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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Founders is one of the best, most reliable "East Coast" breweries.  I say "East Coast" in quotes because really they are from Michigan.  But if the East Coast wants to have any hope of staying competitive against West Coast breweries they need to go a bit broader.


The East Coast has some wonderful beers to offer. Especially New England. But, they're extremely local and have no interest in wide distribution. (Alchemist, Treehouse, Trillium, Hillstead, etc.) They make some amazing beers, but keeping it a New England thing is just how they role. I love me some of their IPAs, and get my hands on them every now and then. I always contemplate taking a road trip to score some, but, a few of my local breweries have come up with their own take on the "NE style IPA". I'm sad to say, they're as good & in some cases better. Witches Hat & Transient brewing in MI to name a couple. Good times ahead for me.

If you need any Backwoods Bastard atypic, let me know...although I may be killing it this weekend...


edit: We also got a ton of Lizard of Koz as well.




You're not wrong about VT.  IMO, VT has the best collection of breweries in the country with Alchemist, Lawson's, and Hill Farmstead.  (But my favorite brewery is by far Bruery in CA.)


That's very kind about Backwoods; thanks for the offer but we actually get it here in NC too.  I like to spike it with bourbon.


In NC we have our first world class brewery in Wicked Weed if you ever get the chance to try that.  If you like big IPAs, try their Freak of Nature IIPA.  And we also have NoDa's Hop Drop and Roll IIPA which is superb.  And a few other harder to get ones.



Closest I've heard 1st hand is:

'How you feel now that Trump's president, faggot' - Construction worker, Midtown East, early-40s, ruggedly handsome


Nice touch!



 lol. is that all you've got. Everyone knows that the US healthcare system was a disaster. Obamacare did not improve it one iota. It was written by the health insurance companies !! It wasn't some panacea meant to save the the people. It was a bid to lock the people in to policies that the government mandated that they have to buy from the corporations that wrote the legislation, that's fascism. Here are some issues with obamacare for you to look up.


- obamacare providers are dropping out of selling the policies because it's not a sustainable business model for them

- Many poeple have decided to pay the penalty for not taking obamacare because it's cheaper than having to pay for it

- the deductibles are so high that most people don't use their obamacare

- The premium increases on obamacare over the period since it's introduction have been skyrocketing.

- you couldn't keep your doctor (heh)

- and so much obama greatness more


 Come on now mate, search for a better one than obamacare to be smug about. i'm far more left wing than many on here, but i preferred trump, that should say something. The election was really globalism versus nationalism. Globalism has sought to deindustrialise the west, open it's borders, tear the working people of the west down to third world levels. Nationalism seeks to protect the citizen from the elite multinational banking cartel. Whether or not that actually works out, whether or not trump lets the people down, at least they're more awake to the difference now.


The biggest pro of Obamacare is about pre-existing conditions.  It's the heart of it.  I agree that the law sucks and insurance companies aren't going to lose under it.  The real problem is that (1) healthcare expenses are skyrocketing and (2) insurance companies won't get stuck with the bill.  Until those two are addressed, ultimately one way or another average citizens are going to get screwed.

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so euh, how come obamacare providers (=insurers) can drop out because of some unsustainable business model, but insurance companies have both written the legislation and aren't going to lose under it? can someone explain the logic? i know healthcare is a difficult issue, but a basic sense of logic is not too much to ask, right?


more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.

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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.



 Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along.

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oh rupert


on the left is the one for NY and the right is for texas



saw that earlier on twitter, but then read the replies. apparently is from August and had been debunked, the one on the left came out earlier, and then the paper was updated to reflect machinations from that day. or something.

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the internet is ruining the internet.  :(




oh rupert
on the left is the one for NY and the right is for texas

saw that earlier on twitter, but then read the replies. apparently is from August and had been debunked, the one on the left came out earlier, and then the paper was updated to reflect machinations from that day. or something.


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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it


The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.


 Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along.

I'm really not interested in whether or not people support trump. It's just the distortion of facts and self serving cherry picking to support personal ideologies, whether left or right, which is mindboggingly annoying.

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 Funny how she has not standing in court (that doesn't have clinton appointed judges magically ruling for them) to ask for recounts. Then jill stein is only asking for recounts in states that trump had marginal wins, none that hillary won (mostly by smaller margins). This right there proves that she is working for hillary and not her own party. Why ask for recounts only in states that will cause legal wrangling in trump states tying up the electoral college delegates from that state, maybe those millions she received from demo benefactors, not surprising that her own party is angry with her. Next isn't it strange that the hillary camp is fighting so much about the 'popular vote' (three million illegals voting and one million dead notwitstanding, not to mention all the ballot stuffing through postal votes and just plain old getting the voting machine to vote a different way), when hillary ripped off Bernie by claiming the paid for delegates as hers (along with a litany of bullshit lies which fucked over the pro Bernie overwhelming vote). And here you guys are supporting the wanker when she uses the same cheating tactics on MAGA. hah. .. seriouslor. [-; Do you really want a war with russia and thousands of genders to fight it that much ..

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more total bs in delet's post, but can't be arsed to respond to any of it

The idea of a Trump supporter that isn't even from the US is just too retarded to even try to tackle. Not to mention, I'm from Massachusetts, so my taxes help pay for subsidies for the idiots in red states that voted themselves into the exact pickle that inspired them to vote for Trump and fuck themselves even more. And we get nothing in return except for more stupidity. We have enough of that shit in the US. Like I need some clueless dweeb on another continent telling me what my situation is.

Can we please stop being a punk because my politics are different to yours. You weren't able to rebut my points, you just rely on invective rhetoric, don't ave any valid points of your own, it's quite tiring and is illustrative as to why so many working people ditched the dems and voted trump, they were sick of being shouted down for no reason by excitable children with no real clue about the world. It's why i haven't bothered with politics on watmm for years, you're all politically, with few exceptions, regressive lefti social justiice warriors. Everything is so politically correct and you lot are so angry when people trigger the safe space. Simma down boi. heh. Lets just get along.

Putting Trump in office seems like a great way to hear more complaints from social justice warriors for the next four years. I have no clue about the world yet you lack the foresight to see why Trump is just bad news all around. Even as he trolls China on twitter, tries to make NYC pay millions for his unnecessary trips back and forth from DC and trump tower, calls foreign leaders on his personal cell phone to make real estate inquiries, skips intelligence briefings, starts beefs with comedians to distract from lawsuits, reveals his weak solutions for keeping jobs in America, lies about illegals giving Clinton the popular vote, and hires a bunch of fuckheads for his cabinet who otherwise would not be allowed a political career. All after being elected and before he's in office. What does your opinion change about any of this shit? Fuck your politics.


Also, you're assuming I'm politically correct when I've never even remotely tried to be. It's just a thing you can be mad at. From a different continent.

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