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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Alright WATMM! I'm off to adventure in Peru for about a month. Hopefully I can check into WATMM at some point to see how the CW LP is. Cheers :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NorthernFusion
    3. may be rude

      may be rude

      yo, nice! some epic mountains down there.

    4. Ifeelspace


      Have a great trip step :)

  2. btw these are the real 1% er burgers lol http://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/most-expensive-burgers
  3. hell yeah. Some double cream brie and truffle oil, with some crispy red onions and smoked black pepper? Ciabatta bun with garlic aioli.. Touch of red alder smoked salt. My favorite recipe lol not that exact recipe, but sounds good! The truffle oil combined with the garlic aioli might be a bit to much richness for me to handle at once, tbbqh. The aioli and truffle oil is good if you use a leaner blend of meat, such as bison. =) lol
  4. lol basically, yeah. Don't understand the vitriol for someone making money for something they made, that is being sold on an open market. It makes absolutely no sense. People that want the old album can pay $16 if they want it. People that don't want it or think $16 is too expensive, don't have to buy it. Just like any other item being sold anywhere in the world.
  5. I'm not certain on that number. Obviously, I think he could have sold more than that if he wanted. I just remember hearing 2500 somewhere. I also read somewhere they were rumored to be a gift to Grant. So, Aphex might not even have taken a cut of it. When I say significantly, I mean significantly. Joyrex already said he disagrees with my figure in another thread though, and quite frankly he is more likely to be right than me. I just read it in passing (not unlike you).
  6. hell yeah. Some double cream brie and truffle oil, with some crispy red onions and smoked black pepper? Ciabatta bun with garlic aioli.. Touch of red alder smoked salt. My favorite recipe
  7. How much do you think Richard (or any artist in this genre) gets on an LP release? More than 50k lol!
  8. Sometimes the simple ones like this are the best. Classic American style cheeseburger. Beauty! Good job on the medium rare too btw.
  9. Lol the colundi sequence stuff is amazing, though taxing on the system.. My main floorstanders have 15" drivers, and I've got two 12" servo controlled subs, and this still gave my system a workout. He wasn't kidding when he put the "extremely low frequency" warning on it!
  10. babyblood does that to me too. I got so hooked on it after awhile I had to be put on the drip... went through rehab and had to take oxy to prevent the withdrawal.. I'll never be the same. Babyblood - not even once.
  11. almost every ommegang beer i've had is a 9/10 - 10/10. this is a great beer. One of my regular drinkers actually. It's very good! Everything I've had by that brewery is good, actually. Le-Terrible especially. i think trois pistoles would be my go-to at unibroue Me too actually, now that I think about it. When I consider price+flavour + drunk factour, trois pistoles is my favorite overall.
  12. this is a great beer. One of my regular drinkers actually. It's very good! Everything I've had by that brewery is good, actually. Le-Terrible especially.
  13. I had to convert them down from 96khz Otherwise my computer and ipod would not play them. Only 48khz/16 bit would be played back by any device =S
  14. erm... I can't play back the Colundi stuff on anything other than my computer. It won't play on the ps4, xbox360, etc... why now? =/
  15. Finally got mine! Aleksi is really turning out to be brilliant. I've liked all of his releases, but this set takes the cake. The colundi stuff is brilliant, reminds me of Plastikman actually, just better lol. MU4 is also brilliant (runway is an instant favourite for me). Haven't gotten around to the Ovuca disc yet. But yeah, once you add colundi sequence 3,4, and 5... That makes 7 albums worth of material released in a year? Is no one else dumbfounded? lol
  16. Congratulations man! I remember how good it felt when I quit my last job. =D
  17. "Up Bum No Baby"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MadameChaos


      and oddly enough there are lots of lady boys in that country. perhaps why they are promoting it?

    3. Audioblysk


      That's just an intelligent woman to me.

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      FLOL MC I didn't even think of that. I'm a bit naive I suppose. I was only solicited by ladyboys I think three times while I was there.

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