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Everything posted by PigeonSt

  1. I had no idea, this is fascinating! $250 and more for a t shirt? Wild. Is it mostly just rich people driving the market?
  2. Will give me an excuse to learn it ?
  3. That sounds really lovely, man, save for infertility issues sorry that happened to you. Keep investing in that S&P and time will be your ally ?
  4. I posted a thread for me doing that in some EKT forum go find it
  5. 36 Geothermal heating is awesome though
  6. What's so great about going to space, anyway? As a kid I wanted to be on the Enterprise but what it is for our lifetimes is just being shot really high in a tin can ?. But I know the sentiment
  7. Yeah that's true. I think I couldn't comprehend the challenges and responsibilities. But you find a way to figure it out or you don't and that's alright too. Credit for calling it
  8. Popping in, was around in the joyrex days etc etc no one cares. But the forum's been around for a long time...did life turn out like you thought? For me yeah pretty boring, wife two kids suburban life decent job. Still like the same music I did 20 years ago, plus a few things here or there. Back to making music in the last couple years. Still game. Have kept a lot of the same friends from growing up plus new neighbors. Life's been good so far.
  9. Going to revive something I used to do back when I was a functional member of the board about 20 years ago. Reply in this thread when it is your birthday and I will make you a track. To help, you can give me a prompt, one or two words and a piece of gear I have: Digitakt, Digitone, Ableton (can specify a plugin in the Arturia V Collection if you want), Novation Circuit, Novation Circuit Mono Station. No guarantee of length, timeliness, or quality! But it will be for you. Any thoughts about how to best upload this music is appreciated. If I just attach them here Im going to run out of space quickly yeah or do I just fork over some more money to the board man.
  10. I gotta do that again people loved that and they weren't even good, lol ?
  11. absolutely fantastic album, one of my favorites of recent years, and led me to the jynx discography which I had missed and is great
  12. Is there a podcast or tell all post somewhere in the forums for all this old nonsense stuff? Surely statute of limitations and all that.
  13. Hey all, oldhead here. These days making my tunes with Ableton, Digitakt, Digitone, and Circuit Mono Station.
  14. Oh, you can get it on bleep TODAY. Okay, downloading then.
  15. Yeah, but guys, the album hasn't come out yet! O_O
  16. Apparently it's on Spotify, don't use it myself though ! What's wrong with bleep for digital purchases if you don't mind me asking ? Nothing wrong. I have a spotify account already and use it on mobile, so it's essentially the same thing as owning for now. Amazon I get points, and I've never had any issues with their mp3 purchasing system.
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