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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by o00o

  1. Still sounds like in the beginning. Guess they will have some hits on TikTok
  2. did you listen to it? the sketchbook version is a great ambient release
  3. is it still worth playing? I was going back and forth on buying it for the switch but at the end decided not to which might have been a mistake.
  4. I start to care about technical details when I am not deeply emotionally involved to give my feelings (or lack of) a rational explanation which wasn't the case with this record at all. I could happily enjoy it without analyzing
  5. The end of Bending Hectic is such a Radiohead moment. Really stands out
  6. It’s really helpful to upload pdf books about certain topics to a custom made gpt and make it verify everything before the output with the deep book knowledge. It also states when it starts to guess information it didn’t find
  7. The later ones are even harder than the early ones
  8. There is something weird with their pricing. £750??
  9. DD has his moments and when he has them they are often really great. I need a bit more time with this release to see if I still like it in 2 weeks
  10. Sounds promising. I had these on my list by never came to watch them. Thanks for the reminder
  11. one of the best films in recent years. Dogtooth and The Lobster are also very high in the list of best movies I have seen
  12. I used pitchfork 2-3 times to find some releases I didn't have on the radar but Bandcamp, Soundcloud and Instagram work much better for artist discovery
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