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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I met him once and tbh I don’t think he’s “trying” anything. He was really down to earth. Just doing his own thing and being himself like he has for 20+ years ?
  2. Not breakcore. I think it straddles all the usual lines that would make me chalk it up to “teh idmz”. ?
  3. I gave Planet X a spin the other day, tried to listen with less bias etc and I did enjoy it. I’ll give this un’ another shot soon. ?
  4. I want more lol! I track, a snippet, a teaser. One of the most anticipated releases of this year for me. Really nice to know he's still at it.
  5. Breakcore for me is represented best by very few artists. V Snares Spongebob Squarewave Ruby My Dear Stazma (may be a few others)
  6. I think there is some really interesting sound design on this. It's not as immediately gratifying as some of their previous releases, but (at least in my opinion) there is some really interesting stuff in here. A much more mature, less dancey, and p psychedelic release compared to modern (2000s+) releases. Less of an album, more a collection of sound/vocal experiments. Which I think may have been the point to begin with? This is one of the more interesting releases I've heard in years tbh. I'm trying to get into a habit of listening to releases with less context, as in, trying to set aside who the artist is, my previous experiences with and expectations of them. I find I'm enjoying music a lot more this way. Currently my take is that AAI deserves some respect and repeat listens, and not necessarily in sober frames of mind.
  7. Yeh and I think around syro time it was close to 800?
  8. yeah, this is just a pr/marketing gimmick imo
  9. Great question and honestly I have no idea... I wasn’t following the thread and just saw “earthbound” and replied impulsively ?. One of the best series of all time I hope it’s avail on the switch for y’all
  10. Exactly 14.1 doses of testosterone inducers and one of these muscle shirts so I can get swole in style
  11. It was recorded zeph no worries... salvs brother announced that at the beginning of the memorial, he was cognizant that salv had a network crossing intl boundaries and time zones etc and said everything would be recorded ?
  12. What do you find depressing about it? I see what looks to be an inner city park, a place where some kiddos might get together to play and laugh! The skyline is beautiful and there are trees in the park
  13. Yes thank you @dr lopezvery well said, thank you for having the courage to speak like you did. I think you summed up very well what a lot of us were thinking/feeling.
  14. The memorial was beautiful... hit hard. Some videos of his live performances and electronic music, a lot of amazing pictures and his family and friends shared memories. People are still sharing their memories now as the memorial wraps up - he really impacted a ton of people especially in the music community... Truly gut wrenching. Insanely talented and very humble young man gone far too soon. A wonderful contributor to this community. I’ll never forget the late night chats on all kinds of crazy subjects, or weird and fun video calls so long ago when I just joined this community. Him, his friends, and family will all be in my thoughts. RIP salv...
  15. Yeah I’ve still got thousands of cards - apparently some are worth big money? That vaevictus alone is apparently $400+???!
  16. Just made it through vol 3- As if vol 1 and 2 weren’t good enough... vol 3 is something else! Some intense drum work in a few tracks ?
  17. Good catch! I didn’t recognize any of the tracks!
  18. Ridiculously hyped for this tbh. Chewed corners and xtlp were fantastic and as much as I have loved the SoundCloud dump and the steady stream of archive albums I’ve been itching for new-new material. Very happy to know he’s still at it, as busy as he is running the label and being a family man!! This is awesome. Pls @Bambispill dem beans! ?
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