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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. p much. Another blight on society not gone soon enough. I know I'm kind of shitty saying that, it's a human life and all that. But some people contribute to a culture etc that do society much more harm than good - in this case a woman beater apparently.
  2. Did you happen to get Paradox as well?Nope. Should I? I think it's right up your alley for sure I think? Paradox + Sunshine2 are the best things out of Aleksi-land in a while IMO. Trax 1 and 7 are my fav but the whole release is quite nice. https://triprecords.bandcamp.com/album/paradox
  3. Oh fuck, his most recent tour is amazing. Lol, we saw him here in Calgary/Canada. We see him every 2 years or so when he's here. Wasn't that some of the best shit you've heard? He has a special way of making you think IMO, very talented comedian. I often see his work discredited as shock or potty humor or whatever. Disagree.
  4. yeah, he's got some downloadables on soundcloud too, but that's it. kid lib said there should be a new release from him on GBW soon though woot? I hope so. His stuff is like stepping back in time sometimes, authentic early 90s jungle vibes. I love it personally.
  5. I like it yeh me too, really nice. Nice flow to it as an album as well not just single tracks.
  6. Yeh Phineus2 is top notch stuff, I'm completely amazed how little official releases he has out there? A few 12s and a digi with kid lib I think?
  7. lol it's hard to keep up, but worth it. I've found more than a few artists to explore through your sets. Much obliged. yes pls
  8. I like BCM's burger posts mostly. ehrm… I've been listening a lot of The Necks and Acid Mothers Temple (catching up on discography thx not-chatmm) lately?
  9. OOh! Our new friend lickneonlights probably likes this a lot. Seems up his alley. heh (sorry guys can't edit posts for some reason, not meaning to multipost).
  10. Yup. 'Pleasant' as the Rifts stuff is, it's not *interesting* and a lot of it feels like you could be listening to some arp generator app or something. I like what Cryptowen said above about Lopatin showing more of himself/putting more of his personality into his records from Returnal onwards. “Pleasantly boring” is a good description of the rifts stuff. a broader discussion could potentially be had about what we mean when we’re calling this “conceptual” and how that differs from records that are not. I’d also be curious to think about other “conceptual” albums, exploring how some succeed or fail. but that’s prob another thread. imo the most flawless conceptual records are by kraftwerk yeah computer world is a good example of a successful concept album. dlo opened my eyes to that. I think the thing that makes those albums work is how accessible they are and how organically the conceptual framework is built into the album. Opn is just tedious by comparison. Each album reminds me of that m night shyamalan robot chicken meme. Every song its just about the next twist rather than a pleasant cohesive track (and subsequently album). Comes off as clunky, and the attempt to be as avant-garde as possible is why some people are saying pretentious. Yup. 'Pleasant' as the Rifts stuff is, it's not *interesting* and a lot of it feels like you could be listening to some arp generator app or something. I like what Cryptowen said above about Lopatin showing more of himself/putting more of his personality into his records from Returnal onwards. “Pleasantly boring” is a good description of the rifts stuff. a broader discussion could potentially be had about what we mean when we’re calling this “conceptual” and how that differs from records that are not. I’d also be curious to think about other “conceptual” albums, exploring how some succeed or fail. but that’s prob another thread. imo the most flawless conceptual records are by kraftwerk yeah computer world is a good example of a successful concept album. dlo opened my eyes to that. I think the thing that makes those albums work is how accessible they are and how organically the conceptual framework is built into the album. Opn is just tedious by comparison. Each album reminds me of that m night shyamalan robot chicken meme. Every song its just about the next twist rather than a pleasant cohesive track (and subsequently album). Comes off as clunky, and the attempt to be as avant-garde as possible is why some people are saying pretentious. That should read - "each successive album reminds me more and more of that...meme".
  11. i mean that thread agreed with you. that's why i made it, totally perplexed by its stature among music critics and listeners because it's always bored me to tears. yup, agreements all round, cheers even OPN > Burial
  12. no the right side is a little perkier actually stage right I mean
  13. Yeah it was uncalled for, sorry about that. I apologise. As soon as I woke up this morning (just now) I came here to say that. I need a bit of a break from watmm to sort myself out - I'm going to ban myself for a couple weeks.
  14. obviously it's everyone else who has a broken tongue. broken by the IPA hop wars. edit: doesn't matter really.. i can't drink beer sicne i was diagnosed w/celiac 5+ years ago. Well fuck man. Obvs if you're allergic to the stuff you're going to start tasting it differently! Evolution and all that. lol
  15. So far off the mark it's not even funny. You've completely and totally misread the guy IMO. He's a huge inspiration for hanging up a pretentious apron and getting down to the nitty gritty of food and culture, to expose mine (and a younger) generation to the connection between food and culture. Summarizing him as some asshole that was just capitalizing on exploiting low level (street cart etc) food is a huge mischaracterization. So huge. Massive inspiration to young un's to travel and soak up food and culture.
  16. you must stop thinking in such constrictive terms and t r a n s c e n d S H I S S I N G
  17. Finally gotten around to the most recent mixes today. Will binge today as I study ;o Edit: meant to ask earlier, are these hardware mixes or are you using ableton or? Quality mixing.
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