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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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america deserves to be ruled by these morons, it's the fault of the voters

46 percent non-voters in 2016. But let's not forget the electoral votes which got us Emperor Orange Poopstain Tantrum Lord McTweet in the first place

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america deserves to be ruled by these morons, it's the fault of the voters

46 percent non-voters in 2016. But let's not forget the electoral votes which got us Emperor Orange Poopstain Tantrum Lord McTweet in the first place
not to mention the gerrymandering which gives Rs the advantage in most cases. and the way urban votes seem to matter less than rural votes when the numbers are crunched.
Totally... It's so fucked that rural voters have more impact on elections than city voters... Simply because of where they were born and raised.

I don't understand why 1 vote doesn't equal 1 fucking vote because of where you live...


The electoral collage needs to be completely obliterated.





Because you have land, you have more of a say than I do...?!?!?!?!?! Fuck you!!

Edited by Hk47
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This bill all sounds good, but it's strange a lot of the talk about term limits comes from Republicans like Ted Cruz and Rick Scott. Are the old Dems really that scared of new blood? Some of the Millennial Reps seem to be ready to push for a generational change of power, that is sorely needed IMO.



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MAGA turds are already losing their shit over newly elected AOC and Rashida Tlaib to the now Democratic-controlled House in the 116th Congress. Better get used to it, inbred brownshirt goblins.

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Watched his press conference on the shutdown/border security yesterday while at the dentist. All I could think was “this is the ramblings of a man either on some very good acid, or in a state of full-on dementia”.


Literally nothing he said made any sense.

Yeah fuck the collage.

College man, college. Unless you have some weird hate on for mixed-media art.

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I wouldn't worry too much. I've posted more embarrassing shit here than that in the past.

Besides, this shit storm of a presidency is still two years away from its end. Hopefully sooner, and praying no later.

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Maybe we should let him ride it out until 2020 or death, whichever comes first. He's gone from slickly talking about nothing to scatterbrain to this weird cusp of near incomprehensible:

His "take" on Afghanistan reads like a 8th grade report bullshitted in a furious spurt 10 minutes before class starts.




“Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia, because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. Russia. … The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there. The problem is, it was a tough fight. And literally they went bankrupt; they went into being called Russia again, as opposed to the Soviet Union. You know, a lot of these places you’re reading about now are no longer part of Russia, because of Afghanistan.”


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Maybe we should let him ride it out until 2020 or death, whichever comes first. He's gone from slickly talking about nothing to scatterbrain to this weird cusp of near incomprehensible:


you mean you feel less concerned because he's too incompetent to realize his destructive ambitions?


i do not feel comfortable. 


let's say catastrophic effects of climate change happen in the next hundred years and, resultedly, the global economic prosperity and relative international peace go to shit and the world has to struggle and adapt through a post-modern era of war, oppression and poverty. how will the histories of the year 2300 look back on the people of our time, who, smiling, looked the other way and let it happen?


there's a cultural relativism that is making us ok with things that are extremely not ok.


that's the way i feel about getting inured to DT.


watch fail army. people laugh and think they will be ok right before they destroy their spine. history is the same way.

Edited by very honest
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I'd be careful as well pushing for an impeachment before 2020. If Trump resigns or is forced out, Pence is President and Nancy Pelosi becomes VP, digest that nightmare scenario. If Trump leaves, Pence is much more in step with the right wing of his party, and could conceivably piece the GOP back together, gaining popularity, and he could then run for TWO more terms as President, whereas if he's disgraced along with Trump by losing the next election, the GOP would not back the VP of a one term President.


Of course, we live in the Upside Down now, so anything is possible.

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