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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. It's a bigass country and by default it is more special than any other country bcs it is this giant power u know. So everyone knows when shit is happening there but in fact in other places of the world there is a similar kind of insanity, it just gets less attention. When I say world I mean first world of course, everything else would be totally insane
  2. "incomplete without a fucking crease in one of the corners "
  3. It's a fun one, I liked it in a way. Tho I've expected something very different as it was recommended to me as a horror movie lol
  4. every track on this album is pretty good they all go together really nicely, too. this will definitely be on rotation when it's fully out tomorrow
  5. I'm sure it's part of the fast food addiction mind control conspiracy continuum. feeling so w0k3 right now lizard cum
  6. iodized salt. it definitely was much saltier. I can't explain why this is and didn't find anything about it with google and at some point i thought i just imagined it or my memory is wrong but i talked to immigrants that went thru the same when they came to the US from europe. the salt is saltier. maybe american salt is just by trend more finely ground and therefore has a much higher density and lower volume both of which properties would make it appear saltier. it probably is just that. but what baffles me is that it doesn't appear to be more finely ground. in appearance the grains of the american salt had the same size as the grains of the european salt. so what is the magic here? how can that be? it haunts my mind :(
  7. I thought same. But it definitely IS much saltier lulat salsa sauce
  8. No idea what it is but American salt is like 4 times saltier than European salt and that comes really unexpected
  9. such an entertaining thing to watch, really makes my heart shine bright like the sun what I think about america these days: why do you guys have such extremely salty salt? seriously, I tried to cook but I kept oversalting bcs american salt is so much saltier than european salt. what if you wanna make a cocktail with salt rim? you have to buy specialized cocktail salt? so stupid. why not keep your salt at moderate saltiness?? i added salt to my coffee and it was disgusting. usually I like to have salt srpinkled over my coffe and some sugar, not much. but this extreme salt makes it impossible to find the right dosage of salt. I don't understand why american salt has to be so salty
  10. All the talk about if this is footwork inspired or not and all the soundcloud kids tagging all kinds of music as "FOOTWORK" is pathetic. "FOOTWORK" is just about to become another meaningless term in pop culture. Why can't everyone see this? Why does everyone try to fit in into all kinds of stupid new trends? "OOooh, my music is so footwork inspired. Also I take pictures with lots of Bokeh in Orange and Teal and I'm an Instagram creator."
  11. I mean, time expresses itself only through space or more precisely through the change of space. And space without time would be an infinite 3D freeze frame. In that sense time and space are inseparable Yes, but space is only possible with time as well. You can't discern an object that is more than one dimension without time. Actually, if you think about it, having dimension at all denotes the necessity for time. Since a 3D object is made from many little pieces, then you need time in order for it to be constructed or even viewed. Man, I love these conversations Sure, even a freeze frame is a form of time, be it infinitely slow time! So no time is time! Just an extreme form of it
  12. I can't unhear that now, thanks. I guess I won't enjoy that album
  13. 2 strip look colors + short hair isn't reserved for sean. not even sure if i have ever seen a 2 strip color pic of sean. or which pics specifically are you referring to? ah not press but was thinking of this https://www.instagram.com/p/BfHGYUMBNno/?taken-by=objekttt but to not turn thread into 'rare pics' status.. proceed to discuss music.. Okay, I see where you are coming from
  14. I mean, time expresses itself only through space or more precisely through the change of space. And space without time would be an infinite 3D freeze frame. In that sense time and space are inseparable I was thinking that the consciousness exists inside of the deepest possible subatomic level and physics themselves are created by the consciousness and that in fact there is no border between physicality and thinking and everything in the world is a collection of ideas that are manifested so strongly that they become matter. But I was really high when I thought that
  15. i alwase wondered what time is and space even when i was a lil children even for egg sample when you eat a shashlik time is faster than when you wipe the side board and remove dust how is that?
  16. 2 strip look colors + short hair isn't reserved for sean. not even sure if i have ever seen a 2 strip color pic of sean. or which pics specifically are you referring to?
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