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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. if i drift off and space out staring at that image it sort of fades in/out back/forth for me
  2. there's a 7 inch he put out in 2000 or 99.. can't recall.. it's called "Raum" i think. it's super dope and maybe my fav thing he's done. top tier shit for me. edit: it's dope. i think Kochen Raum is the star of the show though.
  3. wasn't that just a one off concept thing? not like he's singing on everything since is he? there's the Poemss stuff but that's a collab with 2 other people i think. i have a bunch of his releases from different times in his discography that i like. i chatted w/him around 2014 about his process and mentioned renoise and he said then that he hadn't used a computer to compose music for ages and uses hardware only even for mixing. i think he uses renoise as a clock for his modular/drum machine rig. it's evident in his youtube videos that he's performing his tracks and going right to 2 track w/them which is pretty awesome. and doing multiple performances to get different versions or pick which is best or whatever. anyway.. he was super nice to chat with and seems like a nice dude. i like the video he did for the eurorack drum module from hexinverter. it's kinda goofy funny.
  4. they're hit and miss for me but there's a few tracks that really do it for me. i know he's sitting on a mega fuck ton of tracks. years ago i had a chat w/him about it and he said he had 300 or so.. so i imagine he's got a couple thousand by now. lot's of modular fuckery. he seems to have a crazy work ethic. i saw him in 2014 do a modular set that is still tops for me. watched him patch up the modular for like 4 hours and helped him drag it all to the venue on a dolly.. spilling power supplies onto the sidewalk. much different set than what he does now. it was back when eurorack modules weren't so fleshed out w/all the samplers and DSP. ya had to patch stuff to get complicated and his set was mind blowing.
  5. i like the whole geometry album and tend to listen to the whole thing whenever i put it on. the Card Hore Ep is nice. i have that vinyl. have always thought that "break point envelope" is kind of an updated version of Stainless Steel Drum. I used to play them both in DJ sets. oh, richard devine.. can't forget him.. there's some tracks of his that kill me. lipswitch has some jams but he's got some remixes and bits here and there that slay imo. actually.. his oddJobs remix.. if you skip ahead a little bit. there's a repetitive part that i used as a place to mix into.. and it would fit really well w/the above jega tracks.
  6. stuff i play a lot: grischa lichtenberger SDEM funckarma and all their aliases. so many jams in all that phoenecia was hooked on Jega, Mr. 76ix, Bola at times. Jega has some of my fav all time tracks. the Slashing Cousin 'fallen gods' release is something i like. LFO i'll binge Mira Calix sometimes kanding ray gets some play too. idk.. i have playlists w/tons of tracks from many different artists... i'm bad at remembering names though.
  7. this is kinda fascinating. geo engineering accidental experiment.
  8. yeah.. i watched it. it's full of interesting information and ideas. when it comes to all the suppressed tech i don't buy all of it. there's not enough info to back up the magic boxes that keep getting invented that solves everyone's problems. not saying that tech hasn't been suppressed and industry hasn't ruined people's lives for their own benefits/agenda etc. all that shit is true. but there's not enough to for me to grab on to to believe it all. if there was more info it'd be better. but, there's a bunch of books about tesla.. i've read a few. really fascinating guy. the wardenclyffe project never worked.. yes his funding did get yanked by JP morgan when Tesla said "we'll make energy free for everyone and make money from selling devices" and JP morgan apparently replied "not with my money you won't". all that shit is true.. it's also true that it never worked and that tesla had a million ideas.. many brilliant and many crackpot flights of fancy and bragging to compete with other inventors who got lot's of press. did he get interrupted? yeah.. sure. did do amazing things? yes. absolutely. was he gonna crack free wireless energy beamed to everyone from a big tower that sucked energy from the earth.. or whatever? no one knows but he wasn't anywhere near that when he lost funding.. he was in massive debt and grasping at straws. he didn't give a shit about money.. he would've been the wealthiest person in all of history if he had renegotiated his contract for royalties for AC current. Westinghouse bought the patent from him for his generator that converted mechanical energy to electric AC current... and part of that was a royalty that meant Tesla would get a certain amount of money per Kw/H transmitted. it was a ridiculous amount of money with the coming electrical boom of everything in the country. Westinghouse and Tesla were friends of a sort and westinghouse told him "i can't possibly pay this royalty. it's too much. It's more than I can make for selling the power." so instead of saying "ok, just give me like 10 cents instead of the 2 dollars" or whatever it was.. tesla tore the contract up. if he would've taken even a small royalty he'd have been more rich than any person in the history of earth or something. really.. he'd have been able to fund all his ideas w/o any issues ever. so it goes. big science inventor brain.. small business brain. a shame really. he'd have lived a better life there at the end and been better cared for. and i'm not saying it's impossible that a dozen or more times there's been free energy on the table and everyone got assassinated to keep it secret.. i just don't see the proof. short interviews and blurry photos don't really do it. anyway.. if it is true then it's just another thing to get upset about.. like oil dick heads and car dickheads buying up public transportation networks and shutting them down so they can sell everyone gas and cars. edit: but also
  9. lol. nah. i'm fine. no plans for anything other than riding bike, making music and being ultra basic. edit: this video could go in 3 or 4 threads but here it seems relevant
  10. over dramatic grandiose on purpose. hyperbole because getting into this shit seems like a huge distraction and the problems are beyond anyone's control unless everyone goes all in. i wouldn't want to get into what it would mean for me.
  11. open to interpretation. how much responsibility should one person claim for the conditions of life as we find it today?
  12. ‘Fluffy’ crab that wears a sponge as a hat discovered in Western Australia https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jun/20/fluffy-crab-that-wears-a-sponge-as-a-hat-discovered-in-western-australia
  13. this is a very good point. cynicism is very powerful. for my entire life (i'm 51) there's been little reason to think anything else about how it will go. the only victories are small and personal and come from relationships with people and creating community. now and then there is a larger victory because someone dedicated their life to something and went all in on trying to hold someone accountable. but I can recall no time when the powers that be didn't have us all by the throat. there's so much at stake. i'm a realist about it all and i'm ready to be surprised but dismantling the free market economy and replacing capitalism with something else seems impossible here.. and yeah.. maybe it's a failure of imagination and maybe we just need to wait for capitalism to destroy itself but the problem is it destroys everything else in the process. mutual aid, creating community, doing our best etc seems our only options. out of that maybe the next thing will be born but i suspect we'll have to go through "The Road" to get there. i don't know. i don't have any answers. i just want to make atonal techno and ride my bike and live in a not terrible place. i don't have the energy to tilt at windmills all day and don't have the courage to throw my body into the gears of the machine. i don't know what good it would do anyways in a system that routinely eats its own.
  14. it doesn't solve the fossil fuel problems. and we're nowhere near going all electric for cars.. big trucks for moving goods will be around for a long time. there's no electric vehicle that can solve that problem currently. the tesla rig can barely move itself around let alone a trailer full of goods. and you're absolutely right about car centric infrastructure and raw materials, concrete, public transportation etc.. the only point i was trying to make is sure our choices matter but until there's like a general strike across all industries and people in the streets etc our individual choices do little other than make us feel a little better or show a good example to someone else.. which is all worth it i guess. i mean. it's pretty easy to go down the doomer pipeline. but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
  15. he's fine afaik. he had tax trouble many years ago but with help from friends he got out of it w/o having to sell his house. he posts on IG all the time and looks quite happy. i'd guess he's making tunes and doing Aaron Funk things.
  16. i'm not saying that Dolan adds or reduces credibility.. was just curious. re: suppressed tech.. hard for me not to take some of that w/a grain of salt.. not that it isn't how corporations operate.. but some of it is quite fantastical.. i'd need like a 1 hour well done doc on each one of those instances he talks about where someone has created a black box tech that generates 1000s of times the power of what is put into it. not saying it isn't so but i want to see the math. "show your work". but there's evidence in things like suppression of hemp as an industrial product. well documented how dupont put the nail in the coffin of that so it could use its own patented processes to make plastic and chemicals for paper etc etc.. I've read a few books about tesla and it's fascinating to read about his life. the stuff about the papers being seized from his hotel room are all true. there's a lot of "wtf" about his dealings with financial backers and the Wardencliff project.
  17. if you reduce the destruction of the world to just her story then sure.. but for me it was sorta difficult not to think about the 8 billion other stories happening simultaneously and how every possible scenario was running down at the same time. but then i guess maybe that's also part of the story.. about we can only control our little small part of things so do what we can. seems naive to me or something or maybe i'm just too cynical. i suspect if i kids or a dog i'd feel different because of course people would try to insulate their children from all the things. but it's been said many times, that making climate change the problem of the individual is the result of a media campaign by the people who have caused the problem. do we have some responsibility to do the right thing when we can? sure i'd argue we should try but that the real drivers of all this are mega corporations and a handful of people sitting in board rooms deciding our fate based solely on their own desire for profits at the expense of everything.
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