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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I'd really like a very clean but dark theme. It's easier on the eyes
  2. You and five other consenting adults penned up in a small sweaty van spending six intimate hours. It might get hot in there!
  3. Central Europeans wet their toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it. This sort of behavior is way less common in other parts of the world.
  4. Did you ingest all those liquids in the process? This is a whole lot of noise, I like. Maybe some bassy kick drum in the sidechain of the compressor would sound nice
  5. Don't expect a reply. Nobody talks to people with a reputation lower than -2
  6. Brought some Riga Black Balsam from Latvia and think it tastes great. Best bitter I've tried so far
  7. lol I wanna see the same thing done with human bodies. Do you guys think that would be equally funny or a bit less/more funny?
  8. Have you tried blowing compressed air under the keys?
  9. he polemically keeps criticising some simplified vulgar form of Marxism with remarkable intellectual piteousness and that's basically his whole point
  10. The US influences other country's elections on a regular basis. Why is it so outrageous that another coubtry tries the same thing on the US too? That Trump is a corrupt pig isn't really news. Hope he and his administration will be held responsible for their crimes but somehow I doubt it. The rich and powerful rarely have to face the consequences of their actions
  11. Transit (2019) Very interesting film. In a weird way merges history and present but in a Kafka-esque parallel reality. Very unusual story-telling
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