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Everything posted by Uros

  1. Hope so. Was little worried that those first three new choons were the only treats before some two year hiatus, so great to see he's adding more stuff. Really hope this will turn out to be the proactive fart before much anticipated dump.
  2. New track added btw Edit: I too wonder why the hell there isn't an option to download these separately
  3. Thanks for the heads up. FInally some tunes. Couldn't help to notice that T05 tx16w marion MT***,e actually is.....
  4. Yeah, gathered as much that it was from a Vibert interview. Google gave only an old thread in Vibert sub plus long gone links, hence was, eh, asking. cough cough. Also agree with Ginerpri above. The Analord is very strong in there.
  5. Thanks for sharing, neat snippet. Haven't heard it before....now if I could only download this from somewhere.....
  6. Yeah, he's sometimes little silly like that. Poor old badger.
  7. Uros


    This was basically my every room in theme hospital
  8. I posted Orphx earlier in the thread, would describe as easy listening compared to some serious stuff, which I'm too wuss to listen to:
  9. Re-upload in the sc channel. As much as I'd love this, eh, activity to lead us to everything that is beautiful aka massive dump vol.2 (or bleepstore update), most probably just a one-off. So better not to get my hopes up.
  10. Uros

    The Tuss

    Sum afx melisma in 1:18
  11. ^Absolutely, you could fly and all that shit
  12. Decree - Wake Of Devastation....blend of old school industrial with 90's fla/Clock DVA elements, but at the same time, has tracks that are more noise or P/E with the big echo barrel drums. Has kinda everything that industrial is. Recommended! Would think @Zephyr_Nova could dig it, if you're not already familiar with this Chris Peterson's pre-fla project. Best new find, Negru Voda's - Våld De Lux. Goddamn this is huge
  13. New Noumen (Out this Dec on CPU) Most probably mentioned (search and quick scroll didn't find), but also the earlier album.
  14. Yes, Cheetah is my favorite from the EP's. Slow and lush. Cirklon3/Cheetah3 and 2X202-ST5 are A++++. Can't understand the general contempt. Maybe I'm just so special About the others, CCAI pt.2 is another gem which I still love as much as I did in the day it dropped. I have little mixed feelings about ODS, has some great tracks (NEOTEKT2 or pretend analogue from bonuses) but the overall feeling of the album leaves me bit cold. Korg tracks are more like a sampler EP for Monologue or something. Collapse is 4/5, (the title track is 10/5 though). DFN is one big behemoth. Style-wise it was totally unexpected and took a bit to get used to, but once it hit, it hit hard. I already agreed with MIXL2 on the other syro thread, that I too think that Rich has has followed this particular style from syro onwards. All the post-syro releases have added their own angle to the saga, but the overall soundscape has more or less followed it. Which is fine by me since I dug syro, but if you're not a fan, it must be a bummer.
  15. That Spectrum book I linked earlier...wow, super good. Tons of recommendations and interesting releases to check out just from the very first pages alone. Also, super impressed with his Noise Receptor blog, which I've heard mentioned but never looked deeper into it. Worth to check out: https://noisereceptor.wordpress.com/ Some hard cover trad. zines available too for people who like to scroll: https://noisereceptor.bigcartel.com/ A noise industrial gem from early Malignant Records days: Haha, third post in a row, hopefully someone reads these....
  16. He compiled the playlists from SC tracks. Spreadsheet is fan based.
  17. Well. you could always use Rich's own playlist for sosw II. It's here among other playlists for SC dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ouNaaVrNp60Ib34Kp0TO1n1XSc7-9DvfiZ9ZiTiD2c/htmlview#
  18. Obligatory monthly where the hell is the bleepstore update post. Bump bump.
  19. Seems that the whole situation Dave was going through was alone a huge personal apocalypse, but getting also your hard drives stolen must have felt like the last straw to the whole mess. ffs think about the irony: he kept them as some backup so at least his tracks would be safe, but eventually they ended up to be stolen by some asshat, who prolly sold them to some pothead for nickels to format them and download his favorite pornhub playlist there or something. 12 years of work out of the window. Makes me even more glad he's back on his feet. I tip my hat.
  20. Yup, same. As much as I tease reddit sub they've got their own moments and digging up ID's is one of the big pros. The thread below sums up all the past live sets from 2009 onward. I just head there if I need to find out an ID:
  21. fwiw hasn't happened again after I've logged out and come to revisit watmm a couple times after. X worked for me too. Managed to press it while hysterically laughing at the blinking page. Some fancy Esc buttons are way over my expertise. Next level shit, not there yet.
  22. I still got sucked to policy updates limbo. Evil.
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