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Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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A bit off-topic, but not sure if there's a better place to ask this.

Does anyone know of a book that specifically gives an audit of costs for different wars? I know Piketty touches on this in his Capital books but I'm hoping someone knows of a book that's more focused on this specific subject. Thanks in advance!

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2 hours ago, Taupe Beats said:

A bit off-topic, but not sure if there's a better place to ask this.

Does anyone know of a book that specifically gives an audit of costs for different wars? I know Piketty touches on this in his Capital books but I'm hoping someone knows of a book that's more focused on this specific subject. Thanks in advance!

there's a lot of information here but no book i could see. there are many papers linked to though.. perhaps you can find some good sources here.  the "teaching resources" section has a lot.. as does the "papers" section


if you google around some there might be some MIT Press type educational books (spendy $$$) on different wars. also there's some history books about specific wars/time periods that do go into costs of things but you'd have to narrow it down

Edited by ignatius
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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

there's a lot of information here but no book i could see. there are many papers linked to though.. perhaps you can find some good sources here.  the "teaching resources" section has a lot.. as does the "papers" section


if you google around some there might be some MIT Press type educational books (spendy $$$) on different wars. also there's some history books about specific wars/time periods that do go into costs of things but you'd have to narrow it down

Thanks! This definitely gives some info I'm looking for.

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Gaza war puts US’s extensive weapons stockpile in Israel under scrutiny
Israel appears to be receiving munitions from stockpile, but there has been little transparency

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Biden administration again bypasses Congress for weapons sale to Israel


The state department sought to counter potential criticism of the sale on human rights grounds by saying it was in constant touch with Israel to emphasize the importance of minimizing civilian casualties, which have soared since Israel began its response to the Hamas attacks in Israel on 7 October.


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28 minutes ago, xox said:

pretty fucked up how that all went down. that's what they do though... target people. sounds familiar

the israel lobby has far reach and organizes on college campuses to out people who support palestine and peace etc. they manage to be very influential in all kinds of ways for better or worse. per this doc series.. mostly worse. there is undercover reporting in this doc series. it's interesting and coocoo. 


Edited by ignatius
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30 minutes ago, ignatius said:

pretty fucked up how that all went down. that's what they do though... target people. sounds familiar

the israel lobby has far reach and organizes on college campuses to out people who support palestine and peace etc. they manage to be very influential in all kinds of ways for better or worse. per this doc series.. mostly worse. there is undercover reporting in this doc series. it's interesting and coocoo. 


They think they can do what ever they want bc the rest of us are just cattle in their eyes; not worthy enough to judge their actions and shame them nor powerful enough to stop them 

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Looks like from this Guardian article that the government of South Africa has brought formal charges to the Hague (through International Court of Justice) against Israel for committing genocide.

This article of analysis from American poli sci professor/researcher J. Mearsheimer: https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/genocide-in-gaza


Despite his admission that Israel is engaged in “indiscriminate bombing,” President Biden has also stated that “we’re not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel. Not a single thing.”6 He has been true to his word, going so far as to bypass Congress twice to quickly get additional armaments to Israel. Leaving aside the legal implications of his behavior, Biden’s name – and America’s name – will be forever associated with what is likely to become one of the textbook cases of attempted genocide.


I never imagined I would see the day when Israel, a country filled with Holocaust survivors and their descendants, would face a serious charge of genocide. Regardless of how this case plays out in the ICJ – and here I am fully aware of the maneuvers that the United States and Israel will employ to avoid a fair trial – in the future Israel will be widely regarded as principally responsible for one of the canonical cases of genocide.

The author is not confident that this court case will change anything, also noting that the US and Israel will do whatever they can to avoid a fair trial.

I also read earlier this week that Israel, which will be defending itself at the court (initial proceedings begin next week on Jan 11), has chosen Alan Dershowitz to be the chief lawyer in their counsel. Dershowitz is the guy who has been in the news recently because of the Epstein document release this week. Dershowitz was apparently his friend and was also his lawyer when Epstein was first charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors in Florida in 2006. I saw someone on social media shitpost that Dershowitz 'raped more women than Hamas' lol - since he apparently was close with Epstein (although I honestly have not followed the Epstein stuff too much, although I know a lot of people have conspiracy theories that he was connected with intel agencies for different countries).

Anyhoo, I hope that this ICJ court case is able to make some kind of dent toward ending this war.

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19 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

do they really call themselves the corporation and are secretive? lmfao

Yeah the Harvard Corporation. I think it might be the oldest corporation in America.

Meanwhile today, Biden gave a speech at an African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina where there was a mass shooting in 2015.

Protesters interrupted the speech chanting ceasefire to protest the war in Gaza, and then as they were escorted out of the church, and the remaining congregation started chanting 'four more years'


Edited by decibal cooper
wrong kinda church I put in original post
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11 hours ago, decibal cooper said:

Yeah the Harvard Corporation. I think it might be the oldest corporation in America.

it's so cartoon-villain-like something from a bond movie or smthng

sorry, obviously i'm ignorant about this, but it seems weird to have a prestigious university, have an oversight board that is secretive. it's not very democratic, and leaves a funny taste to the work 'liberty'.

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On 1/6/2024 at 1:47 AM, decibal cooper said:


This article of analysis from American poli sci professor/researcher J. Mearsheimer: https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/genocide-in-gaza


Selling Mearsheimer a little short by calling him a poli sci professor/researcher, but good article by him. the book that he co-authored on the Jewish lobby in America is an interesting read and there is some pertinence to the utter madness that Bill Ackman is trying to perpetrate. the working paper the book is based on discusses some of the influence of the Jewish lobby on US academia. Attaching it here as it's a good summary of the many issues the US-Israel alliance has created.

Mearsheimer-Walt - Israel Lobby.pdf

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This is a sad result of the Israel lobby:

Also, the woman and her daughter who made the complaint are the most karen of karens. Fuck you karen.

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10 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

This is a sad result of the Israel lobby:

Also, the woman and her daughter who made the complaint are the most karen of karens. Fuck you karen.

this sucks.

hopefully everyone profiled and pulled off the plane gets a lawyer and sues whoever can be sued. it's the american way.

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this could also go in the ukraine/russia thread. lot's of interesting stuff in this. the guy he interviews is former defense dept intelligence specializing in russia but also worked in israel. 


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President Joe Biden said the strikes were meant to demonstrate that the U.S. and its allies “will not tolerate” the militant group’s ceaseless attacks on the Red Sea. And he said they only made the move after attempts at diplomatic negotiations and careful deliberation.

'attempts at diplomatic negotiations and careful deliberation' 🤣

Diplomacy in the Biden administration: stop hitting the ships or else!

I guess this is a regional war now officially 🤔

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16 minutes ago, ignatius said:


great example of how fascism can come about so easily even among people who ostensibly were victims of fascism in the past.  absolutely disgusting government.  fuck them.  they say this with that flag behind them.  imagine showing this to a victim of the holocaust

Edited by zlemflolia
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25 minutes ago, zlemflolia said:

great example of how fascism can come about so easily even among people who ostensibly were victims of fascism in the past.  absolutely disgusting government.  fuck them.  they say this with that flag behind them.  imagine showing this to a victim of the holocaust

someone during an interview sort of mentioned off hand about "victims can become perpetrators". almost as if a road map gets built in some people's brains.  "never again" becomes only about that one group. 

i posted this earlier in the thread somewhere but it's directly relevant especially when she tells the story about the holocaust survivor being shouted down.. the whole thing is so maddening. 


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On 1/10/2024 at 1:42 AM, chenGOD said:

This is a sad result of the Israel lobby

US Senator Bernie Sanders tried to get a law passed yesterday requiring the State Department to assess whether or not Israel is using the weapons we send them to violate human rights and international laws related to war (and if the State Dept refuses, or if Israel found to be doing the war crimes, then military aid would stop on a dime). The senators who were in attendance for the vote (a lot of senators were off for a snow day), voted overwhelmingly to NOT put any conditions on military aid to Israel, so it is still a blank unconditional check for American military support to Israel: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-rejects-bernie-sanders-bid-probe-israel-gaza-human-rights-concerns/


The White House has rejected the approach from Sanders as "unworkable" as President Biden's administration seeks a transition from Israel and works to ensure support at home and abroad against a stirring backlash to the scenes of destruction from Gaza.


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