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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk


    Been revisiting ISS:SA these last couple of days. The track itself is so damn funky, even with an ominous tone. And I love that FM. My only complaint is that the outro pads drag on for too long. And of course Slow Acid still slaps. Plus I forgot how much of a banger Tangle Ill was. I love the Cfern-style cadence of the synthetic taiko drums.
  2. http://pm1.narvii.com/7207/f240d5be2633c21ca743abd2bc26857459ec5d00r1-1024-1004v2_uhq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4CqMBFQ.png http://pm1.narvii.com/7127/e82b549fdb63ceb85167e16e5afd851f6521f3ffr1-750-707v2_uhq.jpg
  3. Red Hot Flaming Diarrhea Chili Poopers
  4. I'm approaching borderline braggart, so I'll just briefly rank every language I know according to proficiency and age/year started. English - Started at about age 3, have been told that's when I actually began speaking coherently. Sometimes it's fun to corrupt intentionally. Japanese - Official learning began shortly before age 19. Was fluent towards the end of my exchange year in northern Japan in 2008 but has rusted since then due to lack of use. Have been brushing up since September last year but only thru language apps and Vtuber streams. German - Began learning freshman year of high school approaching age 15. I'd say a step above basic level but still below my Japanese proficiency. Haven't really used it since high school. Chinese (Mandarin) - Took one semester in late 2005. Basic level, but can still identify certain characters here and there. Korean ? - Took one semester in late 2008 right after concluding exchange year in Japan. Have pretty much mastered Hangeul and know basic greetings, counting, and scattered vocabulary. Russian ? - Started learning cyrillics in early 2017. Basically have reading mastered but pronunciation is still slightly off. So far know only basic greetings but currently training up on basic grammar as well. Indonesian ? - Started very recently, as in December 2020. Conveniently uses Roman alphabet, but noticed that adjectives and pronouns come after the nouns. So far know only a couple of greetings. Too early in the learning process to even begin conversing. Spanish ? - You'd think I would have started learning a long time ago. But new words are easy to identify thanks to Latin lineage. Still have barely begun. (? - indicates active Duolingo practice) I wonder if it's better though to focus on just one language per day and rotate for the sake of focus, as opposed to practicing multiple in the same day in small bits. Still experimenting.
  5. I'm still trying to learn Indonesian, Korean, Russian, and Spanish on the side via Duolingo, but the app throws some bizarre phrases at you sometimes. I took German in high school but it's pretty much shot now. Took a semester of Mandarin Chinese back in 2005. And Japanese I officially started learning in 2003 and went to study abroad in Hokkaido four years later. But since getting my BA I can only hold a broken conversation. Anyway, immersion really is most effective from my experience, albeit the toughest. So that means Google Translate and English subs are best prohibited once the training wheels are off.
  6. Just realized this thread is six years old now
  7. Duolingo is my go-to app lately for general language learning, but I use a separate JLPT training app for Japanese. Not sure whether there's already a thread though. If your key words search doesn't yield any matches, then you've got the green light to start one.
  8. Not really a stupid problem, but Japan just got hit with another major earthquake off the northeast coast - the same region of the devastation back in March 2011. The official report I've heard is that it was a 7.1 - same magnitude Alaska had in November 2018. Haven't heard any reports of casualties yet...let's hope it stays that way.
  9. District 9 because the aliens' Prawns' Poleepkwa's weapons and technology are exceptionally badass in design. This is where Neill Blomkamp excels. Elysium for mostly same reason as above, except there are no aliens and it has even less of a story. Again, Blomkamp is exceptionally talented at prop design but has mostly sucked at story-writing. Hardcore Henry because it's just a balls-out action film entirely in first-person perspective. I think Blomkamp was involved in some way but didn't actually direct it. Also Sharlto Copley is in all three. (BTW don't bother with Chappie)
  10. I bought it recently but haven't tried it yet. Looked cool judging by the footage. Nier Automata looks intriguing too.
  11. WTF Sophie died?? Well, turns out that was just two days before Salv, apparently from an accidental fall in Athens. Both of them too young.
  12. Has anyone here ever visited Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobyllllantysiliogogogoch?
  13. I somehow remembered this weird-looking kid from my childhood. My parents invited some friends of theirs over one weekend and the kid was a nephew of theirs or something. They treated him like he was some kind of angel, but he always had this menacing look and never said a word. In fact, he looked a lot like one of the children on the cover of Aphex's Come To Daddy EP.
  14. I tried out my new jump rope at home last night for about 10 minutes, only to find that I tire very quickly. Have to take frequent rests, but more importantly I had to refrain from overdoing it so my shins don't cramp up. I've had shin splints too many times over the last three years and I hate them. I should wear shoes next time too because when the jump rope hits your unprotected toes, that shit stings.
  15. http://pm1.narvii.com/7152/1cef6fd24297b690cec06f588ad33c48ccf09182r1-750-736v2_uhq.jpg
  16. Behold, my half-assed, glue-sniffer, amateur MS Paint-level drawing skills This is a precursor to a potentially major venture tho
  17. If he graduated from UAF in 2019, then I'm pretty sure I was at that same ceremony. I was there for my mom's doctoral graduation. I could literally have been in the same building as Philip and never would have known.
  18. I played Control for most of September but then abruptly stopped. That Alan Wake stuff I think is where I left off, if it's the closed-off department inside the Oldest House I'm thinking of. Just reset my Fallout: New Vegas playthrough last night because I wasn't satisfied with how my Mr. House playthrough was going. So I think I'll go for the NCR ending again instead. It's far more compatible with a majority of the side quests, companions, DLCs, and other content.
  19. While I generally try to refrain from whiffing one's own farts 'Clouds openly, these two are arguably my best ones I've uploaded in the past decade
  20. I'd rather have no hair than hair coming out of my ears. Granted it was barely noticeable, but somehow just discovered it this morning. I'm so pissed
  21. I was munching on some petrified stale bread a few minutes ago
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