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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. It's a combination of a societal problem and a structural one. Both aspects perpetuate each other. It's truly a wonder that there is so much democracy left despite the undemocratic nature of free market economy.
  2. I fundamentally disagree. The idea that the system is fair and everyone gets what they deserve (rich people are rich because they perform, poor people are poor because they're losers) is the core of neoliberal ideology which is the cause of many of the problems. Americans do have to work pretty hard for companies so there is little energy left to be politically active (not solely an American problem but a capitalist one). Plus, the 24/7 neoliberal propaganda doesn't help. Not saying all the media is corrupt but there are interests involved, too, and most outlets aren't very reflected about their ideological content. The spread of mental disorders such as depression isn't really empowering people, either. This whole we're bad and don't deserve it because we don't work hard enough self-mortification is a very Protestant way of thinking. And Protestantism is one of the reason this sort of elbow capitalism emerged in the first place, spread to the US and went rampant
  3. noticed the abrasiveness, too, but thought it sounded intentional and it never surpassed the threshold of uncomfortableness for me, it's just more on the stimulating side of ambient I really like the balance between repetition and evolvement in this track
  4. Nah, your government and corporations deserve being punished for their human rights violations and ruthless reactionary power politics, Americans on the other hand deserve free health care, a functioning social safety net and free education. Imagine the country's potential if it were structured in a way that works for the people
  5. ^this sounds good, nonce-quality (in a good way), sets off my autism tho (no offence meant to any autists or jews)
  6. By saying it is hurtful you assume people's emotions which is not only patronizing but also perpetuates patriarchal power structures which are the basis of fascism.
  7. thought it would be nice to have a thread about US politics
  8. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    foldfree casual is very narrational. it's like watching some insectoid lifeform growing from larva to adult
  9. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    the second half when the beat loosens up a bit and everything deconstructs rhythmically makes me cum thx ?
  10. how about using an convolution reverb with your self recorded impulse responses
  11. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    you are a passionate man!
  12. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    I don't have a definite favourite! right now I like latent call and pendulu hv moda
  13. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    elseq is still the best thing in existence
  14. When the weed has made you paranoid, smoke some CBD weed ontop if it to reduce the negative side effects
  15. I wonder what Rob and Sean will think of the replica. They'll probably love it
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