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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Dating. Shit is wild. I don't get it. I try being a nice guy and no girl wants to talk to me. I try being a dick and I attract women that are crazier than a bag of cats. I either get women where I'm Mr. 'Wednesday' because they are banging like 5 guys at one time, or I get women who want to dump off their baggage, move in and crush your hopes and dreams under the guise of 'love' I JUST WANT A CHICK THAT CAN APPRECIATE SOME AFX, NOT BE CRAZY, HAVE A LIFE, AND BE A MYNX IN THE SACK.... (doomed to loner-status forever)
  2. nice lol, yeah I should at least added exclamation point. his studio is stunnning. But at the same time, I used to hang at gearslutz and damn people are crazy over there with gears! Thousands of dollars of equipment; 19 inch dell monitor. (tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment that don't need anything better than a 19" dell monitor)
  3. I thought it was just a common Scottish living room decoration. Mostly I expected Sean Connery to own it. (sigh) Can't win them all...
  4. Uhh... Damn. Can I come jam @ your place Rbrmyofr?
  5. Make sure to get max2.3.krackedbyPr0zenCrew.zip.rar.00.exe from Napster whilst you're back there If you wouldn't have posted this in the 'studio pics' thread I would have guess it was a pedophile spank-den. Decades old computers, check. Cheap American beer, check. What looks like a box of girl scout cookies, check. St. Ives 'breakneck speed' lotion with paper towels for clean-up, check. And to top it all off it's in a basement. Yikes! You really have everything needed to be an Autechre fan...
  6. say whaaaaa? Cool link Zoe!!
  7. Las Vegas is a hell-hole. Fuck this city.

    1. ambermonk


      Where rich folks go when they have money to squander

    2. triachus


      and everybody knows your name

    3. NorthernFusion
  8. Yep, him and a few 'friends' is all he's said about who else may be involved
  9. Not really, that's an apples to oranges reference if I've heard one. Splitting hairs, but there is a big difference in attitude, sound pallate and style.
  10. I can't upload them from where they are stored for whatever reason, so you gotta click to get the full image(s), but these are from Fort Ebey State Park on Whidbey Island in Washington State. It is about a 45 minute journey from my place and one of my favorite spots in all of Washington. It's got everything from coastal bluffs to old growth temperate forest areas and a bunch of pretty cool abandoned bunkers and old anti-aircraft artillery guns Also one pic is a picture of my old cat, I just like it the pic, and it's nice because I no longer have that cat. Ol' Zues ran away two years ago
  11. 1000 posts in. BOOM

    1. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze

      shake shake the room

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Audioblysks 1000th post caused the earthquake in haiti.

    3. Audioblysk


      and the thunder down under.

  12. What are your plans? Welp, a friend I used to work in restaurants with owns this trendy little French bar/bistro in this trendy ass strip my house and is gonna hook it up as a favor. We're meeting up for drinks and food there and then who knows what.
  13. Going on the first real date I've been on since moving out of the place my ex and old roommates live. It's a friend of my current roommate and the girl is cute as a damn button. Nervous as fuck.
  14. It was only to pay rent! I regretted selling the SH-101. The Doepfer A-100 is the only thing I've had that surpassed it. Old: New: This is my half of the studio. (The Concussor modules are still missing as I need to remind myself which way to plug them in first so I don't blow them up!) To the left is Nina's workbench, where she's working on Stepper Acid, but she won't let me show you that for some reason, even though I think the latest prototype looks really cool, held up by its own wires. So here's a video we made of it a short while ago instead. We've only improved it a little bit since then. Hey, you quote Leonardo da Vinci in your .sig! Have you seen The Life of Leonardo da Vinci? It's a great documentary series, I think. I love it. That break in the video is ace as heck too. ZoeB, you're one of my favorite WATMMers, keep up ze good work!
  15. I am the Liquor.

    1. PhylumZunami


      I'm getting drunk tonight randy

  16. If by 'anarchy' you mean community-based living and direct democracy then I would say yes, absolutely. While I agree with you in a sense, I also believe that this is really a pipe-dream. People been fuckin', fightin', gettin' mad, gettin' sad and getting happy in no particular order since the dawn of man. Humans are in no way altruistic, and IMO most people who believe that they can be or that they are - aren't being fully honest with themselves. I grew up on a commune in Northern California until I was 8. We had a little set-up akin to the one you describe. Most of the money was made off of the outdoor cannabis harvest every fall and my parents along with the other families, were freaky swinging hippies. They met and discussed things with how the land was to be run, we ate communal meals and lived off the land for the most part and my childhood was pretty rad aside from the ants.... so many ants... While this sounds cool and dandy, it has the same pitfalls as any other society and group of people trying to satisfy the veritable desideratum of the many. People get greedy, people get selfish and people, most of the time IME, look out for themselves and their families over anyone else. I know this is going to spark an out-pour of bleeding heart 'you're just not enlightened/optimistic enough' or 'well they had the wrong reasons/mentality' crap, but until you have seen/experienced a true outsider communal society in the middle of nowhere operate, you can't say shit about if it works better than what you currently live in or that it would make anyone less depressed. It's a pipe dream to think that the problems that have plagued society since day one would just disappear in a 'community based direct-democracy' and it's a cop out to take action to better life in the current system, however flawed. (I know this went off about more than just depression, I just had to rant a little)
  17. I realized that my body and head were connected when it comes to happiness. This is a very recent discovery to me, as stupid as it sounds. I have found If I - Drink a shitload of water, 64 to 96oz minimum (1892.71ml to 2839.06ml for you metric folk) Eat no sweets, drink no soda and eat no bread or pasta Run 3 times a week for 2 to 3 miles and lift weights/pushups/situps daily Don't drink booze or have caffeine I'm happy as a clam I slip on the booze thing and the occasional bread, but overall, since starting this I feel amazing.
  18. Got offered a RS7000 for 300$... temptation

  19. Was just about to say ^^ everything in England is enchanted and whimsical, except of course for the Welsh. If no action is taken or responsibility owned up to, bash in her break-light with a tire-iron in the wee hours. My 1st world problem is building a new design for my colleagues ventilation/filtering system that augments none of the current electrical (aside from the actual wiring of the thing) or structure of a small-ish warehouse. I am not an engineer, have brief background in practical electrical engineering from a course I took in college and stuff I've had to do with work in the past. I think I've got it worked out, but good god it has been a logistics nightmare and I have yet to even order/assemble the ruddy thing, which in itself will take a good 3 days of 8 hour work with me and a friend. I have to drill/duct through the parts they deem in the lease, it's ridiculous and something I wish I would've known before accepting payment for the project. Thank god I finally have first world pay so I can feel better about my 1st world struggles. #1stworldconqueror
  20. Pre-98 Bubba Kush, grown in one of my works gardens organically. Tastes like coffee, hash and a slight hint of something like bubblegum or clove. Lush. and a young coconut. I saw Ultrademon @ Bonkers in Seattle and he was getting down on one, got inspired, now I can't stop making seapunk muzik.
  21. Hey man. I'm looking forward to your new EP. Mucho <3 from the NW corner of the USA.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hello spiral
    3. hoggy


      Fry up, Paracetamol, Tea

    4. MisterE


      drink lots of water.


      best thing would be to go back in time, and drink a glass of water (at least) before going to bed. alcohol dehydrates you

  23. It has been me the whole time. MEEEEE!
  24. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, StephenG. That's not just a first world problem and I hope he can get better.
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