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Red Dead Redemption 2


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Yeah, there's loads of other stuff going on so I can't be arsed to start again to get their missions.


Lost another horse, my brother reloads his last save whenever his dies as he seems to have an unhealthy attachment but I'm doing it properly.


i played poker literally all night with those two guys only to leave in the morning and find my beautiful horse dead and rotting on the ground, struck by a passing train, as her retarded owner (me) had left her standing on the tracks.

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I just rode into Saint Denis and some poor fella had a chamber pot thrown on him from an apartment above.


Yeah, there's loads of other stuff going on so I can't be arsed to start again to get their missions.

Lost another horse, my brother reloads his last save whenever his dies as he seems to have an unhealthy attachment but I'm doing it properly.


i played poker literally all night with those two guys only to leave in the morning and find my beautiful horse dead and rotting on the ground, struck by a passing train, as her retarded owner (me) had left her standing on the tracks.




Well, he was a good boy.

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This game is amazing, I've been taking my time with it and exploring a lot I'm still on chapter 2 (though I think I'm just about to 3, will proabably reach 3 tonight)

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Anyone else have the problem of Sadie disappearing from camp? Apparently it's a widespread problem. I haven't seen her since about the first chapter, and I'm pretty well into Chapter 2 now.

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i've never seen her at camp other than once when she had a mission for me


i haven't got John's wife or kid at camp either, i assumed they were all just doing things away from camp or just didn't hang around there


hope i haven't missed much





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Have you guys had conversations with Tilly? I was robbing stage coaches....well, stealing stage coaches (had to kill them since they wouldn't just give it up. Not the optimal solution, I know) so sometimes Arthur would talk about how he's doing crazy shit and killing people for no reason.


So the game is smart enough to realize I'm doing awful things and that my goodness rating is pretty high, so the character is conflicted, but not intelligent enough to realize that I'm just trying to make some goddamn money.

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The NPC's are so well fleshed out it's pretty amazing... apparently if you follow one around they have entire scripted lives and personalities and follow coplex daily routines rather than simple loops like a lot of games.

I sat and played poker in the camp for like a full hour and a half last night, just listening to the little banters and such... this game can be quite comfy at times.


I've noticed the Jack and Sadie missions still showing up despite them not being around, just got to chapter 3 and did a run into town with Sadie, i'll be glad when they're actually in camp though, i find bantering with everyone there really immersive and enjoyable.

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Wondering to what extent this game will allow me to turn into a feral wildman who kills everyone and lives in a tree. Might give it a go this weekend.

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Amazingly rich gaming experience. I'm playing it more good guy than bad.


I greet everyone I possibly can. It's amusing being that guy who just says hi to everyone, yelling from afar "Hey, Mister!" As a result my honor meter is pretty positive.

Last night I went to a swamp to hunt alligators and snakes while bird watching with the binoculars in between and it was riveting.

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yeah fuck the haters and gamer whiners. this game is fucking amazing and better than i had expected. I tried playing GTA V and was amazed by the visuals but didn't care about the story so i quit very quickly. I dont really care about the story here either but their attention to historical details and representing the variations of the american landscape is quite charming (ignoring the fact that places like valentine *probably* wouldn't have been electrified in 1899 and the jazz music they play in st. denis wouldn't come around for at least 25 more years.) 


my one autistic nitpick is their inconsistencies with geographic place names. I've sort of made peace with their "alternative" place names as stand-ins for IRL aka san andreas, los santos, liberty city for GTA. It was always kind of annoying but I guess they did that to avoid lawsuits. Same convention exists here with new hanover and st denis EXCEPT characters in the game constantly refer to IRL places like California and New York, rather than their Rockstar counterparts San Andreas and Liberty City. I wish they had kept the convention consistent between GTA and Red Dead, rather than create a second parallel universe, or just abandon it in favor of realism.


I suppose my second autistic nitpick is how little sex / sexism and racism is involved in this game. erasing these issues in a game that is making great pains to be as realistic as possible is annoying, they might even fool younger players into thinking these weren't issues.

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The geographical thing is a bit weird, but I figure the whole game environment is supposed to be like a condensed Louisiana Purchase. The lack of sex is weird as it kinda tiptoe's around it, hookers will make advances on you and the "deluxe baths" but you cant do anything about it. I don't know where you are in the game, but racism of the time is addressed and actually comes into play in a certain region. You can also talk with Lenny and Tilly about it in various conversations.



Also this:


not a cutscene... you can do this


Can I punch feminists in this game? pls respond


yeah, actually you can... there's suffragette NPCs around St. Denis

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