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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. coconut lime kombucha, kava tea combined with chinese black tea... after coffee toast and eggs. many beverages seem to be happening. except it's in a glass bottle
  2. i get what you're saying no doubt that's part of it and always is.. people hitching their wagon to things for reasons other than what seems most prescient.. i do think in a few ways this is different. the internet of things. that side of it is laying it out pretty clearly for a generation that hasn't experienced this before. it's new to them. as much as they're tuned in to historical injustices and the scope of horrors that predate their existence.. this is one thing they haven't lived through in real time. they haven't experienced the facts in the light of day type of a situation absolutely married to the indifference of global powers and business as usual daily life.. not to mention the perceived hypocrisy of so many people/institutions. i do think some older people are having that moment too.. "oh, this is who we are and who we've always been so of course this is how it will go.. because it's supposed to go this way. this isn't new." [are we the baddies?] and i think a lot of that is via the internet as well. some people getting a big wake up after having their heads deeply into normal media channels of the big 3 or 4 news agencies/TV networks etc. so, i'm guessing for a lot of younger people it's going to be traumatic and a sort of end of innocence about where the world comes down on things like genocide when it seems so obvious to them. but it's hard to say.. so many young people have been onto doomer dark meme feeds for ages now.. also, there's a pretty solid core wave of people who line up on the side of atrocities and see every single complex issue as binary and the answer to these inconvenient troubles to be "just get rid of them all". they stick to the easily debunked narratives of "well, they voted for hamas so it's what they get" or whatever absolutely lazy fucking don't give a shit thing keeps the trajectory of the 'normal' on lock so they can focus on being american and getting butthurt whenever anyone says anything bad about the thing/person/place they hold so dear for whatever reasons... but i hear ya.. it's always been this way.. anyone who's followed US foreign policy even a little and maybe read history book outside the normie circles has some idea of how it all goes and what messages we're told and all that deep shit filled trench of propaganda piped into people's homes. and before all that humans did the things endlessly. power is typically wielded by psychopaths. it is depressing though. edit: and endlessly frustrating. just typing out the thoughts.. ugh. edit edit: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/man-sets-self-fire-israeli-embassy-air-force/
  3. will Ai scrub everything from the internet some day? i'm sure it'll be fine. cleansing fire or something will sort it out. jebus will come down and go Hulk on the baddies. Marvel 2025 line up gonna be sick! https://www.newsweek.com/marvel-israeli-superhero-disney-sabra-captain-america-shira-haas-1839083 oof. everything is enshitified long before it is enshitified.
  4. sounds more ebm indsutrial lite goth new wave in a lot of the riffs
  5. trump is obviously exactly like jesus, but smarter. he wouldn't have been crucified. he's too smart and charismatic for that to happen to him. people are saying that.
  6. er.. is this in here somewhere? might be old news idk.. just crossed paths and .. well.. it's about 3 hours long.
  7. so, i was unaware that his chapters/series called "How to enjoy the end of the world" were parts of his talk linked below. "all of this was happening even without climate change" - sheesh. "dark humor is like food. not everybody gets it." his green party pitch towards the end is tiresome. once he gets into the wealth equality section he starts to go off the rails some. not that he's wrong about that but he starts rolling in some other shit that is kinda lazy conspiratorial thinking to some degree or just that same old narrative that leads him to his green party pitch which all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. the Q/A part after the talk has some interesting bits though. edit: i think i posted this one in here already but adding it here because i listened to it again and so should you.. or not. whatever.
  8. https://x.com/acnewsitics/status/1761134403260961227?s=20 BREAKING: The New York County clerk has just entered the judgment signed by Justice Engoron, which means Donald Trump has 30 days to come up with over $454,156,783.05 plus $87,000 interest daily to appeal. If not, Letitia James can start seizing his properties.
  9. some real life lols in this if you pay attention. these guys w/the cornflakes.. broken light bulbs.. and on and on..
  10. america certainly would. but there's a thick wall of stupidity and toxic masculine FREEDOM culture in the way. a lot of people generally don't understand how things work at the basic level and hear 'raise taxes' and think it's about them. and there's this saying: “John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
  11. this made it to a couple mainstream news sources when it was released then faded quickly. maybe it will pop up again. the findings are concerning. i probably don't understand all the details. next week i see my cardiologist. i plan to bring it up and see what he says.
  12. If only. They’re so big they buy up other companies. They’ve captured politics to make change near impossible. Getting them to undo income inequality or anything not self serving is more than just an uphill climb.
  13. I think a lot of the people concerned are thinking about the future and what it might look like with big tech, corporations, social media being like now but more so. Able know everything about everyone and tap into that with some kind of ai at the helm to manipulate people en masse. Or whatever. I’m not sure what they all think. But other people think that hardcore privacy is going to put uk/eu at a disadvantage because the ai will be developed by other countries with less strict data privacy controls. So, they say it will be a vast technology deficit for those countries. using what stuff for free? Most of the tech and internet ground floor was developed with tax payer dollars. Ive paid for subscriptions (still do) Ive watched plenty of ads, bought plenty of devices and paid for plenty of over priced internet service to access these services. Ain’t none of this shit “free”. I’m not particularly worried about anything I put online but do use ad blockers and turn off tracking/snooping/cookies in some places to limit the creepy feeling of be pursued by ad bots or whatever. Also, like to know when some site I gave my email to is going to sell it along with any data they collect. regarding the future, that dude in the Hagens video expects that some people who do something well, anything, will be higher priority targets for ai to model so then that can be used in some way. So, things could get pretty weird and likely will be weird regardless of what happens. There’s a heavy dose of tech optimism in some of what he says but if things do go in an exponential curve with how ai advances then all bets are off on these things having limitations and the idea of “free” is a bit weird to think. I mean we’re being marketed to anytime we go anywhere on line. Also, these companies are the largest most wealthy and influential companies to ever exist. They’re doing fine. They have enough to pay some kind of data tax or submit to some kind of oversight or guard rails and not make the people obsessed with infinite growth be too butthurt
  14. there are people arguing that at a minimum users of sites should have to opt in to having their data scraped.. or be able to opt out.. others argue for things like "data banks" which collect our data on our behalf and then license it. the horse is pretty much out of the barn though for us.. but perhaps future generations? but then it won't matter because the Ai will be trained and 'trusted' and normalized and it'll be teaching kids via tablet tutors and shit.
  15. sure. anything can be used. narratives compete. i mention Hagens' podcast because there's a wide range of guests with lot's of different experiences in different fields. as for degrowth and depopulation.. those things may happen as a result of what could and likely will happen when/if the climate problem arrives in totality. We're already overshooting earth's boundaries.. the guy who led the party on figuring out the essential systems that need to be maintained for survival of humanity said we're overshooting 6 of 9 boundaries already. degrowth as a way to save what exists wouldn't be equitable. our system isn't built on equity and the people w/all the things won't want to give up anything. see USA as example. we consume more than anyone and will keep that up, holing on w/our fingernails until we use up all the shitty shale oil in our borders... the constant narrative i hear hagens talking is we've been having a cheap energy party because of fossil fuels and that shit is coming to an end and it's not just climate that's the problem but toxic everything, plastics, biomass, extinction etc All of that is of course echoed by a wide range of people in a wide range of places. he has his particular angle or ax to grind which to me seems fair and reasonable and helpful. depopulation etc may happen eventually with declining fertility and sperm counts and all that stuff. for better or worse. degrowth may be forced on the world but it may be worse than that unless some break throughs happen real soon or everyone goes nuclear for power in a hurry. i don't know shit though. speculation is all most people have though people who know a lot about different fields have more accurate speculation than mine of course. some tend towards doomer scenarios and others towards probably overly optimistic ones. so, idk. shit is gonna happen.. what will that shit be? [throws hands in air] i can only guess. hopefully people prepare and plan and get to know their neighbors.
  16. interesting. he's probably aware of Nate Hagens' youtube channel. his podcast gets into some territory that is around that neck of the world but often quite rooted in problem solving and the science of things.. lot's of big picture things too though.. and philosophical at times. https://www.youtube.com/@thegreatsimplification
  17. which is his specialty? Schopenauer by chance?
  18. el nino -> la nina switch coming up = hurricane season kicking off in april possibly.. all because warmer waters.. it'll be "pure luck" if we don't get smashed hard this hurricane season.
  19. track 3 pretty dope. like the submerged in froth vibe.
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