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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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QLD will be Australia's perpetual embarrassment. some of our most vocal/useless idiots hail from this wonderful state: our fine Immigration Minister, Pauline Hanson, and also this guy.


 Yes thats right, have a go at the people that built this lovely first world country for you to 'perpetually' moan about in. In the west, it's been a thing, to express a multiplicity of opinions and to not take any of them personally. From this marketplace of ideas, the best stand on merit and we move on from there. It doesn't always work, and it has paused now and then, but by and large when it is running this state of mind propelled our people to create the modern world, so quit it usagi. I don't have a problem with you, but you permanently have one with me and it's rather tedious.


 As for obamacare, i wasn't defending trump's plan that was not the purpose of my post so great come back there people. "yes but trump's is worse". I said i was further to the left of most of you people, so that would mean i favour single payer. Which would be infinitely better than the current rip off at every level system that currently passes for 'healthcare' in the US, a system that only the very poor and the very rich can make best use of, a system that is said to be the most expensive in the world.

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let's see, here:


- talks nonstop bullshit about migrants but says he doesn't have a problem with this specific migrant (cos he just happens to be talking to him directly)

- hides behind "this is a marketplace of ideas", a fairly liberal notion for someone who is vocally against economic and social liberalism

- isn't exactly the architect of Australian Federation and certainly doesn't come from our hardest-working state considering its economic output/development


I'll buy that for a dollar :cisfor:

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just learned pence is a big time koch guy. they share staffers and everything. link


good article.


surprised it was released in july this year. should have been bigger news, imo. can't remember it. could be me or a general focus on bullshit tweets, polling numbers and emails. can't put the full blame on media either. this stuff was out there, but didn't stand out in terms of ridiculousness compared to the other stuff, i guess.

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zizek making a couple of good points. 


not sure if this is the right thread at this point. i feel like we need a new thread to collectively cry about the direction this planet is flying in. thinking about expensive limited vinyl only releases, trump tweeting like an infant, football leaks tickling my soccer balls, and genetically modified techno.

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this lady giving trump the business on twitter made me feel good - she goes on for like 20 tweets.











That first one nails it.
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let's see, here:


- talks nonstop bullshit about migrants but says he doesn't have a problem with this specific migrant (cos he just happens to be talking to him directly)

- hides behind "this is a marketplace of ideas", a fairly liberal notion for someone who is vocally against economic and social liberalism

- isn't exactly the architect of Australian Federation and certainly doesn't come from our hardest-working state considering its economic output/development


I'll buy that for a dollar :cisfor:


 - Out of hundreds of posts i have mentioned immigration perhaps once or twice in the last two to three years. The moment i did you went from having no opinion of me to being incredibly irritated about everything that i said. So that "nonstop bullshit about migrants" thing is ALL in your head usagi. Plus really mate, what has not wanting never ending mass immigration into your nation, especially from low IQ or culturally dissimilar nations that will not integrate and never have, got to do with liking or not liking individual immigrants, one of my very closest friends that i have known for more than twenty years is chinese from indonesia. Again you have an inability to separate in your mind the emotional consideration of a topic from the rational, it really does make me fear for your intellect, and does go a long way to explain your behaviour towards me on this board and in general from when you talk about your interaction with the world.

 - non point with no connection to what i said.

 - NSW was ranked 'best performing economy', i looked up why and it seems that they are 'performing' because things like accruing housing finance debt, building new dwellings for immigrants and the population growth from immigration itself, all contribute to what is defined as economic growth. What they see as a positive side of the ledger i see however as an unsustainable ponzi scheme. Satiyajit Das and economist Steve Keen, both Sydneysiders, have interesting things to say about Sydney's 'economic growth'.


 Anyway, all the best. i've shown you enough olive branches over the years, all of which you've wacked away, so i can't say that that your posting interests me any longer, but that said, I don't have to like you or not like you. And maybe if you actually accept some sort of reset in your thinking perhaps i can even raise you back into the positive ledger, which i put all watmmrs in, cause well they're here so they must be alright  [-;

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this lady giving trump the business on twitter made me feel good - she goes on for like 20 tweets.











That first one nails it.



 Yes, i agree, the trump tweet is the only valid statement out of the four on display.

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 one of my very closest friends 





does this phrase come across differently in oz or something?



 I don't know what you're reading it as but i'm glad that someone probably found something negative to say about one of my posts, again, super, just can't win.

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 one of my very closest friends 





does this phrase come across differently in oz or something?



 I don't know what you're reading it as but i'm glad that someone probably found something negative to say about one of my posts, again, super, just can't win.




In the US "some of my best friends" are [insert minority] is, like, the go-to plea of innocence for racists and xenophobes. 


I was being facetious though, on account of my not actually knowing you. 

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 one of my very closest friends 





does this phrase come across differently in oz or something?



 I don't know what you're reading it as but i'm glad that someone probably found something negative to say about one of my posts, again, super, just can't win.




In the US "some of my best friends" are [insert minority] is, like, the go-to plea of innocence for racists and xenophobes. 


I was being facetious though, on account of my not actually knowing you. 



 yeah, i've heard that 'some of my best friends thing' used in the racial context and knew that if i used the phrasing 'one of my best friends' that it would be misinterpreted by people that want to not like me, so i used 'one of my closest friends' instead, heh, but ho hum, people see what they want to see. Anyway, i'm glad you're being facetious and not malicious doublename, there's too much pointless hate in the world already.

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dey tuk yer jerbs, though. so it's not hate, it's just a selective and poorly-substantiated, shall we say, "dislike", for a mass of people you don't know but can somehow put in a single box in spite of their diverse backgrounds and features, while at the same time claiming your "one black friend" defense. that's fiiine.

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i love u peace7



I also love you, Peace7. 



World peace, baby.



And also beer: Last night I had like a $15 beer, cuz I didn't realize the random numbers were prices.  I don't know if it's worth it for me to support "nice hipster import beer whatever".  I could buy like 5 times worth of good can beer.

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N.C. man told police he went to D.C. pizzeria with assault rifle to ‘self-investigate’ election-related conspiracy theory






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 one of my very closest friends 





does this phrase come across differently in oz or something?



 I don't know what you're reading it as but i'm glad that someone probably found something negative to say about one of my posts, again, super, just can't win.




In the US "some of my best friends" are [insert minority] is, like, the go-to plea of innocence for racists and xenophobes. 


I was being facetious though, on account of my not actually knowing you. 



 yeah, i've heard that 'some of my best friends thing' used in the racial context and knew that if i used the phrasing 'one of my best friends' that it would be misinterpreted by people that want to not like me, so i used 'one of my closest friends' instead, heh, but ho hum, people see what they want to see. Anyway, i'm glad you're being facetious and not malicious doublename, there's too much pointless hate in the world already.



Some of my best friends are best friends.

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