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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Scaramouche

  1. The general public might feel better if they could own part of the election, maybe if they could do some NFT tie in... Considering all the lobbying that occurs in the US, it would be great if they branded each election with the largest bank rollers. Each backer could get a preroll ad before any public addresses, add their logo to the flag or official documents from the US Government. Maybe options to rebrand Air Force 1 for a year, or sponsor the army uniforms. President Biden 2021, brought to you by Paloma Partners; we don't just keep your investments in good hands.
  2. Always interested in negative reactions to art. Anything you can pinpoint that makes you think 'vapid'? It's not a style that I like, almost faux naïf. It's not something I'd spend any time looking at if it was in a gallery; though it doesn't annoy me. _______ https://www.instagram.com/aethanwills/?hl=en
  3. You should certainly check out the rest of the XERROX and Uni series, but I'd say: Unieqav is a great album of his more beat focused work. Some really nice tracks with his machine funk vibe. UNI CHORD is worth the price of admission alone (IMO) The two albums on Line are also worth checking out for something a little different, For and For 2. Two albums of dedications that cover a 'broad' range of styles for him. And the first Opto Files album with Opiate.
  4. ^Nah, this is an American take on Alan Partridge. There is no way those two aren't actors.
  5. ^Not cool, now I'm checking the scenarios where I would need archive copies ?
  6. It looks like some stores have already marked them as in stock (Norman Records). Hopefully this means stores are stocked and ready to ship in time for the release date. Stoked for both albums on vinyl, but I've wanted Chiastic Slide for a very long time.
  7. Those costumes are fantastic. I don't know much about Benin, or the festival, methinks a rabbit hole has been activated. Chantal Matar, architect and digital artist. Has a Raster/Alva Noto aesthetic in places. https://www.instagram.com/chantal.matar/?hl=en https://www.chantalematar.com/video-art
  8. I was getting some Ø vibes - in particular the latter portion of oval p-dance - should receive my copy tomorrow, will wait until tomorrow night for a re-listen.
  9. I wondered if the thread bump would bring back the annoyance about missing this release/lack of digitals. Nice surprise. Had both albums on repeat today, really lovely stuff.
  10. Not familiar with this, added to my wishlist (Thankee) I can see what you mean re sound palette, though I'm not getting the sense of space you get with Mr Noto's sound design. Aye. A very promising first listen this morning. I think it has a little bit of everything from his earlier releases, some of the percussive sounds bring to mind the Opto project. This could end up being my favourite album from him. would love longer version of oval noise.
  11. Wicked track from a great producer. It's a shame there haven't been any represses of his work. Thanks for the reminder. Need to have a BOC day this week, it's been a while.
  12. Scaramouche


    I saw Dune for a 2nd time on Saturday. The the weight of expectation/anticipation was removed, so I found myself able to relax and enjoy. The things I had found a little off initially - editing/pacing for Caladan sequence in particular - didn't bother me too much this time. I love this film, and will take the mumbling, Paul being a mopy dick (I do think Chalamet did a great job) the removal of some plots/characters.... It's been said a few times, the loudness. This was a problem. I was in a different cinema, and still felt like my ear drums were being assaulted. I still dislike the lion king track, but overall I love the soundtrack and sound design. I retract my previous comment. I agree. Lady Jessica is portrayed far too emotionally for a Bene Gesserit. Ferguson did a good job, but they really went to 11 with Jessica's emotional control, or lack thereof. In other - tangentially connected - news. Taika Waititi set to direct The Incal... https://movieweb.com/the-incal-taika-waititi-directing/
  13. Beautiful, Lamentate is a great album.
  14. ^ very nice! very much looking forward to this release.
  15. Ziggy says there's a 100% chance that Dean Stockwell was a great. R.I.P.
  16. Always had a soft spot for anything punched tape related, player pianos, Jacquard loom, the tanzorgel... This is quite Max Richter like, seen the odd ref in threads here. I finally pulled my finger out and took a listen.
  17. Purchased. I wasn't feeling the first single initially, but after mark of resistance - wicked track and great album opener, nice groove when everything comes together - there is always a girl with a secret finally clicked for me.
  18. I feel you. Having my own delivery troubles. Magical claims of delivery after sending failed attempt notifications.
  19. Giving this album a spin now. Not sure when I last played it, it's certainly etched in my mind. This was the first Aphex release I was anticipating, after a friend introduced me to I Care... the year before. Great album. I can empathise. SAW II and I care... are important albums for me, and contain some special tracks. Both albums also take me back to a one summer of intense music discovery, and getting stoned and skating every night. I started to flag with Drukqs, though I've picked up most things since then, besides the recent releases. This album is in a sweet spot, I don't listen very often, but really enjoying playing this today. Will rewind.
  20. Sampled a few of the earlier albums today (Part 01) so think I'll be spending some time with Mr Perälä's catalogue, be that Astrobotnia, Ovuca... I thought I was going to find the Ovuca stuff a little dated, and a bit too Rephlexy for my current tastes, but I liked Wasted Sunday.
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