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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yeah. he has live sets floating around that are dope af. some dj mixes too. at times he has like a hip hop + scorn vibe or something... i think he has a sound that fits in a lot of places. wide ranging style of tracks and experiments. the ZNS release which is apparently a collection of tracks spanning a long time.. was put together by someone who gathered them all.. i forget the story.. and then made one release out of them. i think live he uses an octatrack and a nord or something.. or maybe just the octa..
  2. also, re the gulfstream.. this physicist has other ideas about it i guess. shrug. i'm stupid so shrug.
  3. do yourself a favor and track down all his stuff on bandcamp. there's some really great shit in those releases. to my ears anyways... https://m3ds.bandcamp.com
  4. will have to watch more of her stuff. i like the presentation and her speaking style and she's funny and smart. thanks for that one. edit: so i watched a couple more of her videos and these two are awesome and i found myselft slapping the table and laughing when she tells the story of the chef to make a point. and this one makes a double feature w/the crackpots video.
  5. i think we're all used to it. we're the only ones who matter. aphex is touring so he's fine. getting plenty of love.
  6. i can pay attention to new aphex and new Ae at the same time.
  7. stoked to have more tracks for my epic "ALL THE SDEM" playlist in my ipod. the first track on this new one is heady af.
  8. suddenly all the youtubes are asking me to enter the captcha on watmm. this has never happened to me anywhere ever. weird.
  9. seems unnecessary. if we used the resources we take in a much more efficient way we'd be able to feed everyone on the planet quite easily. we've had enough of everything for everyone for a long time but it's not distributed equally.. obviously.. we could take less from the earth and still have more than enough for everyone. overconsumption and waste are huge issues here in the USA and the west in general but USA is kinda experts at wasting shit and consuming too much of everything. dismantle free market economy... change the idea of freedom in america to mean something other than giant trucks and huge meals in single use plastics etc and we might have abetter time of it or earth would. when the first big city in USA has to be al but abandoned because of heat or constant flooding or because it burns to the ground.. then maybe people will wake up a little but generally americans don't pay attention to a thing until it effects them personally and lands on their doorstep.
  10. yeah. i'm sure there's plenty we don't know.. or just things we know or suspect that some shitty execs knew all about 30 years ago and kept on doing what they were doing. the concrete angle is pretty crazy. the generation of the things to get oil from the earth.. the whole process is dirty from start to finish.. and so much waste. the netflix doc from what's his name.. attenborough.. about all the animals just not there anymore and the wild places essentially shrunk to tiny spaces is super sad.. more animals being kept for consumption by humans than animals that exist in the wild. even what we do know is mind boggling.. i try not to get sucked into doom scrolling because it drains the motivation.
  11. just found out that breakdancing will be in the olympics for 2024 https://www.france24.com/en/video/20230726-paris-2024-olympics-breakdancing-to-make-its-debut-at-next-year-s-games
  12. sean just posted on mastodon that he added 'weights' to their sequencer. so, i assume this means it's like probability of things happening or putting 'weight' on each event. but what do i know..
  13. wherever humans have gone extinction follows. it's how we killed off all the megafauna.. some of which was attributed to changing climate.. ice age etc but those animals made it through until humans hunted them off the face of the earth. still.. we're at new levels of extinction.. indigenous peoples and hunter gatherers had way less effect on the planet.. when we started farming then things changed but still.. we were poisoning the earth or doing much damage. we were still just another species on the planet for a long long time.. currently there's more animals kept in cages, farms, industrial meat processing environments than there are in the wild.. by far th ebulk of animals in the work are there because we're breeding them for food. blah.. there's a lot of good info here at changing climate youtube.. sort of a repeating message at times.. .but interesting data. https://www.youtube.com/@OurChangingClimate this one about the rich is pretty interesting. i thinnk i posted it somewhere already.
  14. apparently musk argued for calling paypal X and it's part of why he was forced out ... or something.
  15. had to google that guy and yes.. that spam is a real bastard. for whatever reason my brain went right to spam in the can.. the dense chewy like bacon ham that everyone turns their nose up at but secretly thinks is delicious. yeah.. this guy.. fuck him! https://www.britannica.com/biography/Gary-Thuerk
  16. roxanol for everyone! hospice is about making everyone comfortable and managing symptoms and not trying to fix the disease...maybe managing the symptoms includes trying to fuck up the planet less for whatever comes next to take over after we're gone.. and redistributing wealth and giving people healthcare and making an effort to reduce the inequities of existence on the planet. and maybe some really funny stuff.. like forcing Bezos to get weird hair plugs so he just looks bizarre and grows a massive mop.
  17. relatively speaking, no one on the boat knows what's going on except a handful of people. everyone else is in their state rooms asleep or in the bowels of the ship throwing up on each other or whatever.. some people are nervous with the anxiety about being on the ship at all.. some look over the rails and and see something in the distance.. "Wtf is that?" the band is smoking and moving some deck chairs around... but. .yeah. .we've already hit some ice bergs and the captain is starting to sweat while others on the bridge are shitting their pants.. hmm.. yeah.. if the ship can be slowed down and turned it might not sink or maybe will only lose power and drift a while and a bunch of people will get diarheehaw and become dehydrated and die or starve etc.. and some people in the upper decks will eat the poors to survive... or aliens will... something
  18. nothing is real. it's all for laughs. so laugh.
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