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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. to be fair.. USA didn't learn much from the crisis either. credit default swaps are on going in USA just under another name. the only thing that really changed is the loan process and who qualifies etc. they're not doing those shitty loans like they were. the banks are a bit more strict in who can get a loan to buy a house but overall... no new regulations happened and the existing ones only get enforced sometimes. banks and financial institutions are still doing all the same shady shit.
  2. it's more about logic than maturity i think. a lot of people are just totally bamboozled.. ate the onion completely or whatever.
  3. will be interesting to see if Chinese held properties in the west come up for sale to increase liquidity for some chinese people who lose money in china. i know in Vancouver BC there's a lot of homes and apartments that sit empty most of the time because they're investment properties.. many of them owned by chinese people. i guess it depends how deep the pain goes for some people and if there's any connection in those investments.
  4. wow. his version is so dope. such a groover. just what i needed this morning.
  5. people don't read it.. they have it inserted.. into their anus.. sometimes stuffed in a condom first. it's a fetish. if you check pornhub you'll find it. usually, you can search for 'communist butt plug' and the Kapital butt insertion videos will show up.
  6. is that part of the lyrics from an Oasis song? this army sounds like an army of mostly older people.. by older i mean closer to 50 than 40.
  7. interesting (doom) article. maps and graphs and stuff.
  8. i think we're all living vicariously through you on this one.
  9. this looks amazing. thanks for posting it.
  10. shit. he was good in everything. played a good evil Cylon on the BSG remake.
  11. weird. so twitter posts don't embed and show up properly when using safari but do when using chrome. fml. this just turned into a FWP.
  12. New coronavirus, likely from dogs, infects people in Malaysia and Haiti https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/11/05/1052961177/new-coronavirus-likely-from-dogs-infects-people-in-malaysia-and-haiti lot's of interesting details in this story. at first is scary then less so then wtf. but so it goes.
  13. all good points. there's numerous similar videos by artists all over the world. i should quit. my attention span is for shit. i've reduced and don't post a lot. like other social media i enjoy it for connecting w/friends who are far away.
  14. fckn wackado. she also said: a shame that FB can't go down like every other day or something.
  15. been listening to this this morning. a refreshing release for me. idk what it is about it but it all fits so well together and is just the right amount of beats/synths/samples/vocals and stuff. some really nice arrangements in these tracks and it all sounds good/mixed/mastered well. it's playful. the collage aspect of it really comes through. lot's of different vibes pulled out of these sounds. a good mental floss or audio floss for all the things i've been listening to for months.
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