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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Braintree

  1. If it isn't news about him going to jail or something, then why bother giving a shit? I'm so tired of hearing about that schmuck.
  2. This is what kids mean by "posting cringe on main."
  3. Is there anything on par with Ren & Stimpy or is it still untouchable?
  4. https://nutritionfacts.org/2011/09/08/how-much-pus-is-there-in-milk/
  5. It's blurry, but you can see the net weight is 5g in the first image. @dingformung It was also delivered.
  6. Watched the first two John Wick movies. They're pretty fun in a schlocky 90s action flick type of way. I like that they don't explicitly explain the larger world they live in.
  7. So I started following a DJ on Twitch (trying to show support for one of my favorite local venues). All of their friends are now showing up on the home page as recommendations. They are all nearly identical in appearance and music selection. In a way, it's like looking at group pictures of generic anime characters. Each DJ has its particular thing going on but they're all oddly homogeneous. One of my favorite Waits songs.
  8. Yeah, I was wondering about OR recently, too. Kind of want to check in with him and see if anything else is coming down the pike.
  9. *wants to reap society's benefits but doesn't want to adhere to the society's social contract*
  10. I do vocals in a hardcore band. You have to find where your throat resonates easiest and just force air through when you find that.
  11. How long does a t-shirt last? Five years? I've spent far more than $650 on booze in that time frame.
  12. I have comfortably spent over $650 getting shitfaced most weekends so I can't really criticize anyone's spending habits.
  13. I swear I've seen this thread before. Maybe not in General Banter, but I think it's been posted previously.
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