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NHK yx Koyxen - Reflexes


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How did this completely pass my radar WATMM??


2018 sept 07


01. Meeting (Remix) 3:51

02. Passing 4:58

03. With You 5:02

04. Mutually (Remix) 4:56

05. Dignity (Remix) 3:43

06. Intention / Pio 4:30

07. Outset (Remix) 3:39

08. Pio 6:58

► 37:38




NHK yx Koyxen returns to DFA with Reflexes, a vivid, thorough revisiting of Exit Entrance, his 2017 debut for the label. Reflexes reimagines key songs and motifs from the first album, combining them with new material to create an entirely unique body of sonic permutations. 


Exit Entrance represented a subtle change in Matsunaga’s prolific discography (including releases for Mille Plateaux, Important, Pan and Diagonal) – the tracks held a newfound warmth and sincerity, while also retaining his revolutionary techno weirdness. Tiny Mix Tapes described the record as “intricate, lush electronic songs with simple titles that make you feel feelings,” while Boomkat praised its “lucidly crisp set of breakbeat techno and electro tricks.” 


Reflexes is warmer, more rich in texture and tone than Exit Entrance. Perhaps this is due to its emphasis on spontaneity and live hardware recordings when combined with the original tracks. In the process of recording the album, Kohei was not able to save any audio stems, so when asked about the possibility of making a few remixes, he instead created new iterations of Exit Entrance from scratch. 


Anyone familiar with Kohei’s training as an architect could invoke an ability of reconstruction here, but his process acts more as a testament to the way he is willing and able to make hard sounds malleable. Reflexes is both delicate and sharp, a shapeshifting maze of mood and melody, an ideal reflection of his past work and what is to come.


released September 7, 2018


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i always want to love kouheis music.  Self va, and the album with sensational are some of the weirdest but most wildly creative music that came out in that time period or since.  But imo, his stuff since then hasnt really held my attention.


Dance classics were functional and fun, if a bit samey.  Doom Steppy Reverb was a bit more polished which was a nice change of pace.  The DFA stuff for me is kinda just.. there.  More slick sound-wise but still skeletal and sketch-like; it doesnt move me hard enough in either of those directions.  Maybe I just havent given it enough of a chance? I also haven't got around to sparrows / parallel tempo eps yet..

Funny thing is, i cant get enough of his work as a visual artist (i bought and cherish a book of his drawings).  It shares the dream-world weirdness and improvised nature of his music.

Anyway, all to say, I skimmed through this album and it didnt move me too hard.  But Im glad if he keeps doing his thing and Ill come around to it eventually

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How did this completely pass my radar WATMM??



I always assume they get posted here, NHK yx Koyxen has put out a solid release every year now for awhile. Seems under the radar for a project on DFA as well. 

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