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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Do the Trump quiz:



got a 10/12 :S


happy xmas :)

12/12. They set it up to be easy: just pick the answer that seems most clownlike.


Merry trumpmas



missed two because they were too obviously clown like. incredible! :(

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makes me think that a good toilet book would be a list of facts about the trump presidency, two to three sentence nuggets, only the silliest and most foolish moments of course but you could fill a fair few pages still. reminds me of patton oswalt's joke about michael jackson and how basically anything you hear about him seems plausible due to the number of absurd stories that were true (this was just after MJ hung his kid over a balcony)

Each moment can apparently be a whole book.









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Show up for Christmas, to tell our troops they're getting a bigger pay raise than they actually are. His douchery knows no limit.



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Lol, how does he sleep at night?


Estranged from his wife.




the idiot can't even manage a simple PR gig without putting foot in mouth.



My mother said today that Trump is the antichrist. I am a proud son.


Show up for Christmas, to tell our troops they're getting a bigger pay raise than they actually are. His douchery knows no limit.




also signed hats with MAGA, violating DoD guidelines prohibiting partisan political activity among troops and visitors, and publicly revealed a SEAL deployment and faces or personal in that unit ~ those fuckups usually get people it hot water - demotions, administrative punishments, etc. It's a big OPSEC fuck up

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The bald fellow to the back right appears unimpressed.

And you'd think our "commander in chief" would be schooled up on basic OPSEC protocol...he's a bull in a china shop in any and all situations.

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jesus... he's so fucking dumb. 







Trump: Give Me a Wall or I’ll Engineer a Recession
On Friday morning, the president tweeted that if Democrats refuse to fund his wall, he will engineer a massive recession (that would all but insure Democratic victory in 2020) — because he is under the impression that the United States would “profit” by closing its southern border to all commerce, since the U.S. runs a trade deficit with Mexico:


We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve!


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if there's no actual criminality for DJT in the Mueller report then we're just headed for an even more polarized nation until he goes full crazy and republicans in congress start breaking ranks. 


the report needs to be full of really damning stuff for trump. otherwise he hangs around and runs in 2020 and we get another 4 years of punishment if/when he wins. 


if he can't be impeached by both houses.. well.. we all eat shit. 

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Two top Republican chairmen stressed Friday that the final report from special counsel Robert Mueller "must be trusted by Americans."

In closing out their joint committee investigation into decisions made by the Justice Department, Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., took a shot at their Democratic counterparts for playing up concerns that their probe was a campaign to undermine Mueller.
"Contrary to Democrat and media claims, there has been no effort to discredit the work of the Special Counsel," Gowdy and Goodlatte wrote in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, and the DOJ inspector general. "Quite the opposite, whatever product is produced by the Special Counsel must be trusted by Americans and that requires asking tough but fair questions about investigative techniques both employed and not employed.”
The two retiring Republicans said their committees "have assiduously avoided interfering with any ongoing criminal, counter-intelligence, administrative, or judicial reviews of conduct engaged in 2016 or 2017."
The joint endeavor began in October 2017, looking into decisions made by the DOJ related to FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, inquiry into Russian interference and possible collusion by the Trump campaign, and alleged surveillance abuse and bias by federal agents.
While President Trump has dubbed Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt" and called it illegitimate, Democrats had accused Gowdy and Goodlatte's effort of being a partisan effort to hurt the special counsel.
"House Republicans have failed to substantiate their allegations of 'FISA abuse' at every turn. In some cases, those allegations have been made in direct coordination with the White House," Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement in March. "These are blatant attempts to distract from and undermine the credibility of Special Counsel Mueller. Chairman Goodlatte and Chairman Gowdy are simply off base — just as they were last year, when they called for a new special counsel to investigate a slew of Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories. Where there is no crime, there is no criminal investigation for a second special counsel to manage.”
Nadler is poised to take over the Judiciary Committee when Democrats take control of the lower chamber next week and has joined the chorus of incoming leaders talking up the investigations they plan to focus on Trump, which they say the GOP has neglected.
While Gowdy and Goodlatte defended Mueller, they did criticize the Office of the Special Counsel for denying or delaying Congress access to information citing an "ongoing investigation" in their letter and mentioned one instance in which it retrieved documents that were in congressional possession claiming they were improperly disseminated.
Gowdy and Goodlatte's investigation is not likely to survive into the next term with Democrats in charge; their best hope in the legislative branch is with Republicans in the Senate who still have the power to direct the investigative agenda.
The Democrat likely to take command of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, chided the GOP duo's effort in a tweet Friday evening. "This is how the House Republican effort to undermine Mueller by 'investigating the investigators' ends. Not with a bang, but with a Friday, buried-in-the-holidays whimper, and one foot out the door," Schiff, D-Calif., wrote.
Upon the conclusion of interviewing 19 "key" witnesses and reviewing thousands of pages of documents, they renewed their call for a second special counsel — following the appointment of John Huber to investigate claims of FBI misconduct and an ongoing DOJ inspector general review.
Among their conclusions, Gowdy and Goodlatte concede they didn't obtain sufficient evidence to conclude whether a case could be brought against Clinton for her use of an unauthorized email server to conduct government business while serving as secretary of state. "To be clear, neither of us is in a position to know whether an investigation centered on the actual elements of the offense, addressing appropriate questions to witnesses with knowledge, or waiting until the end of the interview process — as opposed to May of 2016 — to draw conclusions would have resulted in a chargeable or prosecutable case," they wrote. "What we can say with confidence is the manner in which this investigation was conducted ensures we may never know the answers to those seminal questions."
Gowdy and Goodlatte also lamented the "institutional protectionism" at the DOJ and FBI, specifically regarding the issue of providing witnesses and documents in a timely manner.
"[C]onfidence in venerable institutions like the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation must be restored so the public can trust these institutions to make decisions solely on the facts and the law and totally devoid of political bias or consideration," they wrote.
In a separate letter to Whitaker and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Goodlatte urged that interview transcripts be released following a declassification process.




remember how the gop-controlled house was investigating the investigators, in regard to Mueller, and in regard to how the FBI let Hillary off without charges? how does this not look like cockroaches scattering after the mat has been lifted? i.e., now that they're losing control of the house.


look at the timing. immediately before the democrats take control of the house, the gop-controlled house committees end their investigations into the investigators, which were serving the interests of republicans and trump. if these investigations had a sound basis, why not let the democrats take them over and then attack them for mishandling, if they don't handle them appropriately?


this is a plain demonstration of their consciousness of having been acting in bad faith when pursuing prosecution of FBI officials and Hillary Clinton.


as another point of interest, it seems like they are spooked. they are going way out of their way to be clear that they definitely were not trying to obstruct justice. they're explicitly stating Mueller's report needs to be trusted! there is a reason why they are saying things now to whitewash the appearance of having undermined Mueller. 

Edited by very honest
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"Durrr it's the Democrats' fault the kiddos died"...no it ain't, shit for brains. You're the one trying to turn Border Patrol and ICE into America's own Gestapo. Fuck you Donnie.

I don't care about intellectual debate anymore. There's no reasoning with this waste of oxygen.

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"Durrr it's the Democrats' fault the kiddos died"...no it ain't, shit for brains. You're the one trying to turn Border Patrol and ICE into America's own Gestapo. Fuck you Donnie.

I don't care about intellectual debate anymore. There's no reasoning with this waste of oxygen.

I stubbornly read this in the opposite sense: because you care about intellectual debate, you stop wasting time on Trump. ;)

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"Durrr it's the Democrats' fault the kiddos died"...no it ain't, shit for brains. You're the one trying to turn Border Patrol and ICE into America's own Gestapo. Fuck you Donnie.

I don't care about intellectual debate anymore. There's no reasoning with this waste of oxygen.

I stubbornly read this in the opposite sense: because you care about intellectual debate, you stop wasting time on Trump. ;)


You're not wrong. In fact, the less news covfefe coverage he gets, the better.

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The US president will always get lots of news coverage. Almost by definition. So, if you allow me to be stubborn again, it's more about the attention people give to all that coverage. You can't blame the media for covering the president. You can only blame yourself for drowning in all the nonsense. Stop drowning yourself in all the coverage!


Best wishes for 2019 and may we all learn to swim like Olympic swimmers in this sea of chaos. Keep our heads above the water. And leave the MAGA nonsense behind us like the starting block we started from. :)

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