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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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When you think of Libertarianism, don't *merely* imagine an Orwellian boot stomping a face...imagine child prostitutes on every Dickensian corner...if you're not born to parents that can afford an education for you, then go fuck yourself...you'll make a great worker in my sweatshop...that is, if you're not killed by a drunk un-licensed driver...and this is a world lousy with Polio and AIDS and Ebola....who the fuck is gonna deal with big-picture epidemiology shit? The imaginary fucking hand isn't...who's gonna risk studying Polio for 10 years in a world with no intellectual property? If you find a cure, I'm just gonna immediately copy it and make it cheaper...yay freedom!

Edited by LimpyLoo
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anyone who offers utopian political solutions to things is basically a dick, regardless of the form they take. I would definitely eat Fukushima apples though, nothing wrong with them.

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anyone who offers utopian political solutions to things is basically a dick, regardless of the form they take. I would definitely eat Fukushima apples though, nothing wrong with them.

Utopian or not, this is where Ron Paul libertarianism points...and he's not even slightly humble about stuff he hasn't thought through, he just says 'free market will yield the perfect results' to any specific policy questions


Gary Johnson is a fan of private prisons...why, because if the free market does it then therefor it's good and it "maximizes freedom" even if that means there is now a financial incentive to imprison people...but hey, whatever the cost for this "freedom" they speak of

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When you think of Libertarianism, don't *merely* imagine an Orwellian boot stomping a face...imagine child prostitutes on every Dickensian corner...if you're not born to parents that can afford an education for you, then go fuck yourself...you'll make a great worker in my sweatshop...that is, if you're not killed by a drunk un-licensed driver...and this is a world lousy with Polio and AIDS and Ebola....who the fuck is gonna deal with big-picture epidemiology shit? The imaginary fucking hand isn't...who's gonna risk studying Polio for 10 years in a world with no intellectual property? If you find a cure, I'm just gonna immediately copy it and make it cheaper...yay freedom!


elon musk seems to think that open source is a good idea

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What does that mean, exactly? "Open Source" is a great solution for some things, but you can't have people on the Internet crowdsource solutions if Google or Verizon or whoever in the chain decides to selectively block or filter things based on political or economic motivations...you need a government to protect against Rupert Murdoch buying all the communication utilities

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What does that mean, exactly? "Open Source" is a great solution for some things, but you can't have people on the Internet crowdsource solutions if Google or Verizon or whoever in the chain decides to selectively block or filter things based on political or economic motivations...you need a government to protect against Rupert Murdoch buying all the communication utilities


from what understand all of tesla's inventions are open source and free to use along with all the solar energy stuff. not sure about space-x

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There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...

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People are gonna be too busy scavenging for clean drinking water...the commons will immediately be polluted, overfished and overhunted...we're gonna all be stuck on the bottom level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs...politics? Solar panels? Ebola containment? Justice of any kind? Not likely...


Or maybe if you're lucky, Nestle will sell you a glass of clean drinking water for 10 hours of hard labor...maybe you'll have the occasional 5 minutes where you're not in survival mode and you can pontificate about political systems or Ebola solutions or how to pull your 5 year old daughter out of prostitution



I mean, talk about taking things for granted...the reason all these things don't happen all the time is because laws are basically a way to offset the perverse incentives hard-coded into humanity...if you remove regulation against raping the commons, the commons will get raped...it already happens plenty WITH regulation...and you wanna dismantle the EPA? Good luck with your arsenic home testing kits

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their dicks are yooge

This is a myth, besides most women can't enjoy anything past 6 inches, big dicks are for deviants, people who like to feel the pain of overstretching holes.

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There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...


There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust. 


a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives. 


You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

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their dicks are yooge

This is a myth, besides most women can't enjoy anything past 6 inches, big dicks are for deviants, people who like to feel the pain of overstretching holes.





I was adopting the persona of a Daily Mail reader: 





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There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...

There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust.


a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives.


You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

1) You won't find me defending drug laws and gov't bloat and inefficiency and corruption...these are real problems, as real as they come


2) so you're saying that since drivers licences are a low standard, therefor we should have no standard? A lot of Libertarian logic seems to have this flavor...e.g. Our current regulation isn't perfect at protecting against pollution etc, therefor the answer is zero regulation...? You're gonna have to explain that to me, because you always point to this magical logic but how would NO regulation be better and safer than SOME?


3) "not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives"


That is the joke of it...if you think the American gov't is unaccountable, try living under under a corporate tyranny...free markets create monopolies, we know that...even slightly under-regulated markets do...you will live under a 100% unaccountable corporate tyranny, no voting, no elections, no petitions, nothing...it would be Neuromancer, not Burning Man...

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Like, think of all the dirty tricks Steve Jobs used to get his money and power...and now imagine a world with no regulations on how businesses could act...planet Earth would become a giant sweatshop, Google would own all the clean water and land and it would just consolidate and consolidate until it owned nearly everything...and you would prefer that to an (at least partially) democratic gov't?

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will they risk the real hilary on the debates or will they use a clone? i heard clones are unstable so who knows, maybe if the real hilary statrs spazin' out in front of millions she'll get more sympathy 


How about the donald, will he stick to the script bill clinton sent him or will he go rougue and tell the american people the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes, stuff like celebrity cloning or how we did not invent the computer chip we stole it from that ufo crash roswell 1947 


that would be great, if he discloses the truth about ufos and aliens ill vote for him even if he turned out to be Hitler at least ill die knowing we are not alone in the universe and that in fact we have been controlled and manipulated by the alien themselves, with my last breath ill call the aliens "daddy" hopefully they will feel sympathy for me and let me live as a slave 

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