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on a more serious note though, it's clear to me that if the UK did leave the EU Scotland would be keen to break free of the UK to rejoin the EU.


Wales and Southern Ireland would follow. Then the North would want to divide from the South, then East from West and so on and so forth...


... it will end up with Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson living on a remote Island in the middle of the Channel. Televised live like Big Brother.


We could call it "The BoJo and NiFa show" and it would be like watching a really really unfunny version of Father Ted crossed with Rising Damp.


No one would watch it because it's shit.


Vote remain for fuck's sake!

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on a more serious note though, it's clear to me that if the UK did leave the EU Scotland would be keen to break free of the UK to rejoin the EU.


Wales and Southern Ireland would follow. Then the North would want to divide from the South, then East from West and so on and so forth...


... it will end up with Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson living on a remote Island in the middle of the Channel. Televised live like Big Brother.


We could call it "The BoJo and NiFa show" and it would be like watching a really really unfunny version of Father Ted crossed with Rising Damp.


No one would watch it because it's shit.


Vote remain for fuck's sake!



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I also dun a voted.


I changed my mind a few times over the past few days and ended up completely in a tizz woz and 10 minutes before voting I considered just spoiling my vote, but I hope in the end I made the right choice even though I feel pretty annoyed about the whole debacle and who the fuck is Donald Tusk anyway?


Don't forget all the opportunities awarded to us by the EU over the years



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on a more serious note though, it's clear to me that if the UK did leave the EU Scotland would be keen to break free of the UK to rejoin the EU.


Wales and Southern Ireland would follow. Then the North would want to divide from the South, then East from West and so on and so forth...


... it will end up with Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson living on a remote Island in the middle of the Channel. Televised live like Big Brother.


We could call it "The BoJo and NiFa show" and it would be like watching a really really unfunny version of Father Ted crossed with Rising Damp.


No one would watch it because it's shit.


Vote remain for fuck's sake!




The Republic of Ireland is already in the EU. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK but yeah, they might want independent membership in the EU if shit goes down. I've read/heard vaguely about NI devolution over the years but I have no idea where it stands relative to this. The north and "south" ain't getting back together anytime soon though.

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soz i meant the Republic of Ireland. did no one read the rest of the post? fuckakes.


that still makes no sense, how would we (Ireland) be following Scotland and Wales leaving the UK and re-joining the EU when we declared independence from the UK 100 years ago? I've actually met British people who didn't realise Ireland was a separate country before, but I wouldn't have guessed you were one of them!



In the unlikely event the UK does vote Out today, Scotland will have voted strongly to remain, Northern Ireland and Wales as well, England is the only part of the country leaning towards voting Out. Scotland will likely push for a second referendum, and it would pass this time. There's not much Wales could do about it afterwards, and would have even less of a case for devolution in a Scotland-less UK. Northern Ireland couldn't do much either, are not going to want to rejoin the rest of the country as it currently exists, and are too small and undeveloped to exist as their own independent nation - though maybe it would open the door to some kind of dual-nation federal republic at some point in the future.

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Even though I don't live in the UK and the vote doesn't directly do anything to the United States I still couldn't really sleep last night because I was so concerned about the vote. Now that it looks like Remain will win, I haven't been so disappointed about anything in a long time.


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yeah that was after a surprisingly large margin for the Out side in Sunderland (which was always expected to vote Out) - though Newcastle, beside Sunderland voted Remain. The north of england is likely to tend Out generally (as will most of England aside from London), turnout in areas where Remain is expected to be strong is also pretty high though, so don't think that result is much of a worry.

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Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers, who's even more of a nutter than his brother, is hanging out with Nigel Farage tonight:


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