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an ABSOLUTE UNIT of a shirt

hello spiral

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Henlo, I am doing another shirt. But this time I am trying everpress. It's kinda like kickstarter, but for shirts.

This is the design:





^ go here to order.

If not your cuppa, please share with someone you think might dig it. Thx ❤️

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5 minutes ago, Salvatorin said:

buy it, bitches. i bought it despite the fact that i'm just going to use it as a dishrag. but i support my people. that's why you should too

this has been a salv PSA

i bought XXXXL so that i can tuck it inside my pants... salvi style :^)

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21 minutes ago, Salvatorin said:

i even made a little educational series of photos to help all of you out there who aren't aware of the tuck & billow method.


tuck, and billow. tuck, and billow.

Hey Salvy, you bought that shirt on redbubble? 

How's the quality??

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5 hours ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

@hello spiral is the manufacturer of the shirts/style etc as the last (rlly dope) one I got?

Just want to make sure sizing is the same!

Nah, the last ones I had printed myself. This is a print to order kinda deal, as long as enough are ordered.

If you scroll down on that everpress page there's a 'size guide' link/button

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lol yeah, I love the design, but man I would get some stares wearing that to work or wherever.


More importantly everyone should get two for themselves and their loved ones.

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