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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yeah i agree.. he should be voted out and investigations should continue and result of those investigations should be followed through.. i think this slow pace is deliberate and probably unavoidable. building up the pressure and proceeding w/the investigations until they kick over all the stones. keping the word "impeachment" floating around in the news and making that racist cheeto squirm.
  2. let's do both. it's not gonna make a difference to his base.. they'll vote for him no matter what.
  3. those Wyze security cameras are dead simple to use and cost $25 including shipping. works like a charm. no sign up for anything. just a free account that dumps your footage to a cloud when recording. it gets over written every three days. they have an app for super ease of use. https://www.wyze.com
  4. republicans in congress could certainly do something but they're all afraid of not being re-elected. they have no principles and are just playing the us vs them game.
  5. trump's whitehouse really is structured like a reality tv show.. who's gonna get fired this week.. what dumb thing will he say etc.. but amidst all that there are actual fucked up policies being rolled out and suffering is increasing, divisiveness etc.. not to mention he's all megaphone w/the economy on twitter nad yoyoing the markets and walking us into a recession because he's inept and so are most of the people around him. in the meantime we can sit around and throw shit at the wall until something sticks or the dems figure out an angle to chip away at until they reveal a crack that everyone can see and not deny.. but the republicans in congress ain't doing much and have no principles so this will probably just go on and on.
  6. we should merge all the USA politics threads into the toilet.
  7. lol. bolton's only goal in life was to overthrow iran. i think he had that idea when he was shitting his diapers as a wee babby.
  8. also, oof. https://www.newschannel5.com/news/tennessee-senator-calls-higher-education-a-liberal-breeding-ground-calls-to-remove-it-all-together
  9. they're really just seeking approval/status from people like them. i've talked to some evangelical people who made a christian movie and the story goes like this: "we looked around at the type of movies available and didn't find any that fit our values so decided to make our own movie that represents who we are".
  10. in "theaters" bah.. lol. christian cinema is some weird shit. yesterday i caught a few minutes of TBN religious channel and they had a full on 30 minute infomercial type talk show about CBD supplements. went full QVC and sold them on air.
  11. we all like what we like. i think the valhalla verbs are great.. i use all of them. his delay is one of my favorite things. it's just amazing and so good for everyday delay stuff but for sound design weirdness it's exceptional and it even makes some nice reverbs.. plus.. for $50 they far exceed their asking price. the talk i posted is pretty good all around reverb info.he gives lot's of thoughts and opinions on many other verbs and verb types as well as why he made the choices he did in his reverbs. ubermod and shimmer and the valhalla spacemodulator freebie are tops.
  12. btw if anyone is interested.. here's sean costello of valhalla giving a talk about reverbs.
  13. mostly valhalla but also fabfilter verb, Flux ircam verb3 (got in a bundle one year for super cheap holiday price. really great verb), also use logic reverbs and convolution reverbs space designer. for sound design weirdness there's nothing that comes close to 2caudio B2. it can do all kinds of metalic pseudo granular bendy type reverbs https://www.2caudio.com/products/b2 hardware pretty much just the tiptop audio Zdsp w/valhalla cards and the mariana trench feedback network. will throw in unfiltered audio BYOME for multiFX type verbs. it's really excellent for endless type lush reverbs with other things going on.
  14. i'm sensing a trend.. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/amber-rudd-resign-boris-johnson-cabinet-conservatives-brexit-a9096146.html
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