mean you can't be a good mod, apart from the public-face-of-the-forum status that comes with the title


Also we have an ignore function

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lol @ Deer. stop for a second and join the logical bits and pieces of your last post together before you realise how dumb it is.

Erm, you are pretty much complaining your way to a safe space,a tactic used across colleges campuses around the world

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He can't be the public face of the forum, he hasn't posted any pics in the "Post your most recent" thread since one of his 2012 nightwalks. He's posted in that thread recently but he's talking about new jogging pants he bought with tapered bottoms. Look at the last part.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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lol @ Deer. stop for a second and join the logical bits and pieces of your last post together before you realise how dumb it is.

Erm, you are pretty much complaining your way to a safe space,a tactic used across colleges campuses around the world



get your head out your ass. you're so drowned in this first-world college-age campus existence ennui that any controversy or drama you witness is framed to you in those terms only. a "safe space"? did you get ejected from one recently or something? I didn't say anything about individual social/political opinions itt. drawing links to MDE and the people he is satirising is a stretch bigger than goatse.


anyway, I'm sure it's super cool for some of you to be like "hurr it's just a forum", and while I have this view myself when it comes to drama from other non-mod users, it becomes a problem when someone in a position of authority is unable to exercise that authority appropriately/with good judgement. no, this isn't about clicking the lock button or assigning warning points. it's about understanding the role. and if you can't get that the importance of that, then I'm just going to think you haven't really experienced much in life (at work, for instance) to know what it means.

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what really needs to be modded tho? a community largely moderates itself. the official moderators are there to make sure people don't post beastiality and to lock duplicate thread and to make sure somebody doesn't spam up the forum. how can you be bad at deleting the occasional post/thread?

I just think it's weird for the some of the forums most prolific shit posters to be mods.


This issue wouldn't exist if users could just add mods to the ignore list of course.

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They're moderators because their post count is obscene. They're here every waking hour, that is the main criteria rather than any particular wit or wisdom. They are observers. Delet may be showing signs of psychosis but that could be due to his age.


Sent from my E2105 using Tapatalk

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lol @ Deer. stop for a second and join the logical bits and pieces of your last post together before you realise how dumb it is.

Erm, you are pretty much complaining your way to a safe space,a tactic used across colleges campuses around the world

get your head out your ass. you're so drowned in this first-world college-age campus existence ennui that any controversy or drama you witness is framed to you in those terms only. a "safe space"? did you get ejected from one recently or something? I didn't say anything about individual social/political opinions itt. drawing links to MDE and the people he is satirising is a stretch bigger than goatse.


Never been to college but I've seen a couple of YouTube videos

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In my opinion it's rather weak to make a post about a guy's character instead of just clicking:

Manage Ignore Prefs -> "delet" -> Check every option.

Pretty sure at that point you might see his name in a thread but it only appears as a short few lines that are very easy to scroll over.


If you really didn't want to read/see it then just give your brain a couple milliseconds to scroll past his post. Don't take the time to look at it.

I don't even add people to this list yet still find myself just scrolling past people's dumb posts I don't like. It's not that hard man.

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Just realized that. IPB is so stupid sometimes. I'd never pay for this software.

I guess my point still applies though.. I can't even remember the last thing I read of delet's, but not because I dislike him. I just remember posts I like and scroll past anything I don't.


y'alls some whiny mother fuckers (imo duh,lolololol)

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I've gotta agree with most others here when I say delet.. probably shouldn't be a mod anymore. I don't think he's ever crossed over into truly out-of-line behaviors (Joyrex is the only one I've personally seen do that but I have a feeling he won't de-mod himself), but delet's actions and attitude makes me question the general state of the forum if our mods are regularly acting like that. Hell, we've gotta wonder if people who browse who haven't joined see that sort of stuff coming from a mod and wonder if that's part of the reason.


delet.. as I'm sure you're reading, I imagine you're a decent person with your heart in the right place. And I certainly don't want you gone off the forum, but, maybe like, i dunno, take a forum etiquette class or something? lol okay i'm sure those don't exist but still, just maybe chill out sometimes dude? :flower:

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This thread is triggering the fuck out of me. I need to get off of the computer. Bye



edit: it's hard to ignore


editedit: fuck you stop posting, i don't want to read this




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uasgi: deer's got a point; by actively wading out everyone you disagree with, you create a space with only people you like. this might feel mighty fine, but actually you wade out diversity and people who are able to confront your worldview


not saying delet..., is right, or me, or anyone else, but i know that group think is dangerous

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yes. when i see like 9 threads with delete's posts being the last (a very common occurrence lately) i just switch to some other website until that situations resolves itself.

it's hard to imagine a watmm person with less amount of self awareness, sense of humor, common sense and just friendliness.

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