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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Venous sinus thrombosis from her concussion in 2012 and the resulting brain injury is what's got Hildawg all fucked up. It makes her lack of press conferences and media appearances make sense, not to mention the only person she could run against and win. She can hide herself while Trump has all eyes on him. I really, really don't want Trump to be president, but it does seem quite likely that shit is about to come unraveled. Thoughts?

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I don't care. Hillary becoming president would just postpone the inevitable collapse, Trump would just accelerate the collapse. Either way shits going to collapse eventually. One is just quicker than the other. And having Trump as POTUS would just be ridiculous and be the laughingstock of the world.

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In all honesty though, how much power does the POTUS have? Even if Trump is all about nuking people here and there there'd be people standing in his way. The president isn't the absolute ruler. He/she can't do whatever they want.

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Obama's work - meh... 50/50 I guess (not including margin of error with dealing with congress)

Obama's Person - Seems like a decent guy. I'd play basketball with him.

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Same. I'd like to have coffee and talk about books with the tall man.




I think compared to many other republics in the developed world, the POTUS has quite a lot of power.




It's true. More than he'd have in a civilized country.

Edited by doublename
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And if you take all the races out of the stats besides white people and north east asians, the US has similar rates of gun crime to europe. 


No it doesn't.


The US has around 10 deaths from firearms for every 100k people. The UK has less than one (0.23) the highest rate in europe is Finland with just over 3 (Switzerland is in second at around 3), which isn't surprising as they both have the highest gun ownership in Europe. Those stats include suicides and accidental deaths though (which are reason enough to control guns better, ignoring crime), if you take them out of the equation the situation looks far worse for the US (Finland drops to 0.23 deaths by homicide for example, the UK to 0.06; while the US rate is still incredibly high at 3.4).


White people account for about 40% of the homicide perpetrators in the US, 60% of which are caused by firearms (and the method of killing occurs at similar rates for everyone). So even if we just look at white Americans who murder people with guns, they do so at a rate 22 times greater than in the UK and nearly 6 times greater than Finland!


But even if you were right, and you're not, what point are you trying to make? That it doesn't matter that gun murders are so high in the US because it mostly affects black people? That's pretty fucked up.


stats I used: 





note not all data is from the same year, but all pretty recent and they don't change hugely year-on-year, and are not likely to be strongly correlated in different countries anyway.

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I think compared to many other republics in the developed world, the POTUS has quite a lot of power. In Europe the president usually has a more ceremonial role rather than an executive role.



Yes but they have PMs with actual power. The American president is equivalent to Prime Ministers in most systems.



I think compared to many other republics in the developed world, the POTUS has quite a lot of power.


Yes and no. On paper it's still checks and balances between the 3 branches. Militarily it's a fair amount (we haven't declared war in decades, and many military operations are executive orders) which is scary considering Trump's persona and vague, bombastic views. On the other hand a lot of stuff gets gridlocked in Congress. The president can veto stuff but that can be overturned as well.


Speaking of nukes, I have no idea what the military has setup in scenarios were the president goes apeshit but I am sure they exist. Dudes in bunkers in Montana will have no idea (they do drills all the time, hypothetically they actually "launch" missiles" fairly often in practice mode....imagine doing that with Trump in office)

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that's a pwn

I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC




*pretends not to hear but squints into the distance in such a way that it's obvious i've understood everything you said and i agree*

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Those people would elect a Hustler magazine wrapped in a Harley Davidson jacket if they could




a Hustler magazine wrapped in a Harley Davidson jacket that espouses judeo-christian values 100%

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Those people would elect a Hustler magazine wrapped in a Harley Davidson jacket if they could




a Hustler magazine wrapped in a Harley Davidson jacket that espouses judeo-christian values 100%




what era hustler are we talking about here? bc this is sounding pretty fucking lush to me.

Edited by Alcofribas
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that's a pwn

I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC




*pretends not to hear but squints into the distance in such a way that it's obvious i've understood everything you said and i agree*



jk #aussiehumor

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moved from the other thread where it didn't belong...

I think you're mistaking who're the totalitarians here caze. It's difficult and a long winded process to convince those that have effectively been conditioned by cult programming though, so i don't want to get in to it with you, cause i just post things at 10 and you need to start things off at a .025 and be edged back to the light. 

no, you're the one mistaking who they are. oddly there are even some libertarians who seem to be supporting Trump (most of them are not dumb enough thankfully, and might spoil the election for the republicans by voting for Johnson in swing states instead), not realising he's the antithesis of a libertarian: he doesn't believe in the free market, he believes in protectionism, he loves eminent domain, wants to massively increase the military budget, doesn't want to decriminalize drugs, wants significant barriers to immigration, advocates committing war crimes (including deliberately bombing civilians, murdering the families of jihadists, and torturing people), wants to expand government surveillance programs, wanted Apple to cave to the FBI's requests to create backdoors for government uses, wants to beef up libel laws (mostly so he can sue people who point out what a cunt he is), panders to the social conservatives on every issue (I think he's probably fairly socially liberal in person - really he's an authoritarian big government Democrat, an ignorant, misogynistic, racist one - but as a president he won't, and can't, be socially liberal).


a large section of his support comes from white supremacists and neo nazis, I really don't know how you could possibly fail to realise this. Clinton recently called half of his support deplorable, she was wrong, it was actually 42%: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2016/Pres/Maps/Sep12.html#item-2. his running mate just the other day refused to call former leader of the KKK David Duke a deplorable individual. you're on the same side here as actual nazis.

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moved from the other thread where it didn't belong...


I think you're mistaking who're the totalitarians here caze. It's difficult and a long winded process to convince those that have effectively been conditioned by cult programming though, so i don't want to get in to it with you, cause i just post things at 10 and you need to start things off at a .025 and be edged back to the light.

no, you're the one mistaking who they are. oddly there are even some libertarians who seem to be supporting Trump (most of them are not dumb enough thankfully, and might spoil the election for the republicans by voting for Johnson in swing states instead), not realising he's the antithesis of a libertarian: he doesn't believe in the free market, he believes in protectionism, he loves eminent domain, wants to massively increase the military budget, doesn't want to decriminalize drugs, wants significant barriers to immigration, advocates committing war crimes (including deliberately bombing civilians, murdering the families of jihadists, and torturing people), wants to expand government surveillance programs, wanted Apple to cave to the FBI's requests to create backdoors for government uses, wants to beef up libel laws (mostly so he can sue people who point out what a cunt he is), panders to the social conservatives on every issue (I think he's probably fairly socially liberal in person - really he's an authoritarian big government Democrat, an ignorant, misogynistic, racist one - but as a president he won't, and can't, be socially liberal).


a large section of his support comes from white supremacists and neo nazis, I really don't know how you could possibly fail to realise this. Clinton recently called half of his support deplorable, she was wrong, it was actually 42%: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2016/Pres/Maps/Sep12.html#item-2. his running mate just the other day refused to call former leader of the KKK David Duke a deplorable individual. you're on the same side here as actual nazis.



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when judging Obama take into account the right wing congress that has been hell bent on destroying him. 


the president has the most control over military decisions. other stuff has to be passed through congress.  (i believe)

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that's a pwn


I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC



*pretends not to hear but squints into the distance in such a way that it's obvious i've understood everything you said and i agree*


jk #aussiehumor


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that's a pwn

I know we've been over this, but... how is he still a mod? Should someone this bigoted really be representing WATMM? JFC

I just love how he lives in Australia and knows more about the dynamics of USA than people that live here.

A day browsing infowars.com and this mofo thinks he is an expert on how things work.

Isnt the human mind amazing, it has the power to make an Australian basement dweller think he is a prophet we should listen and respect loooooool what are your credentials buddy, show your face do a weekly podcast let's meet the man behind the delusion

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moved from the other thread where it didn't belong...


I think you're mistaking who're the totalitarians here caze. It's difficult and a long winded process to convince those that have effectively been conditioned by cult programming though, so i don't want to get in to it with you, cause i just post things at 10 and you need to start things off at a .025 and be edged back to the light.

no, you're the one mistaking who they are. oddly there are even some libertarians who seem to be supporting Trump (most of them are not dumb enough thankfully, and might spoil the election for the republicans by voting for Johnson in swing states instead), not realising he's the antithesis of a libertarian: he doesn't believe in the free market, he believes in protectionism, he loves eminent domain, wants to massively increase the military budget, doesn't want to decriminalize drugs, wants significant barriers to immigration, advocates committing war crimes (including deliberately bombing civilians, murdering the families of jihadists, and torturing people), wants to expand government surveillance programs, wanted Apple to cave to the FBI's requests to create backdoors for government uses, wants to beef up libel laws (mostly so he can sue people who point out what a cunt he is), panders to the social conservatives on every issue (I think he's probably fairly socially liberal in person - really he's an authoritarian big government Democrat, an ignorant, misogynistic, racist one - but as a president he won't, and can't, be socially liberal).


a large section of his support comes from white supremacists and neo nazis, I really don't know how you could possibly fail to realise this. Clinton recently called half of his support deplorable, she was wrong, it was actually 42%: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2016/Pres/Maps/Sep12.html#item-2. his running mate just the other day refused to call former leader of the KKK David Duke a deplorable individual. you're on the same side here as actual nazis.


This sordid interest in "Libertarianism" needs to die a quick death.


The Libertarian Utopia assholes like Ron Paul advocate for would be populated by slavery, brutal mafias and cartels un-impeded by any government, it would be assholes on crystal meth doing 150mph wherever the fuck the want, no drivers licenses, no Amber Alerts, public resources would be raped to destruction, if you buy a product you better fucking hope the person who made it knew what they were doing AND ALSO isn't trying to sell you Fukashuma apples (ooh, but they might face "market discipline" after they kill 400 people...better hope they don't just skip town and do it all over), your milk has arsenic in it? Too fucking bad for you...what recourse do you have? You gonna sue them after you die? Is your widowed spouse gonna write a negative Yelp review?


When I hear a Libertarian talk about "enhanced freedom"

all I hear is "this world isn't shitty enough, let's TRULY let the monsters run the show simply because I hate taxes so much"...you got a mob of killers and rapists walking around...you need to be more powerful than them to stop them, that is just a brute fact of reality...Libertarians just offer duct tape 'fixes' for these sorts of problems based on reputation and market discipline...it is just adolescent nonsense


Yeah, social libertarianism, fine...but fuck Rand Paul in the ass with a dildo made in China full of lead and arsenic and dioxin and just whatever corners can be cut to make the most profitable dildo

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