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14 minutes ago, marf said:

This middle of the road shit didn't work out the last time. Dems are such pussies. Ok boomers

No, anyone with Hillary’s exact platform in 2016 who also had the incredible distinction of just NOT being Hillary Clinton would have won quite easily. 

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if the margin is big enough, it's obvious what's happening. aside from final reported votes, they'll also have people sending in rough tallies from the various precincts.

not looking good for Bernie tonight, good shit.

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1 minute ago, Nebraska said:

because it's rigged?

btw: is anyone still voting for warren?

they do it by exit polls but it seems like a shitty thing to me. 

anyway.. i've already imagined the SNL spoof of the Biden/Trump debates. 

3 minutes ago, caze said:

if the margin is big enough, it's obvious what's happening. aside from final reported votes, they'll also have people sending in rough tallies from the various precincts.

not looking good for Bernie tonight, good shit.

in some states yes in others no. some districts are way different demographically across race/income etc. 

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why is it shitty? the polls are closed, it's either correct or it's not, it's virtually always correct.

3 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

btw: is anyone still voting for warren?

no, and she's currently 3rd in her home state. oof. biden is remarkably ahead there, but too early to call.

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4 minutes ago, caze said:

why is it shitty? the polls are closed, it's either correct or it's not, it's virtually always correct.

no, and she's currently 3rd in her home state. oof. biden is remarkably ahead there, but too early to call.

depends though. sometimes the exit polls aren't very accurate. they're just trying to get a jump on the news i guess. seeing 1% reported just kinds of grinds my gears

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exit polls are incredibly accurate, and it's not just exit polls. they also rely on counted votes, and tally info from various precincts.

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3 minutes ago, caze said:


no, and she's currently 3rd in her home state. oof. biden is remarkably ahead there, but too early to call.


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Just now, dr lopez said:

not looking good im afraid. only chance is for biden to get corona virus

will we be able to tell if he has coronavirus? seems like it won't make a difference in his abilities as a politician 

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What if Bernie got elected and we still didn’t flip the senate? “Free college healthcare Mitch double chin gobbler for you and you and you and you!”

Edited by Candiru
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1 minute ago, Candiru said:

What if Bernie got elected and we still didn’t flip the senate? “Free college healthcare Mitch double chin gobbler for you and you and you and you!”

amy mcgrath is polling tied w/moscow mitch.

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Sanders will still probably win the delegate count tonight, because of California, but if Biden wins Texas it's over for Bernie long term (it means bad things for Sanders in the other big southern states to come like Florida and Georgia). even if he doesn't though it looks like Biden will do well enough that there's close to zero chance Sanders is getting a majority before the DNC.


1 minute ago, Candiru said:

What if Bernie got elected and we still didn’t flip the senate? “Free college healthcare Mitch double chin gobbler for you and you and you and you!”

Flipping the senate wouldn't be enough to get any of his shitty policies enacted anyway.

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It looks like a lot of the votes Warren was counting on must be going to Biden rather than Sanders, in college districts around Boston for example. Maybe that tactic of Bernie's toxic fans shitting all over her wasn't the best strategy ? 

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1 minute ago, caze said:

It looks like a lot of the votes Warren was counting on must be going to Biden rather than Sanders, in college districts around Boston for example. Maybe that tactic of Bernie's toxic fans shitting all over her wasn't the best strategy ? 

where's bloomberg votes coming from? in texas he spent a lot of money on spanish language ads and is reportedly doing decent there and the pundits are saying this is pulling votes from bernie since he's done "so much work with latinos"

this made me lol. 


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turnout is pretty good in a lot of places from the little i'm seeing so far, so that's good news across the board y'all. if Dems are turning out to vote in the primaries (i think?) that should carry over to the general, which is really necessary to get Trump out so....take solace in that Bernie fans?

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4 minutes ago, auxien said:

turnout is pretty good in a lot of places from the little i'm seeing so far, so that's good news across the board y'all. if Dems are turning out to vote in the primaries (i think?) that should carry over to the general, which is really necessary to get Trump out so....take solace in that Bernie fans?

not necessarily. people will come out to vote against trump but i don't see a lot of people being over the moon and come out to vote for biden. i mean.. he's not really selling anything except "orange man bad" and his electability is what people are gambling on in the primary.. thinking he's the one who can beat trump. but we'll see... it's hard to imagine biden getting people really excited to come out to an arena for a rally or give $17. 

he has no organization in most places.. didn't even set foot in tennessee but somehow is going to win it. this, to me, smells like fear more than hope. 

but what do i know.. i just ate a big pile of chicken nachos w/guac and beans and stuff. 

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13 minutes ago, caze said:

It looks like a lot of the votes Warren was counting on must be going to Biden rather than Sanders, in college districts around Boston for example. Maybe that tactic of Bernie's toxic fans shitting all over her wasn't the best strategy ? 

so toxic wanting healthcare for everyone, college for everyone, and high taxes on the rich

maybe some people are fed up with pathetic centrists pushing things to the right because they're scared of fucking boomers thinking theyre communist because they're actually left of center instead of a right of center "democrat"

fuck ex republican warren, fuck buttigieg the mckinsey shill, fuck biden, especially gigantic big fuck bloomberg the wannabe oligarch

if this primary isn't clear to you you're a lost cause

Edited by Zeffolia
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16 minutes ago, caze said:

It looks like a lot of the votes Warren was counting on must be going to Biden rather than Sanders, in college districts around Boston for example. Maybe that tactic of Bernie's toxic fans shitting all over her wasn't the best strategy ? 

taking away peoples chance at free healthcare and college to own the demsocs: not toxic

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