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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?

Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo


It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government

Are you fucking joking, Adieu?


Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible

By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization



But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find...

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Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?

Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo


It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government

Are you fucking joking, Adieu?


Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible

By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization



But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find...



Hey! Weren't you blaming others for not being open minded and cynical?

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Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?

Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo


It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government

Are you fucking joking, Adieu?


Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible

By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization



But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find...



Think about it this way, if the things they want to do don't work, the quicker we go back to doing the things the way we want do them.


If they work, it's better for all of us.


In the meantime, I hope all of you are keeping yourself in tip-top shape to be neo-socialist samurai warriors. You might be fighting soon.

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Also rofl limpy  rofl


The higher one’s IQ, the more pessimistic one became about free-market politics — capitalism simply is not that popular with the crowd. Among the smartest conservatives, this pessimism often manifested in heroic drinking; the smartest libertarians, by contrast, had fewer hang-ups about positive law and escaped not only to alcohol but beyond it.

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Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?

Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo


It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government

Are you fucking joking, Adieu?


Peter Theil said 'freedom' and 'democracy' are incompatible

By 'freedom' of course he meant the freedom for businesses to act how they want, regardless of the impact on civilization



But Peter Theil is as close to a moustache-twirling bad guy as you're gonna find...



Think about it this way, if the things they want to do don't work, the quicker we go back to doing the things the way we want do them.


If they work, it's better for all of us.



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Thiel believes that companies inherently strive towards monopoly (which makes sense, I guess) but he ALSO believes that they should be allowed to get there, unimpeded by regulation.


Now, we fucking know what monopolies look like. Given enough time and 'freedom', they grow like cancer and make life hell for anyone on the outside of them.


So when he talks about 'freedom' being incompatible with democracy, he is saying that he and people like him should be free to accumulate endless wealth and power, regardless of the impact on society. If the country/world turns into a corporatocracy that is miserable for most people living in it, well that is just a testament to our 'freedom.'



So no, I'm not 'open-minded' about Peter Thiel being given more power.

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whats a neo socialist samurai warrior


someone capable of waging war in the name of leftist philosophies. mental and physical.

Thiel believes that companies inherently strive towards monopoly (which makes sense, I guess) but he ALSO believes that they should be allowed to get there, unimpeded by regulation.


Now, we fucking know what monopolies look like. Given enough time and 'freedom', they grow like cancer and make life hell for anyone on the outside of them.


So when he talks about 'freedom' being incompatible with democracy, he is saying that he and people like him should be free to accumulate endless wealth and power, regardless of the impact on society. If the country/world turns into a corporatocracy that is miserable for most people living in it, well that is just a testament to our 'freedom.'



So no, I'm not 'open-minded' about Peter Thiel being given more power.


That sounds fun to me. I really hate my 9-5. Why don't we let them do it, so there will be a violent revolution? Then afterwards we can put whoever we want into power and get rid of this back and forth election nonsense?

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Said it from the start, Trump would win.. Now i have to get a jump start on getting on SSI before the horror of Pence obliterates eveything

Edited by marf
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whats a neo socialist samurai warrior


someone capable of waging war in the name of leftist philosophies. mental and physical.


when it's time for a revolution, you'll know it. until then, that kind of rhetoric only serves to feed the same energy making rightist militias and crazy people dangerous.


this is not an opportunity for a civil war, it is an opportunity for voters to educate each other

Edited by very honest
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whats a neo socialist samurai warrior

someone capable of waging war in the name of leftist philosophies. mental and physical.

Thiel believes that companies inherently strive towards monopoly (which makes sense, I guess) but he ALSO believes that they should be allowed to get there, unimpeded by regulation.


Now, we fucking know what monopolies look like. Given enough time and 'freedom', they grow like cancer and make life hell for anyone on the outside of them.


So when he talks about 'freedom' being incompatible with democracy, he is saying that he and people like him should be free to accumulate endless wealth and power, regardless of the impact on society. If the country/world turns into a corporatocracy that is miserable for most people living in it, well that is just a testament to our 'freedom.'



So no, I'm not 'open-minded' about Peter Thiel being given more power.

That sounds fun to me. I really hate my 9-5. Why don't we let them do it, so there will be a violent revolution? Then afterwards we can put whoever we want into power and get rid of this back and forth election nonsense?

If by "we" you mean the remaining 50% of the population that doesn't starve to death during the "transition"...


This is what really bums me out: people think anarchy and Revolution would do less harm than "this back and forth election nonsense." I sorta think people don't realize just how bad things can get, especially Americans.


They picture Che Guevara swooping in and saving them--smoothly and painlessly--from the oppressive system, ignoring the glaring fucking fact that this oppressive system is the reason they're comfortable enough to worry about such things, and if you destabilize it then the chaos you're so well-protected from comes flooding back in.



Adieu, I'm starting to think you're a genuine nihilist who is happy to upend anything and everything out of sheer boredom, regardless of the harm it would cause.

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Here are Thiel's favorite economists: comrades Strauss and Friedman (y'know, those leftist revolutionaries that inspired the leftist economic policies of comrades Reagan and Thatcher):



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With great power comes great responsibility. Of course it's not okay to insult someone based on their race but when the government starts telling you what you can and can't say, they can start telling you how to think. Sure it may sound crazy but it has happened before. Instead of laws that limit speech we should educate the ignorant. Everyone knows when the man tells you not to do something a lot of people want to do it more. Then the true racists will see it as a way to advance their agendas.


Think of the way antisemitism is handled, not a lot of people bother to actually explain why it's ignorant but just label someone to shut them up. This makes the white supremacist hate groups hate even more because the "danger" of it makes it more appealing to them. That's with everything when it comes to speech or thought, when you don't confront them with facts but instead smack them down with the hand of the government it just makes them want to be ignorant even more.

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one critical issue about freedom and freedom of speech that most people fail to understand is that someone else can use their freedom to infringe on yours. it's a balance, not a blanket concept that is to be taken purely on face value.


for example, they're talking about modifying and / or tearing up a law we have here regarding racial discrimination. certain white folks are terrified that it infringes on their freedom of speech. what they don't understand is that saying ignorant and racist stuff without consequence reinforces a society where the targets of that abuse are silenced.

It really, really depends on the minutia of the law...


One concern with discrimination laws is the possibility of "discrimination" being too broadly defined and restricting speech that others simply don't like.


That is what appears to be happening up in Canada with bill C-16. There is a core of sensible protections like protecting trans people from housing and employment discrimination and hate crimes.


But then there are details around the fringes of the bill--pertaining specifically to speech--that are potentially cause for concern: the way the bill is worded, it might preclude professors from teaching certain empirical findings in biology, psychology, and evolution.


There are actual, salient sex/gender differences with regards to biology, evolutionary psychology, psychometrics and so on, and the bill is worded in such a way that empirical findings that are perceived as disparaging on the basis of gender might be illegal to teach. And hopefully I don't need to spell out why criminalizing certain "ugly truths" might be bad news, but that is essentially what the early days of Maoist China were all about..

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that can't be real





it's real.. that's why i embedded the tweet and did a screen grab. click the top embedded tweet.. it goes to his account.. tweet from 2012

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The EC is only good when my candidate wins! Also check all the right-wing pundits turn around and all be talking about respecting the office of the president and the election results, completely forgetting the last eight years. Hypocrisy from both sides galore.


Trump looked shook af when meeting with Obama, I think he just realized the enormous job he just got himself into. He is good at spending other peoples money, but not on this scale and not in away that will affect so many people. He's soon going to see the wretchedness of everyday politics, all the wheelin' and dealing going on, not to mention running foreign policy. I have no doubt in my mind that in the re-negotiations of trade deals and the likes the other parties are going to look to stiff him and the US as much as they can. Trump somehow in his own hubris thought that every negotiation he's involved in will be a win for him, but odds are reality is going to slap his orange face hard.


I also think Trump is going to be more moderate than he made himself be on the campaign trail, but I do worry about what kind of regressive pricks he'll appoint to his cabinet, who will further their agenda and Trump will just rubber-stamp it because he doesn't care. He will also flip on many of his promises. No way will he get that wall built. Bill Burr said a funny on Conan the other night, by the time the wall is built it will be the Americans that are trying to get over it.

Have a feeling he'll be a one term president. He will tire quickly of of the slow and thorough process that is involved with politics, it just doesn't suit his "everything-right-now" attitude. 

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